over the last couple of months i started to get really into The Beatles... My personal favorites are With A Little Help From My Friend i really like Ringo's voice, kinda wish he sang on more songs... Lady Madonna is another one i really like, and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds! honorable mentions I Am The Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever, and Maxwell Silver Hammer
and i love her, blue jay way, she's so heavy, she's leaving home, come together, sun king, in my life, idk a lot . . .
My favorites are Tommorow Never Knows, and Taxman from Revolver, Norwegian Wood from Rubber Soul, Piggies from the white albumn, and I Am the Walrus from Magical Mystery Tour.
Doesn't Michael jackson own all the rights to Beatles songs.. isn't he who gets the money y'all spend on Beatles stuff?
At least he did for a 20 year period. Now he may have sold off some of the rights to help pay off some his huge debt load (legal fees, Neverland, etc.)
It hasn't been mentioned, so I feel the need - 'I've Just Seen A Face'. Written by Paul, in my opinion, it is the most perfectly written song of all time. And at a wiry-thin 2:08, it steals itself from us before we even get a chance to get into it. If you haven't heard it, YOU MUST. You will be playing it endlessly into the night.
Long and Winding Road: (can bring me mellow no matter how up I am at the moment I hear the first cords) [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COMsKPeWAsw[/ame] A Day in the Life: (love the change of pace) [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZez_k4vAzU&feature=related[/ame] Let it Be: (Its just a song that makes me feel good) [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oZYqAeIdYk[/ame]
Mrs. robinson by far. Something about it makes me wonder what it would have been like to live in that time on american history...everyone just seemed so happy the way they talk about it. Baseball, apple pie, love thy mother, love thy father.....simplistic, yet original. I know that strays from what the song is about since it requests new hero's and you can sense a change in direction for the attitude of this country. I love Lucy In the Sky but thats more from the Grateful Dead. Strawberry Fields, Imagine, Dear Prudence, I want to Hold Your Hand are also songs I love.
Imagine is a John Lennon song not a Beatles song. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds is on Sgt. Peppers so it qualifies.
Firesole picked my favorite, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." I also like "Eleanor Rigby" and "Come Together." There's a ton of great songs though, it's really tough to try and pick my absolute favorites ... there are some songs that I listen to depending on my mood. EDIT: If you want to try and get into their stuff, you might give the Anthology albums a shot ... that was how I got into them. That or one of the greatest hits compilations that are out there.
get the white album. it is fantastic on both sides. while the beatles themselves were having struggles at the time the creativity on both sides of this album are absolutely fantastic. the songs i don't like are "why don't we do it in the road".. I think there's one other but I can't think of it right now. it is a FANTASTIC album. my next favorite is sgt. peppers.
Can't really disagree with that ... it's my favorite of their studio albums. I like Abby Road and then probably Revolver following that one. I also thought the Love album was really well done ... although it was a cash grab.
the second half of abby road is wonderful. all those songs blended together. paul mccartney hated that idea.
I really never liked the beatles until last year i really started to get into them, next semester im taking a Beatles class just on the Beatles!
i love them all will you still neeed me when im 64 comes to mind right off the bat black bird too you say goodbye i say hello i like too
Hmmm..which one to pick: Paperback Writer, Norwegian Wood, My Life, If I Fell...Do I have to pick one?
I'm more of a Stones Girl myself. In my experience, people either love the stones or love the beatles. I love the stones. That being said, my fav beatles songs are Helter Skelter, Blackbird, and Back in the USSR. Helter Skelter is about a slide. How Manson got killing out of those lyrics is beyond me....
for me, its while my guitar gently weeps... so many great ones to choose from. if you havent seen the cirque du soleil show in vegas... i highly recommend it, it was fantastic!
I am really liking Help! its been my recent favorite song. Also i watch the movie A Hard Day's Night, great movie, i strongly recommend it to any Beatles fan! im going to get Help! dvd soon! Ive recently been on a Beatles fix lately, thats all ive been listening to
Ive also love the song How do you sleep?, even though its not a Beatles song and just a John Lennon Song, it still a great song, dispite bashing Paul McCartney. The lyrics are strong, also i love Working Class Hero by Lennon