Final Fantasy 14 News, Links, General Discussion

Discussion in 'Gaming Forum' started by SoldierOfLight90, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    So I thought it would be good to start a general news and discussion thread for the highly anticipated MMORPG Final Fantasy 14.

    MMORPG- Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (for example World of Warcraft is an MMORPG.)

    Purpose of this Thread: News, Links, and Discussion about the MMORPG Final Fantasy 14.

    Please post any news(preferably solid news not rumors) and links you have here in this thread. However, rumors ARE up for open discussion of course!

    To start us off, who all is excited about the upcoming release of Final Fantasy 14? I know I am!

    Also, here are a few links that I'd like to share in case you haven't already seen them. -official site for the game. There is A LOT of good information here including some trailers.

    -The above link is a great news site about Final Fantasy 14, I didn't post the HOME link, but I posted a link there, that will bring you to some recent exciting news about the game, complete with pics and commentary etc. This site also has a podcast about the game that they update from time to time. -a youtube channel dedicated to news etc. about Final Fantasy 14, it currently only has one video but if you haven't seen ya gotta!!!

    Ok that should be enough to get us started, hopefully we'll see some posts on this thread..... if not, ya can't say I didn't try!

    Have a blessed day everyone!!! :thumbup1:
    Frumundah Finnatic and Starry31 like this.
  2. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    heh Saw thread and thought ohh someone else looking forward to 14, cool, I'll have to tell Bob. :lol:
    SoldierOfLight90 likes this.
  3. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    And so you did! LOL :lol: :hi5:
  4. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    [​IMG]Pic of a Lalafell mage (in final fantasy 11 the race that was similar is called taru)
  5. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    A Hyur(Human race) Gladiator
  6. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    This is a fairly recent screen shot of some in game battle. This is very different from what we first saw in those early in game videos.
  7. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    A Roegadyn(formerly Galka) Marauder (a melee damage dealer class)
    This is probably Starry31's favorite pic of all the pics released recently.
    Starry31 likes this.
  8. Phin-o-rama

    Phin-o-rama Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    I am very pumped for this game
    SoldierOfLight90 likes this.
  9. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    Yeah, as am I. Since quitting FFXI in 05' I've played multiple MMORPGs and WoW has held my attention for a bit, but since about Halloween I've just been waiting for FFXIV and TOR (The Old Republic). Hoping one of the two can be a solid MMO.

    Not sure how many people on this forum are interested in 14, least at this stage, but some good information has been rolling out. If more than just me and Bob (Soldier) are interested I'll ramble about stuff, if it's just us then I'll call him lol. For one is the fact you will pick a birthday and deity when you select your character. Birthday is something new for any MMO I've played, probably just get a free cake in the mail or NPCs say happy birthday while walking by but still cool.

    The deity is something I guess we can only speculate on for now. I'm guessing it's not permanent but wouldn't be shocked if it was, and what role will it play? Could be as little as something you just pick when making a character, could grant a unique ability or boost a passive stat like Strength, could have a quest chain involving your particular deity, or maybe they play a large role in your character's personal story. Be interested to see more information on all of that.

    Here is the video Bob talked about in first post, no combat but just shows off some of the graphics which look nice.

    Life in Eorzea 1
  10. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    I hear ya bro so am I...ever since I heard the announcement from the E3 vid that posted on playstation network June 2nd 09 I was shocked....hooked....and looking forward to it all at the same time! Starry (that was also his name on Kujata server) was my closest buddy on FF11. I was Whtknight. We both were Paladins for a while...I stuck with Pally and Starry switched to Warrior which he got to 75(lvl cap at the time). I got to lvl 62...but I was more doing the social thing instead of leveling. I got white mage to lvl 42 and really liked being main healer so maybe some of that again in FF14.
  11. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010

    Hey so I was wondering, what race and class are you most excited about being in Final Fantasy 14?

    I'm really thinking about the Wild Wood Elezen (similar to the original Elvaan from FF11) But then there's the Highland Hyur(a variation of the human race.) And then everyone loves the Taru Taru(from ff11) but in this case they are called Lalafell. (in the life in Eorzea vid the Japanese narrators said lalafelluoooo!! lol)

    Now as far as class I'm looking at Gladiator for tanking and then I'm guessing Thaumaturge will be closest to a healing/buff class so there's another possibility.
    Then for damage dealing I'm considering the other mage class Conjurer(like a black mage....elements and the like.)

    So again, what about you guys...what race/class do you think you wanna play in Final Fantasy 14? :w00t:
  12. Dolphin1184

    Dolphin1184 Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    Augusta, GA
    Definitely worthy for my PC. I wonder how much it will cost per month.
    SoldierOfLight90 likes this.
  13. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    You'd be pretty safe betting $15, give or take a dollar. Then probably slightly reduced price if you do a 3, 6, 12 month subscription at a time.
    SoldierOfLight90 likes this.
  14. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    Sounds about right. (WoW is 15 dollars a month so unless it were to go up or down, FF14 will probably be in the same range.):up:
  15. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    How's that beta code working out for you?
  16. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    From what I can tell, they actually are still in Alpha stage (even tho the official FF14 site says the beta site is up.) The alpha testers are using the beta site for news and info etc.
  17. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    A real quick note, there's a lot of stuff leaking from the Alpha version of FF14 regardless of the strict NDA (non disclosure aggrement). I'd give ya links but well... I don't know any at the moment and if I did I'd probably better email them to ya or somethin' so I don't get in trouble myself lol!

    So just google content on the FF14 alpha and I'm sure you'll find some new tidbits.

    Had I more time I might post something more substantial but I don't right now... have a blessed day everyone! :thanx:
  18. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    Another Pic

  19. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    A Lalafell thinking... umm... mayyyybe I SHOULDN'T poke that monster?????

  20. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010

    Maybe a quote similar to the pic above.
  21. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    The World map??? This is posted on

    Musta been a screen taken in Alpha... or possibly a magazine pic.
  22. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    Posted this one for Starry31, he's our resident fisherman for video games. Ya know, even with that mustache... this creepy lookin' Taru (Lalafell) looks like a kid....or at least too young for facial hair lol!
  23. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    The hands-on at E3 doesnt sound too impressive. Sounds like it's a newer prettier FF11. Which in my humble opinion is a horrible horrible thing.

    Starry31 likes this.
  24. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    Eek, that review doesn't sound great. One of my concerns has been how they will "modernize" XIV, I don't want a WoW clone or an easy game but some things should be simple and easy. Something like an unnecessary step interacting with a quest item or attacking a mob might not seem major but when you'll be doing it thousands of times if you play long enough it's something that will get annoying. Especially when a lot of MMO players are used to other systems that work better.

    I played FFXI for a little over a year I think and really enjoyed the game, but it was my first MMO so I didn't have much to compare it with. It's still early for XIV and in a PvE only game I don't think you need a twitch combat system, something with a little more strategy involved could work.
    mor911 likes this.
  25. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    Haven't been updating this with every little thing since I'm not sure how many are interested and game isn't right around corner, but this is a pretty good news bit.

    Really excited for this and if September wasn't great enough due to NFL starting, now there's also FF XIV starting. Pricing model and recommended specs are also out, the benchmark came out a week or two ago for those wanting to test their systems but numbers seem a little off so keep that in mind.

    FFXIV Core is a good site that lists XIV news and I just copied and pasted from their site, the release date news can be found on the official site though.
  26. SoldierOfLight90

    SoldierOfLight90 Soldier For Christ

    Jan 24, 2010
    Open beta just finished up on Sunday Sept 19th and the Collector's Edition launch is this Wed. Sept. 22nd!(with Standard Edition Launch following on Sept. 30th) From what I got to play in open beta of the battle system, crafting, and gathering(fishing, mining etc.) I'm liking the game very much! No game is perfect, but because this is an MMO with a subscription, and any good business wants to keep its customers, SE will be working to improve its game and add new content continuously.(Why else would we be paying monthly?)
    Anyhow, I'm pretty psyched about launch... if I didn't have college going on right now I'd probably be even more stoked! Hopefully after this one class finishes end of October I'll feel a lil less strapped for time.
    Anyhow, I'm rambling so... I'm out.. have a blessed one peeps!
  27. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
  28. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    I've been playing it since September 22nd and enjoying it. It definitely could have used a few more months in beta though, and there are some issues that have to be fixed quickly if they hope to keep players there after the free month. It seems the majority of players agree one of the biggest problems is the economy system, and it's a game-breaker for me if it stays in its current state. Basically, as the review showed, there is no auction house and no search. Each player gets an NPC (retainer) which stores and sells items, up to ten at a time. These NPCs are grouped together in instanced areas. To find something you have to click on each individual retainer and hope you get lucky, then add on the lag and the clunky menu which requires three clicks to view each retainer and you start to get annoyed. What makes this even worse is gear is mainly obtained through crafting, not quests, and crafts are very dependent on each other. A Carpenter might be able to make a fishing rod but needs materials from a Leatherworker, Blacksmith, and Weaver. So you either have to waste time browsing NPCs, level multiple crafts, or join a good size linkshell. One of the dumbest things I've ever seen in a MMORPG. They are working on updating it and may eventually just add an AH so I'm waiting to see.

    The controls and menus aren't great but became accustomed to them in open beta. Lag is bad and there are a lot of things that need fixing. In fact I could make a long list of all the problems, but I keep logging on for some reason and there is some potential. I don't think it'll do too well in NA and its definitely different than WoW, but it could be a good game for a certain group of people.
    mor911 likes this.
  29. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    I dunno if you were trying to talk good or bad.... but you made it sound terrible too lol
    Dolfan984 likes this.
  30. Starry31

    Starry31 Phins and Heels.

    Dec 8, 2009
    North Carolina
    ha I was being honest and honestly it shouldn't have been released yet. But it is different than your WoW/WAR/LOTRO type games and there is some potential there, least for me being a FF fan. Problem is first impressions are important and for MMORPGs I don't think companies understand just how important launches are. That and with Cataclysm, Guild Wars 2, and The Old Republic coming out in the near future people won't muddle around in a sub-par game, myself included (weee Star Wars). Basically I haven't quit yet and eagerly await what the updates hold in terms of fixes, but with it being SE I'm not holding my breath. Eventually it could be a game for FF fans and MMO players wanting something a little different, who knows how long it'll take to get to that point though.

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