Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

Discussion in 'Gaming Forum' started by Vengeful Odin, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    For those of you that aren't aware, Square is releasing a true sequel to Final Fantasy IV through Nintendo's WiiWare service.

    Basically, it's an episodic chapter-based sequel, meaning that they are releasing it in chapters. The first and second chapters were released last week.

    You have to buy the first one, it's 800 points ($8), and there are a total of 7 optional chapters set to be released at 300 points each ($3), and a last chapter that concludes the story that is also 800 points ($8).

    I've been addicted to the game, it plays just like the old game, looks like the old game. I like the fact that it's being released incrementally. It's cool because after you beat the chapter you get an additional optional dungeon with rare items that's super-tough to beat.

    The chapters are relatively short, and will probably take veteran RPG players a couple of hours to beat, but to max out your character and get all the optional items you're probably looking at around 8-10 hours of game play, per chapter.

    You can check out the official website here:

    Anyone else playing through this?
  2. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    This is the first I have heard of it, and while interesting, I would prefer getting all the chapters at once on a disc or something (ie at a discount).
  3. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    I hear ya. Though part of the appeal to a guy like me is that I can play it for a couple of hours, clear a chapter, go through and level up a bit, and then wait for the next chapter to come out. I get bored by games at around the 30 to 40 hour mark, so this is perfect because it's always got that "new" feel.

    If you add it all up you're going to get a 30-40 hour RPG for around $37, if you get all the optional stuff, so it's about the price I'd expect to play for a regular game.
  4. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    But it's not really a regular game (IMO), since you said it plays and looks like the old one (not saying there is anything wrong with that). It should be like $30 max. Kind of like the Sega Genesis collection is.
    Ultra and Vengeful Odin like this.
  5. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    I agree ... though it's really only $16 bucks if you just get the opening and closing chapters, which are all that are required to beat the game. So if you're wanting some RPG action on the cheap, that might be the route to go.

    I'm a sucker for most of the optional chapters, mainly because you get access to all of the other characters. (Each chapter is based on another character, and in terms of "game time" is actually happening in concurrence with the other chapters.) Since I'm a completist I'll probably pick them up.

    I can't wait for Edge's chapter ... he was my favorite in the original.
  6. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    Well see, I would want the start, finish, and all the individual chapters. I can't do a pick and play thing.
  7. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    I downloaded this and the Rydia DLC the other day, but have yet to give it a try.
  8. Ultra

    Ultra Lazy

    Mar 24, 2008
    micro transactions FTL
  9. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    well, in their defense... I didnt pay for it.
    Ultra likes this.
  10. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    Final Fantasy 4????

    WTF work on a 7 remake...or **** even something for 6 EVEN THOUGH IT ISN'T AS GOOD AS 7
  11. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    I agree, but those be fightin words with a lot of square/nintendo fans.
  12. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    I think 6 is better than 7. Sephiroth is a cooler villain. But as far as truly evil and sick, Kefka takes the cake. 7 was a lot of people's first big JRPG, so it got a little more fame than it probably deserves imo. Not saying 7 is bad... But a full 3D version of 6 on the PS3 and 360 would make me die happy.
  13. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    I recently played and beat 6. Beat the hell out of it too. It's really good, but a little over halfway through playing it I knew in my opinion that 7 was the better game.

    I dunno man, Kefka i just couldn't take serious. His backstory was whatever IMO. Sephiroth was just so much deeper of a character. Tell me you didn't both like and hate Sephiroth at the same time when you first played that game.

    and the good guys. i mean terra was pretty cool, celes was pretty cool, shadow and sabin were cool.

    but honestly compared to guys like Cloud, Aries, and Vincent?? i just thought the characters of 7 blew away the characters from 6.

    7 had one of the most emotional if not the most emotional scene in video game history. I don't think 6 had anything too close to that.

    and screw waiting for Cyan's sword tech's. god that pissed me off haha

    but i'll say it again 6 is really good. one of the best RPGs ever made.
  14. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    I loved 7... But it was made in an era where they could benefit from video's and 3D animations of great moments. 6 was literally telling an EPIC story on text and sprites. Imaging the scene with Terra's father in a FMV. Imagine her losing control and transforming for the first time uncontrollably the same way you remember Sephiroth walking into the fire. I LOVE Sephiroth. But I still think Kefka imo is a lot like The Joker in the Dark Knight. So evil, so twisted, that it's comical to him.
  15. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    I have a solution. Redo 1-9 for this generation's systems. Going 7, 6, 4, 5, 3, 8, 2, 9, 1 in that order. :lol: I don't think 9 really looks terrible which is why I have it so late, and 1 may be "worst" story/fighting so that's why I have it last.
  16. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    I agree with the Joker comparison...other than I think the Joker had a better back story. Kefka was just a normal super evil *** dude who inherited powers then abused them. The emperor was ridiculously ****** seriously.

    Sephiroth was essentially a good guy. (not that Shinra is really "good" ) THE good guy at that. I think part of it was that you kinda had to feel for Sephiroth...Kefka you just wanted to kill. Cloud and Sephiroth were one of the deepest hero-villian connections ever. The dude was ****ing with you before you even really knew who he was.

    I dunno I just think for the most part the character development for 7 was a lot better than 6. Part of that is the length of the games. That means a lot for me because when I get into a game especially an RPG I have to be feeling the characters. Makes me sound like I didn't like 6 that much but that's very far from the truth.

    You're also right about technology making a difference...but that's part of the game man. I mean 7 is 12 years old and 6 is 15 years old, so obviously both have a lot they could be improved on. For it being on the SNES it was epic, but I still think 7 was better and part of that was that they had quite a bit more they could work with.

    If both things were equal (both having a remake) you'd think 6 is better because you thought the story is better. Just like I'd think 7 is better. Just a difference of opinion but I definitely have a well thought out opinion on the matter.
  17. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    [ame=""]YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 2 - Cloud vs Sephiroth (English)[/ame]

    i know it's a really random video but look at that god damn sword. at like 1:42 hahaha
  18. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    They show the sword better in Advent Children Complete. :tongue2:
  19. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    i went to youtube and typed in sephiroth. decided i didn't want to put the generic Sephiroth vs angeal and genesis so i put up that.

    besides the kingdom hearts series rules. :D

    i pirated that AC way before it came out. one of the only movies i was actually willing and excited to read the subtitles for (since the american version hadn't come out yet) but hey i bought it when it really did come out here :P

    i either want a remake, or another game that's based AFTER AC (if you've seen the secret ending to dirge of cerebus you'd know that genesis isn't dead) something like 5-7 years after the original FF7. I'd be so down to bust **** up as a grown up 28 year old or so cloud, they could make that game so ****ing epic if they did it right.
  20. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    Dude you weren't kidding. I have the original version of the movie, but I just watched the extended Could vs Sephiroth fight on youtube and it made my *** start downloading that right now. :P

    They took quotes and such straight from Crisis Core. After playing that game I think Zack kicks major *** and him being in that last scene was ****ing tight.

    I was always so pissed that in the original version Sephiroth had the chance to kill Cloud but stabbed him in the arm instead of the heart. At least in this one he stabs his *** twice including picking him up in the air which was just sick :up:

    I take it back. He stabs his *** like 8 times :lol:

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