Guess the time and day it is officially announced. Winner gets the admiration of us all. My Guess is it will be announced Monday at around 5:00 PM Yes that's early but I think Parcells will want to get a jump on building the new regime... and it would just make my new years that much better!
Honestly I think he gets walking papers this week. Lets say Wed or Thursday of this week. Ok Ill say Thursday 11:30am.. I also say Dom Capers, Mike Malarky, and Cam get the go-ahead to golf from here on out.. Cam will get another shot at offensive coord in this league and honestly I sure hope it isnt with the PATS or some other AFC east team..
I'd say that tuesday morning tho his fate was sealed when we got Parcells.Capers and a few others will follow and Randy's gone tomorrow or tuesday. Ozzy rules!!
Tuesday I think will be a slow day. My initial guess was Wednesday but being the season ends today for alot of coaches I think it would be wise to let it be known Miami is in the need of Head Coaching mix.
I would not be surprised if it is by Noon on Monday. If Parcell's wants to talk to someone on the COwboys, NE, Colts or Green Bay Staff it has to happen this week. Otherwise he can not until the team is knocked out of the playoffs.