1. Biggtyme13 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    I was wondering if we could get a draft game going. Maybe give away some prizes like a draft hat or draft shirt or maybe a badge or something for the sig. There are many different ways that we can set it up .

    I suggest submitting a list of picks 1-31. Team selecting them doesnt matter just where they get drafted in the first round. If you have say Jake Long going 5th and he goes 5th u get 10 points. the Max points u can get are 10 and for every slot away from the pick u have him its minus 1 point. So if Jake Long goes first and you have him 5th u get 6 points. So if your more than 9 slots wrong on a guy u get no points.

    Id be willing to run it and tally all the points and such and keep up a running leader board durring the draft.

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