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First time in my life I am not watching superbowl

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by pumpdogs, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Lol Bruh..... it’s a fact that’s he’s a cheater. That’s not a debate, and I’m not up to debate a fact.

    BB + TB “Greatness” = Years Of cheating

    Your admiring cheating but carry on.
  2. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I do believe the pats get the calls their way for years.But yea I do agree we suck!
  3. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Honest question (sincerely):

    Why would the NFL "fix" a game for the Patriots and do so in an obvious way?

    Was the obvious part accidental in that the refs went overboard? The NFL needs a stud ratings team in the SB and not Jax v. Philly/Minny? Reparations for DeflateGate?

    I don't dismiss the notion but I don't see it either.
  4. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    In reference to that NFL meme. In the 3rd quadrant, Jack would have been down due to contact from Lewis. In the 4th quadrant, that is not holding.

    Also, concerning the penalty discrepancy, I posted about that earlier.

  5. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Go figure. It's almost as though Butler now plays under the HC who revolutionized the modern pass defense game or something.
  6. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    He revolutionized the way(s) Of cheating. Butler heavily benefits from it.
    Unlucky 13 and danmarino like this.
  7. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Dollar signs baby....

    dont fumble and danmarino like this.
  8. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    So you think Saban cheats in the NCAA?
  9. canesz06

    canesz06 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
    Absolutely....there is no doubt in my mind that boosters are paying top recruits to go to Bama. They get around it by not actually paying the players but taking care of their families. Whether it be paying mortgages or buying new cars. It definitely happens. Their 5 star freshman qb that just won the national championship is from Hawaii. Somehow his whole family now lives in Alabama. I wonder who paid for that. I bet his parents now have nice jobs, supplied by a rich booster, making 6 figures each. His reasoning for choosing Alabama was because of "how similar it is to Hawaii". Plus, those players are definitely on PED's. They come in as freshman and within a year, they put on 30 lbs of muscle. Saban is the dirtiest of them all.
  10. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Oh god, this is insufferable.

    People are unable to identify the nuances of the game and understand the defensive concepts, so they just chalk it up to cheating b/c the don't know otherwise. Some of you should be embarrassed.

    Enjoy your pity party.
    Steve-Mo likes this.
  11. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Safe to say you root for the Patriots as soon as the Phins are eliminated from the playoffs? Since your such a fan of greatness and all and seem like just a genuine Pats fan in general.... Actually on second thought, your new here.... are you a Pats fan?

    Either way, I think you belong at patsfans.com

    You might be in he wrong spot, they are talking about BB’s greatness over there buddy. We are talking logically about how known factual cheaters are still cheating over here (like 95% of non Pats fans are doing/wondering today)..... Take care now.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2018
    Unlucky 13 and danmarino like this.
  12. ripper1961

    ripper1961 Active Member

    Jan 13, 2014
    Pats oline holding all game long.Jags should have had double digit sacks.
    danmarino and shamegame13 like this.
  13. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Anybody that roots for.pats in any shape or form has no business on this site!
    shamegame13 likes this.
  14. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    This is a riot. Some of you actually think 31 other teams, their owners, coaching staffs, players, and all, just sit idly in submission as the Patriots supposedly cheat their way to dominate the league for the past 17 years.


  15. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Went both ways here. The refs were lax in calling the trenches.

    Steve-Mo likes this.
  16. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Gilmore too, apparently.


    Damn rocket shoes.
  17. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Must read for the Patriot vs Jag conspiracy theorists.

  18. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    You say Patriot vs Jag conspiracy as if the Pats have never been CAUGHT before. They have. That’s FACT!!!! I love how you argue as if they are a choir boy franchise and never been proven guilty of multiple rules being broken.

    Honestly, your a Pats fan right?
  19. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I can respect that because yeah, I have some respect for Belichick as well. But you bring up the lip reader plus the deflated footballs, the illegal formations, the hacking radio signals in stadiums, the stealing of other team's playbooks, the hiring of opponents players for a single week before their game and then firing them (after they're interviewed by the lip reader- who I hear is incredibly intelligent)...you add all that up, and how good is Belichick without it?

    But we haven't even got to NE's true trump card, if you will...and it's not Tom Brady or Gronk. It's Robert Kraft being best buddies with the league administration, heading the group that decides Goodell's paycheck and the RIDICULOUS amount of influence he has over the league.

    I know for A FACT that Miami, Baltimore, Indy, Pitt, and at least 5 other teams filed "unofficial" complaints with the league last year over forms of cheating and every time, they were told to shut up and deal with it. And you may ask, well...why didn't they file official complaints, air their case to the media and make a big stink about it? The answer is simple- Robert Kraft. The league owners follow him like sick puppy dogs and if he wants someone out, they're out. Steven Ross doesn't own **** when it comes to having an equal voice as a team owner- you rock the vote and you're forced to sell (as in the Carolina Panthers circa 2018).

    The league is terribly corrupt because Kraft has way too much influence. Players, owners, refs...even the freaking commissioner...they're all scared to cross him. And that's why Belichick is so darn great- he knows that he can work outside the rules just a touch more than anyone else because nobody in their right mind would call him on it.

    Like I said earlier, it's the freaking WWE all over again- and I don't call that greatness.
    Unlucky 13, danmarino and shamegame13 like this.
  20. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Sure, Goodell and Kraft are such good buddies that Goodell went on a witch hunt and great lengths to suspend his QB.

    You folks are something else.
  21. Fishhead

    Fishhead Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    Same here. I live in the Philly burbs, and Eagles fans (and there are lots more of them these days) are insufferable. I will never actually root for the Patriots, but at least if they win, the braying donkeys around here will be quiet.
  22. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    A witch hunt? Two teams in a row file complaints and they got caught red-handed in playoff game #3. When there's a witch hunt, you actually kill the darn witch...not hand them a Lombardi trophy.
  23. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Why would the other owners in the NFL fall in line with Kraft if his cheating is pervasive and detrimental to their teams?

    I agree Kraft is influential but all these owners have egos and bottom-lines. Two major reasons they want their respective teams to be winning. Kraft's cheating puts them in a losing situation which means loss of fans, advertisers, interest, and ultimately revenue. Plus bruised egos.

    Sure they love money and ratings (having a popular villain) means money but once again I don't see the pros outweighing the cons. Hence I don't buy that narrative.

    Plus we heard all the reports with DeflateGate of several owners hating the Patriots and justice being served. Now that, combined with the other transgressions of Spygates past, are wiped away? Ehhh....

    Truth is, the Pats do cheat (as do other teams) but they also have exceptional coaching and talent evaluation. Put it together and you have this dynasty.

    Winners and home teams get calls. You hear how LeBron, Jordan, and Kobe always get/got the calls. It's known home teams get more calls due to human nature.

    So yeah the Pats cheat but you can't discredit all their success to that. Hell, the Browns could have the other team's playbook and the other QB's wife held hostage and still lose.

    You could argue the cheating has been just enough to win key moments and hence key games but even then it's dicey. Ultimately, I think the Pats' cheating has enhanced their legacy but not defined it. There should always be an asterisk but also due respect paid as well.
    Puka-head likes this.
  24. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Good thing they "caught"him just in time before the SB and forced to play with properly inflated footballs which hindered his play . . .

    Oh wait, his proficiency actually increased and he now has two more SB rings (and one game away from another) since the incident. Well, there goes that theory.
  25. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    So if I rob a bank tomorrow but I really don't need the money, then the cops won't arrest me? Awesome! We should all cheat and steal all the time then!

    I could care less about his proficiency or his overall talent- cheating is cheating and I do not endorse it.
    danmarino and shamegame13 like this.
  26. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    So why'd they do it?

    I mean, if Belichick is genius, then why did he risk so much on cheating, when he's already superior?
  27. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Simple as trying new forms of cheating to substitute for the one they got caught doing. It’s a reoccurring theme in NE.

    I will not be surprised if we see members of the organization spiking the opposing teams Gatorade one of these days or maybe they come out with spiked shoulder pads next.

    I definitely won’t be surprised when I see a ref slap Fletcher Cox with a steel chair right before he sacks Brady. It’s getting that obvious with how the refs favor NE. They don’t even hide it.
    danmarino likes this.
  28. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
  29. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Exactly what I was thinking- when you can't win an argument over why it's okay to cheat when your team has a great coach/QB, throw out a Disney GIF and hope that nobody notices.

    By the way, like I alluded to in our conversation yesterday- I freaking love to argue! And this kind of arguing is encouraged on this site because we're attacking each others thoughts and words...not each other. So please don't take this personally because it's not meant to be- I've just never met anyone before that would openly admit to being a Patriots fan while also rooting for Miami. If Gillette Stadium burned down tomorrow I'd want to throw a parade (as long as the stadium was empty and nobody got hurt, that is)...that's how much I can't sand that stinking franchise.
  30. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    stop Key...why should I hate watching them?, I mean I wish I had their coach and qb...please don't say the cheating part..
  31. Fin-O

    Fin-O Initiated Club Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    They cheated and deserved their punishment.

    But to dismiss the greatness because of that shows a ridiculous amount of FANDOM as opposed to logic.

    Cheating didn't make a 21 yard pass on 3rd and 18 in the 4th
    Steve-Mo likes this.
  32. Carmen Cygni

    Carmen Cygni Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    There's a difference b/w being a fan (of which I am of the Dolphins) and being appreciative of great coaching and accomplishments (that of which I am concerning Belichick).

    My love of defense has drawn me to one of the greatest minds and strategists in the game - Bill Belichick. (Bill Arsnparger, Bill Parcells, Dick LeBeau, Pete Carroll, Rex Ryan, Nick Saban, Don Brown, and others too). After all, BB's game plan from SB XXV sits in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

    As Rex Ryan, another fantastic defensive mind, put it, "There's very few coaches that I steal from, but Bill Belichick is one of them. He is so creative what he does coverage-wise, how he looks at things, puts traps out there. The guy is an amazing coach. Best coach in football - it's not even close. That's a guy I will study".

    Me too, Rex, me too.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2018
    gilv13 and KeyFin like this.
  33. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    The “Halo effect” is what we’re seeing. Short version is that people with reputations for being good get the benefit of the doubt and people without that reputatio don’t get it. The reverse, sometimes called the “Horn effect”, where people with bad reputations get treated more harshlyon 50-50 negative calls also is in play.

    It’s not just in the NFL, but if you watch the soccer world cup you’ll see teams like Brazil and Italy getting all the calls go their way if they’re playing low ranked, non traditional, teams like the US or Australia.
    danmarino likes this.
  34. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    Still can't believe Italy and US failed to qualify for the World Cup this year. Italy is almost always one of the favorites to win it and has been in every WC since 1962, and the US is in arguably the weakest qualifying region (North America) with about as easy a path to qualification as you can imagine, qualifying every time since 1990. But then... LOLOL.

    Kind of like NE not making the playoffs in both cases.
    Pauly and Carmen Cygni like this.
  35. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    No, you guys need to stop ignoring the cheating.
  36. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    You can hate greatness and still have appreciation for it. At the same time

    Attached Files:

    Puka-head likes this.
  37. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Did you know Jacksonville’s defense was the least penalized D in the NFL? (This is a statistical fact if you didn’t)...... until they played the New England Referees, all this sudden they are the least disciplined D in the NFL.... again, OBVIOUS is the word. But this don’t even bother me, it’s the fact they refuse to look at NE and all the disgusting, blatant non calls.
    KeyFin and danmarino like this.
  38. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    yeah I do think there is some bias referring going on, seeing refs get excited and congratulate Qbs and players on the field is not a good luck for the Needs to stop ASAP.
  39. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Man I can't get away from it.Work,family,I go to the gym last night and first thing I hear is thanks for ajayi man!Plenty of room on the bandwagon.You need to burn that dolphin Hoodie and start rooting for a real team.
    Even so I can't root for those ****ers in boston!This is why I'm boycotting!
    KeyFin, shamegame13 and danmarino like this.
  40. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    I can't believe there are some here who are so disgusted that they won't watch the Super Bowl. While I am no fan of either the Patriots nor the Eagles, I will be watching the Super Bowl...and rooting for the Eagles as I despise the Patriots THAT much, but for even a MORE important reason...

    It's no secret the sports media favors the Patriots. They all go gaga over Tom Brady as they apparently have an unnatural love for the musk from his jock strap...Tom Brady this and Tom Brady that. I am tired of the Tom Brady lovefest and if the Patriots were to win yet another Super Bowl, the intensity of the lovefest will be taken to a new level.

    The Patriots are not unbeatable. They have lost 2 Super Bowls in the Brady era, the most devastating against the Giants when the Patriots learned what 18-1 felt like after the 2007 season. WE beat them, so defeating New England is not beyond the realm of possibility.

    Yes, I will have the theme music to Rocky cued up along with Elton John's "Philadelphia Freedom" and root for the Eagles to defeat Goliath in an effort to hopefully have the sports media change their tune of the viagra induced love affair fo Tom Brady.

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