Just wanted to post this in case some of you want to stay on top of your credit score. I have always hated the idea of having to pay to see your own credit score whenever you wanted to. Hope this helps. http://www.creditkarma.com/
NP! I have been using it for 2 months now. The cost for the scores are paid by advertising from credit card and insurance companies. They offer you cards based on your credit score so you have a good idea if you will be accepted before applying. I just got my America Express/Costco rewards card that I found out about through this site.
Unless there have been new laws passed, I believe your FICO takes a hit for every time you make an inquiry. The credit bureau's read this as an application for credit.
yes. http://www.bargaineering.com/articles/credit-karma-review.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_Karma http://christianfinanceblog.com/2009/03/25/review-of-credit-karma-free-credit-score/ [/IMG]
Right after the law was passed, giving you the one free report per year, I did mine and my FICO was included. They might have changed it though. I do remember doing it through a government site.
Taken from the sites FAQ's section: I haven't seen any dings or inquiries on my credit. My score is actually up from last month and I have been using it for a couple of months.
http://www.ftc.gov/freereports This the site I used and are the only sanctioned site by the federal government. I'm just sayin...DaFish, the devil is always in the details.
It's once a year. Creditkarma allows you to monitor your score from month to month and gives you tips to help raise it. Pretty handy if you are wanting a lower interest rate when applying for credit.