I instantly thought that as well- from all the quotes, it almost sounded like Gase wanted to leave. If we're reading between the lines, Ross tried to talk to him last week, Gase said, "Nope, I'm busy", then Ross said this week that Gase needs to give up control of the roster to keep his job (AKA, they were firing Tannehill). Again, Gase said nope and forced Ross's hand. Honestly, that's pretty gangster and it makes me like Gase a heck of a lot more. At least he stuck to his beliefs. I have a feeling that looking back, all the *****ing and complaining the past 6 weeks about RT having no help, no protection was taking stabs at the front office for not bringing in better/younger linemen.
Well, This had to happen given how badly the end of the last two seasons have gone. You couldn't have a worse last few games in consecutive years plus the regression of Tannehill and all the blowouts. It is shocking to me this many players felt separated from Gase but at the same time it isn't given how he stays away from people on the sidelines during game day. With this news coming out it looks like Gase may have been doing this on purpose because the whole situation in Miami wasn't good. If he was still feuding over having Tannenbaum as his GM and not retaining the players he wanted can you blame the guy? I find it highly unlikely that we have just gotten "unlucky" with coaches this many years in a row. Stephen Ross might be the ultimate issue at the top. I think this last regime will decide a lot if Ross decides to sell as well. Ross wants to win and his is old, clock is ticking for that guy and he just might want to sell it all off if another regime fails.
https://www.miamidolphins.com/news/...ager-chris-grier-to-oversee-football-operatio Looks Like Grier will oversee football operatoins and Tannenbaum will be reassigned...I wish that Tbaum would have been thrown out the door instead...hopefully he is overseeing the cafeteria now.
I can’t inagine many player liked him. It seems at every turn he was tossing players under the bus for losses! I don’t recall him saying thisbines on me I made bad decisions. Instead he said these guys didn’t execute etc. I lost a lot of respect for him 2 years in with his antics.
Ross still doesn’t get it. He’s to loyal for our good. He’s going to force a new coach to work with his guys and not give them what they need to succeed.
I don’t know how I feel about this. I’m not sure any coach with Tannehill, a rag tag offensive line and a non-existent DL would have been successful. You could say that Gase should have got more out of the DL. Clearly the DC needed to be let go. And you could say Gase made his bed by supporting RTH. To me this reeks more of bad personnel decisions and not having a good enough supporting cast to overcome a middle tier QB. Lastly, I’m not sure I trust Ross or anyone in our organization to make a good decision that will get this franchise back to its winning ways.
Would you really rather Ross going about this by himself? Really? Who is supposed to do the hiring then? Someone had to stay that knows something about football to do the hiring and that surely is NOT Ross. Grier is the only one of the 3 that was worth keeping. I'm glad he is going to do the hiring.
It seemed that Ross asked Gase to give up control, Gase refused, and that was kind of the end of their relationship. I am just glad TBum won't be handing out huge contracts to replacement level players anymore.
Let's give Ross some credit here though. It wasn't obvious he would fire Gase. It wasn't obvious he'd see that Grier was the least of the FO's problems. It wasn't obvious Tannenbaum would lose power even if I agree it would have been better had he also been fired. And Tannehill no longer has the backing of higher up's so he'll be gone too. No matter how you look at it this is a BIG positive for us. Of course the most important step comes next: who is the next HC. Get that wrong and it's another 3-4 years of misery lol.
Honestly, not a single name available excites me in the least. Maybe Marvin Lewis? That's about it. So I'll just hope for the best.
Today is like Christmas morning all over again! Exited for what the new year brings.The latest regime was boring and arrogant as hell.
i knew Gase wasnt going to give up control of the roster. Why would he? He'll have a new head coaching job before we have a new coach. Good for him telling Ross to **** off. Ross is clueless. Made the right choice three years ago and panicked because we hit some turbulent weather. I just dont want him going to the Jets. Go to Denver or Cleveland please. Win your rings outside our division. Hopefully they let Tannehill go too. He deserves to be on a real team instead of this cluster**** of an organization
Ross is clueless yet he hired Gase right? Seriously do you even read what you write anymore? Do us a favor and follow Gase wherever he ends up ...... and take Tannebot with you.
Well, I'm not so sure of that. Grier does have a good reputation around the league, and has been responsible in a lot of ways for the last couple drafts that have brought in some good players apparently. Either way, if you hired a new VP/GM from elsewhere, you're still forcing a new coach to work with him. Either way you're picking someone to fill that role, and find a coach to work with. I'd have liked to see him interview Grier for the job, as well as some other candidates... that's where the problem is for me here. But, Ross is loyal like that... Grier is respected, has worked his way through the scouting side of the organization over the years and now he's going to finally get his chance to call the shots. It'd be the same if we hired a candidate from outside... However with so many teams looking for head coaches this year, the search has to start ASAP. Can't wait to interview then hire a VP/GM, then move on to coaches. By the time you finish step 1, and move to step 2, the best candidates are going to be long gone. I'd have liked a complete cleaning of the house, but with the timing of all of this, and us being in contention up until last week, this really likely becomes the best path to follow.
and then panicked if you can read. I realize comprehension isnt your strong suit so no biggie. I will follow Gase and Tannehill wherever they go just as I do other Dolphins that are let go that I like. Pouncey on the Chargers as an example. But dont worry Ill make sure to be here to correct all your mistakes
Ross, in his infinite wisdom will now be looking for a coach, an offensive coordinator, and a QB in a year where all three of those positions are completely devoid of talent.
Two years? We've sucked for 35 years. You don't break that cycle by changing coaches every 2-3 years. The team will forever be a joke.
i know. I was thinking the same thing. On top of it he gave Grier final say on the roster so any coaching candidate worth his salt isnt even going to be interested. We are going to get the B group of a bad coaching year. Only Miami lol.
Does it really matter though if the core issues were much deeper down as many reports have been saying today? Ross and Gase obviously weren't on good terms and the players fully believed Gase played favorites. Also reports saying that Gase quit on the Dolphins and really didn't want to be here either. Him moping around on the sidelines alone certainly supports these claims. I'd say its more positive to get a guy that will coach the whole team and that wants to be here is a huge step that we need...
Funny that now Gase is fired, everyone in the media is coming out pretending like they know EVERYTHING about the situation. As of last night, nobody knew anything and now they're all positive that there were deep, deep issues and everything was rotten and everyone hated Gase included Ross. Everyone is now reading into every single little detail thinking they know the story behind every interaction over the past year. Within two hours everyone went from not knowing if Gase would be fired to now having season-long inside scoops about everything. Give. Me. A. Break. What a bunch of horse ****.
Oh I'm glad it's Grier picking. That makes the available candidates WAY better. You're right. I'm sure he'll find the next Shula/Marino this year and we'll win every Super Bowl from here on out. Amazing how many times we've been through this. Every three years we blow up everything and gut the organization and every time it happens all the fans get excited and think "Oh boy we're going to pick a winner this time." Well we're 0-7 in that department since Shula. But you're right, I'm sure we'll NAIL it this time because Grier is in charge now. Who are we going to replace Grier with next year?
we had that. His name was Sparano. Then we went with the aloof cold fish of Philbin and unto the brainiac tendencies of Gase. Maybe hire Chris Foerster for head coach. He could give the players free cocaine for every win
What about Gase's tenure here thought he warranted a keep though? I'm genuinely interested, not trolling. What decisions and how the team played really make you believe he was a long term answer?
I don't understand what you want. According to you we can't hire. So if we fire Grier we actually need to hire someone to do his job. You realize there is no possible outcome that is positive based on your scenario right?
The one constant is that building an NFL team - from the front office, to the coaching staff to the players - is a very inexact science and sometimes it takes multiple attempts before things fall into place.
None. Look at how the man conducted himself in his three years ...... constantly fighting with media and his inability to actually coach players - especially with strong personalities. Absolutely no redeeming qualities and I haven't even brought up his offensive philosophies which were a complete turd. Pay no mind to any person who vouches for the man. Total hack.
Gase inspired zero confidence. He pouted and looked depressed on the sideline and in his press conferences. Horrible body language for a HC.