I'd hazard to say that the majority of America has heard Kanye West's charge against then President Bush: "Bush doesn't care about Black People" So I found it, well, one of men's better moments when George Bush plainly said: http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/b210490_george_w_bush_cares_about_kanye_wests.html Now I am under no illusion that both men, having spent a decade in front of cameras, knew what was expected of each of them, however the less than cynical part of me would like to think that the men who each: -George Bush said he converted to Evangelical Christianity after waking up at 40 hungover and empty -West wrote "Jesus Walks" Can both admit they were not on their best behavior during the national crisis that was the Katriana Impact on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in 2005. Maybe if two men who are at opposite ends of the spectrum can agree that things could have been handled better then there is some raw material to work with in terms of reconciliation for things that happened years ago?
More evidence that Luther had it right. We are simul eustis est peccator, we are at the same time saint and sinner!