wish that one led to your basement eh... nice young yiddish girl would be quite the trophy on Nabocane linen..errr.. concrete.
I think after 16 seconds of her yammering ole Nabo would be climbing the fence and heading for Canada.
since we don't have video of the actual happening there's always this: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu7zNTULclM"]YouTube - Fat lady falls down stairs[/ame]
when I saw that for the first time at my old job, me and my friends couldn't stop laughing for at least 4 hours. It was a great afternoon, we didn't get any work done of course.
lol I wish I could find that video with the audio. I know it sounds horrible, but fat people falling is one of the most hilarious things on earth. And no, I don't hope anyone gets hurt.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiWgcRZlKy8&feature=related"]YouTube - Fat Girl Falls On Treadmill[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIwTYL1fwJk&feature=related"]YouTube - scarlet takes a tumble (best version)[/ame]
i know what ya mean, i was driving on the 91 freeway and some dude drove up beside me, i don't know if he was texting or just dialing. his darn BMW came over into my lane and i had to swerve to miss him. i gave him a nasty look, mainly i was glad we didn't have a wreck and the guy flipped me off. haven't been flipped off since i moved to arkansas 3 years ago,
lol That is literally an everyday occurence in NY. If I'm on the thruway, I just expect something like that. Usually from old people, canadians, and dumb broads.