A truck was traveling down the highway at around 1 o'clock in the morning near Tulsa, Oklahoma. A Motorcyclist was traveling at ~120mph and ran into the back of the moving semi-truck. Truck driver said he felt the impact, and it took almost a 1/4 mile for him to pull over. This is what he found... He lived. wear your helmet! Please.
Two friends that I have known most of my life had died on motorcycles down here in Fla. in the past 5 years.These friends have been riding bikes before I even knew them,and I don't want to hear of anyone from this site meet the same fate. Eric and Jeff were both wearing their helmets at the time,and it did not save them from death. But, it might save someone else's life some day!!!!
looks dead to me. Like it has been said, it's important to not only wear helmets but also not to drive 120 miles an hour
I can't believe that people are stupid enough to do that on a motorcycle. It does seem that he was at least wearing helmet and jacket. Most idiots riding around here in texas don't bother wearing a helmet or some sort of protective clothing. An article I read even more gruesome was of a young lady who went riding with her BR in just a tanktop. She somehow fell off and got an unreal case of road rash. Took tons of skin grafts and lots of time in the hospital.
This reminds me of my road trip Cali during the winter we saw a scene where a small pick up was probably driving atleast 100+ and hit a Semi with no Guard on the back and the pickup ran through it. The outcome did not look good seeing how the Pick up's cab was in the Semi. I don't think the Driver lived.