And according to the article there was no confrontation. He just started wailing on the guy while he was sleeping. Talk about an unprovoked, violent rage...
Costa Rica maybe? And/or some Central American countries... He's obviously bat**** crazy. Im guessing the money was an afterthought
Well... you could always retire to that island Tom Hanks was living on for 4 years, and live there for free
Two thoughts. "Wheelchair bound" is supposed to be taboo in journalistic circles nowadays. This guy didn't get the memo. More importantly: was he wheelchair bound before the incident? Because that would make it even worse. Or not. Lots of people want to beat me up.
Good question but I just assumed it was because of the double amputation below the knees that was to blame.
that reminds me of a joke i pulled on one of my doctors.... i went in for wrist surgery and i asked the doctor "will i be able to play the piano after the surgery?" He said, "sure, i don't see why not?" I replied "funny, i couldn't play the piano before!" hahah, oooooollllldddddddd joke but i'd never been able to use it before then
I dont think British journalism is up to the PC standards of the U.S. They still say "crickey" and "cheeky" for cryin out loud.
Let me get this straight. The guy gets married. He then sets a guy on fire. Seems to me marriage is to blame here.
riiight.. they were bud's until the broad.. "Honey, if you don't set your best friend on fire and steal his money you sleep on the couch."
holy crap, this guy is a psycho already. wow, whats up with that. All that for 60k??? jeez... pathetic.
Don't even have a trial. Tie him up light him on fire until he's just as ****ed up as the other guy. Then let him go....