saw Gruden on some of the NFL draft coverage, and he is not a polished broadcaster at this stage (not that Kornheiser was either), but i think he will give it to the viewers straight, at least as he sees it, and as a former coach, can bring something to the equation.
Thank god... I like TK, but he sucked as a broadcaster. I'm not sure Gruden will be great, but at least he won't be telling irrelevant anecdotes throughout. I'm all for entertainment, but you need to find someone who can contribute to actual football discussions. Dennis Miller (who I didn't hate), TK, and those of their ilk just don't cut it.
Sorry, but IMO, Tony K just sucked. He was fair worse than Dennis Milller and he sucked too. I for one will be glad to see Tony K gone and Gruden in the booth. I just can't stand TK.
An empty chair would be better than Fire Marshall Bill lookalike Tony Kornhole. The guy was a complete and utter idiot. MNF got better simply by subtraction of a greater negative here.