Absolutely. I worked with developmentally disabled adults for a good many years and it always annoys me to see people parking in the handicapped parking spots. People seem to disregard that the extra space to the side of the parking spot is to allow someone using a wheelchair the extra room needed to actually get out of their vehicle and...you know...access the community.
I'm gonna take heat for this, and probably rightly so, but handicapped spots...are bull****. I'm not talking about the spots in general, or the people who actually NEED to use them, just how many of them there are (stores and businesses are required by law to have a certain number depending on the sqaure footage of their parking lot), and who gets to use them. I see some people with a handicap sticker who get out of the car and are perfectly fine. Not even a limp. What exactly is the requesite for getting one of these stickers? I'd like to know. EDIT: I don't feel the same way about handicapped bathroom stalls. Those things are ****ing awesome. It's like ****ting in my own private kingdom.
you can get temporary ones for just about anything from your doctor. when I broke my foot in college I could have gotten one so I could park closer to the buildings.
well my mom has one and I'm sure she'd seem perfectly fine to most people. All she had to do to get one is be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis........
My sister is an amputee and we have a hard time finding parking spots. We try to give every one the benefit of a doubt, but some people we really wonder about. One thing tho', you do have to get a permit through your Dr. Some people like lucky's mom have no outward symptoms, but have heart or other health issues that prevent them from walking any distance.
my point is id be reluctant to judge who is and isn't perfectly fine....... i am sure people abuse it, but im sure there are also thoughs who may seem fine and aren't.
I always bite my tongue when I see someone who looks fine get out of a car with a handicap sign on the mirror. Could be anything, heart condition is one. I do find one thing funny though...handicap parking spaces at the gym. Okay, stay with me now...if you're handicapped, and still able to work out, do you really need to save a few steps on your way to work out? Or... If you're like I mentioned above and have a heart condition, should you really be at the gym working out??? I always wondered about that.
I used to see this one dude at the gym, he was in a wheel chair. So I'm sure it happens............. Having said that I hate when im at the gym and people are parking on the sidewalk, in handicapped parking areas and basically mauling one another to get as close as possible to the gym. Its like dude do some ****ing cardio and walk your ***.......
My office building here at work is essentially a bunch of manufacturing plants. A lot of the businesses in this complex have jobs that require strenuous labor. Because the lot is so big, there are a **** ton if handicap spots. Not a single one is taken. This wouldn't be a huge deal, except that there are too few spots for cars. So, there are 3 handicap spots right near my office (not used) and I have to park 1/4 mile away sometimes at a different office complex. Every day I come to work I think about parking in one of the spots. My condo complex is the same thing. Every day, there's that empty spot right in front of my door, just laughing at me.
I know right. First we give them ramps, next it'll be hover-trollies, then teleporation devices, then finally robotic wheel-chaired overlords.
I know. Shoot the next thing you know they're going to try and move into our neighborhoods. Gettin scary, I tell ya. Seriously, though several years back when the state mandated a trend towards less restrictive environments ie: group home; for individuals in residential facilities more than a few people protested about "those people" moving into the neighborhood.
Maybe not some. But, my sister has to have help getting hers out of her trunk, she cannot do it. Most stores send some one out to help her in and out of the car. I cannot get the chair in and out of the trunk because of my back. So I hope no one looks at us like we're just being lazy. There are many, many folks in chairs that have no resources to get the stuff they need to help them get in and out. My sister being one. And with her, she's an above the knee amputee and is not a candidate for an artificial leg. The handicapped people for the most part have to struggle to get by. If older buildings are grand fathered in, there are no ramps, bathroom facilities etc. that they can use. I used to think she was horrible for getting angry at not finding a handicap spot, but after I thought about it, I wondered how I would feel if I had to look down and see that one of my legs is gone! I don't think anyone should judge or question unless they KNOW some one is abusing the laws.
Quick, someone buy me an Emperor (Star Wars) costume so I can take a picture. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
I take it you're ok with me crapping on your desk. One other thing you guys need to take into account: it's not just about making it a shorter walk/roll for disabled people; it's also about subjecting them to less parking lot traffic on the way to the door, and thus less chance of injury. But yeah .... spry walkies taking up handicapped spot = lame.
WHat a great thread. The people that purposely take up 2 spots are douchebags.... excuse my french but it is what it is. I'll admit right here that I've gone out of my way to let them know just that in unique ways including dumping a bottle of maple syrup on a car parked this way in a packed parking lot. These people are rude and inconsiderate.
Im always ready for the ladies. Warm it up a little and it's a sensual love potion! That's the way I roll. Not really, I made a point of grabbing the bottle from the restaurant I was at after noticing the car was still in the parking lot after breakfast. Great pickup and question though.