so......point? Dude we all did illegal stuff when we were kids. Especially those of us that lived in rougher areas of the country.
anlgp odds are just about all of the guys playing in the Super Bowl had family members or friends or friends of friends that sold. I went to Clearwater High " Clearwater is right next to Tampa " back in 1990 and their was a drug dealer in just about every class i had.It was easyer to get a joint then to get a pepsi.Hell i had to get up and leave the class if i wanted a pepsi, but didn't even have to leave my chair to get a joint. BTW i have two drug dealing friends and guess where they are right now? That's right the Super Bowl.
I think you missed my point. Holmes has a chance to reach millions of people and tell his story and help them out to choose a better path at life. Do your two friends have access to NFL media or are they selling drugs on the street corner? If they're not IN the superbowl.. it's a little different.
That's what Holmes was trying to do,,,,,,,,,,,,,you just don't see it like that. They sell drugs to Cops, lawyers, and other people that have a brain and are not going to buy their drugs from a kid on a corner LOL. By Holmes coming out and saying what he said it may have help a few kids out who were thinking about giving up on school/football for making some $$$ selling drugs...................Now they may be thinking that guy did it, why not me. If you want to put a negative spin on it that's fine,,, but i would never put a negative spin on someones pass " even if it was selling drugs" when they have made a better life for them selfs in a legal manner.