Houston/Galveston about to be devastated

Discussion in 'Science & Technology' started by cnc66, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. m ino

    m ino New Member

    Jul 20, 2008
    i never understood why they never built a sea wall like they have in galveston(granted it didn't help much with one of the largest canes in history)all the way across the gulf coast or a flood gate/wall like they have in morgan city louisiana(i believe thats the town).
    granted one could argue it is too expensive but if they are gonna have to pay for the destruction clean-up and rebuilding of 100's of cities across the gulf then it should be something to look into.
    i would imagine to help with cost the federal gov should get these insurance companies involved to help pay the cost. if i'm a insurance co. i would rather pay one billion dollars to help put that wall then pay 3 billion every other week when a decent sized cane comes around. one could easilly get the military/the tobacco industry,the oil refinarys,the casinos and other large orginaizations involved in the cost as well to help protect it's people and investments.
    this is what fema should consist of..agencies not agency..putting the bulk of cost on one agency is going to see that agency bankrupt and unable to perform the task it was made to do alone.

    instead of taking a military type stance in destroying something so they can spend billions of dollars to rebuild it we should spend the biillions to have something not destroyed for a change.
  2. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Bah, I JUST now got my internet connection back. Thankfully no real damage to my house. A handful of shingles blown off and a very minor water leak. Our fence is a loss as well, but really nothing that will cost, thank heaven. Many houses in my neighborhood and throughout the entire houston/galveston area have tarps covering their rooves. Pretty much the entire coastline got wiped, those pics CNC posted are quite accurate sadly, the galveston west end, bolivar peninsula and many other coastal areas were hit very hard. Absolutely devastating. At work I have a coworker whose home was innundated up to the roof. Another had a beach home in the crystal beach area ... had. Nobody I know lost their life though, and though there were some nasty rumors, the death toll released so far seems fairly minimal for a storm many are saying will be the third costliest after Katrina and Andrew.
    On an aside, this was my first hurricane experience. I was around for Rita, but evacced for that one, which ended up missing anyway. This one was a direct hit on my house, had the eye pass over and everything. Quite the experience I must say, was scared stiff the whole time. Still and all, it went fast and I was actually back at work (I work for a walgreens drugstore) on Sunday for the absolute craziest busiest day I will ever have working lol.
    finswin56 and alen1 like this.
  3. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    I think in the next couple weeks here I may be sent down to Texas City for work directly related to the hurricane, It's supposed to last from Oct-May, so I guess we'll see.
  4. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Hehe come down for the Texans game :up:

    I didnt get tickets to it this year though, watch it be the one we actually win bah. Ah well. Texas Citys about 10 mins from me, I assume you have something to do with the oil or refining companies? Or some kind of cleanup relief?

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