How devastating to this couple to lose a child so quickly. That is my greatest fear as a parent and pray everyday I will never have to endure the overwhelming pain of losing a child. God rest their souls.
That is terrible. I hope the rest of the family copes better. I don't mean to sound callous, but what is a rucksack?
While i think it's terrible for a parent to lose a child, I think it was selfish and irresponsible of the couple to go plunge off the cliff. Because they lose a child, they return the favor by putting their family through even more pain? That's an easy escape and it's not cool. Sucky situation, but they took a coward's exit.
Absolutely gut wrenching, I would wish this pain on no one. My wife and I had it very hard when we lost our first son. It eats at you night and day. The only comfort we found was in our other child.
While I agree and would never think of suicide myself, I suggest before you jump the gun, you should learn everything going on before you pass judgment. I have had to learn to curb my thought process about suicide as I have seen some mentally strong men break down and commit suicide. I learn not to judge but to educate my self and look for signs and hope to help.
While I agree with what you are saying about the suicide thing, you dont have kids ( you....) so I dont think you can totally understand how much this would destroy a parent. But I agree.....totally wrong way to handle it.
Really, and you base this off of what? While I don’t agree with the action, it takes balls to walk off a cliff. The strongest emotion is that of self preservation, so think how strong of an emotion would have to be to drive you to ignore that. Just don’t think you should throw the term coward out there so easy.
Not judging... I lost my younger brother and watched my parents go through this nightmare. I also saw what my brother's death did to my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings. If my parents had done something drastic like suicide, my family would have to deal with the loss 3 fold. and that is unbearable. This couple was only thinking of themselves and wanted to escape thier pain... Not thinking of what it would do to the rest of their family.
or they were going crazy with grief. just saying........ I think most who commit suicide aren't of sound mind, thus not cowards, etc.
Just saying, you never know, maybe their parents had already passed, maybe recently, and then you add this. You just never know. I am not justifying, just sympathetic to the situation. I am sorry to hear of your loss.
On the suicide thing, I don't think there's anyway around that being a selfish act. You're in pain and you end your pain when you commit suicide. However, unless you have no parents or friends then you're ending your pain by passing on pain and grief to them. It may be justifiable or understandable, but it's clearly selfish. On the other hand, I don't think there's anything wrong with the elderly and infirm being allowed to decide to end their lives. After a long life or illness, family and friends have a much easier time understanding and dealing with the grief. They generally get more relief from the end of suffering than pain from the loss.
There is always another way that things can be handled. By the logic if you're feeling pain you should end your life, the majority of people in this thread should've ended their lives years ago, I'm sure a lot of us have felt a strong amount of pain. And I'm sure a lot of us, although I'm sure many won't admit it, have had the thought of suicide come cross their mind but they were strong enough to move past it and find a better solution.
Agreed. But should my Aunt kill herself after my Cousin. her only son, passed 3 months ago? No, she shouldn't have and she is moving on. The right thing to do. Thats what the child would've wanted, for the parents to move on.
I am not trying to insult you, but from your comment I don’t think you understand true despair, I have been there, it is a dark place in the soul. You can feel there is no escape, no hope, no rescue, and no cure. It is as close to hell as I can define by experience. If you have not felt that, or been to that place, it is easy to say there is always a way out, but sad to say that is not true. Thing is, you can be there on the inside, and not show any signs on the outside.
pretty broad stroke with that brush Joe.. maybe you should try on some of their shoes before you pass judgment upon them.
Why is their solution better? Is is their life afterall, and they shouldn't be forced to continue to live it if they don't want to. Anyone who has had a serious loss always says no matter what you do that pain never goes away, not for a single day. Why would you live the rest of your life if you couldn't handle that?
I cant say I know what its like to lose a child and I hope I never do Coming to terms with the reality of the situation and getting help takes more balls then it does to fling yourself off a cliff.
I'm not in favor of taking their choice away from them. It is however a selfish move. I'm not even saying there isn't a generally serious mental issue going on, emotional pain, depression, etc. Those are reasons. It doesn't make the decision any less selfish.
Maybe for some, but not for all. Many people injure themselves (cutters for example), because confronting the problem is too difficult or impossible. Then you throw in all the drug and alcohol abuse, and you can start to see that statement isn't entirely accurate.
Cutters 99% of the time don't do it with the intent to cause serious injury or death. That's a completely different situation. No statement is entirely accurate, so I don't see your point.
I would assume its difficult and possibly embarrassing for someone who feels there is "no hope" or no other way" to ask someone for help.
If you can't handle pain, then maybe you shouldn't be living. Still doesn't mean that you arn't a coward or at the least, a weak individual. I've suffered some serious losses myself. My Mother, 5 of 6 Grandparents (father remarried), Best Friend, Another Close Friend, Closest Cousin, Aunt, Uncle, ... the list can go on and on. I've had experiences with suicide. I've been in counseling. I'm still in counseling. I have been seen by psychiatrists, psychologists, health counselers, the whole shabang at times when I could've easily just said "F IT" and walked off a freakin' cliff. No, I'd rather live my life. I'd rather live because there is ALWAYS the hope for something better to happen. ALWAYS. Its just a matter if you can see it or not. These people were cowards. They had each other and neither could do anything. These people were weak. Only the strong survive.
i dunno if i would count cutting yourself as serious harm to yourself......go work construction and you get worse cuts on your arms daily...
Not entirely true. Look, I'm not saying all the other people are right. The point is, for some killing themselves is the easiest way to solve their problems. It doesn't make them evil people. We all get scared, it doesn't mean we're all cowards. Its just that this one time they made a selfish decision and for some it was the easiest thing to do.