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Huge rift in New England?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by TheHighExhaulted, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Irishman and cbrad like this.
  2. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    Wow.. other than the Dolphins winning a SB, nothing would please me more football-wise than getting Belichick out of NE (and 2nd to that, Brady out of there). It would also help answer the question of how each would do without the other.

    But I'm not getting my hopes up until it actually happens. Great story though!
    KeyFin likes this.
  3. aesop

    aesop Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2008
    Sounds like something from The Globe. Jimmy G went for the price most recent guys trade for that are Brady backups (Cassel =2nd) (Jimmy G =2nd).

    They look pretty comfortable and also in line for another SB. This article seems hollow.
  4. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Something about that story just doesn't smell right. I'll reserve judgement until after the Patriots' season is done but I will add this caveat...

    If Belichick goes, so does the Patriots. Brady would have one more decent season then become Brett Favre-esque
  5. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Unfortunately, most stories like that are overblown....but sometimes those types of stories also bring things to a boiling point. I wouldn't want Belichick to leave though; here's my dream scenario-

    Now that Garappolo has been traded at Brady's request, him and Bellicheat get into a huge argument and Brady promptly retires after getting blown out in the playoffs. That leaves Kraft backpedaling and after a 2-14 season in 2018, he fires Belicheat.

    To top it off, Belicheat's head lip reader gets laughed out of the league and write's a tell-all memoir, which Harper Collins pays an unprecedented $10M advance for. It hits the NY Times bestseller list for 58 consecutive weeks. Goodell has no choice but to reverse all the Pats Super Bowl wins and strip Kraft of his franchise.

    Then Brady, sick with all the hatred, comes out of retirement in 2019, goes 6-10 with the Jets and retires all over again as a final punch line in a corrupt franchise. His wife leaves him for the plumber but let's him keep the dog out of pity...which eventually runs away. While Brady's records are allowed to stand, each of them receive an asterisk and he's never invited to Canton except as part of the help staff.

    That's my dream scenario!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
    Phin McCool, Fin D and Puka-head like this.
  6. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Obviously there are a lot of unknowns here but if Belichick has no plans to retire/move on and Kraft chose a 40 year old QB over Belichick, well that's just plain stupid.

    I am not sold on Jimmy G but if Belichick saw him as the future, I would ride with Bill. You have to look long term, Bill can stay and put an eventual successor in place to carry you 10+ years perhaps. On the flip side you choose a 40 year old QB where probabilities suggest he won't be top tier in 5 years (let alone 10), is a play away from a devastating injury, and without BB would be in a new system for the first time in 15+ years. Makes no sense.

    I would have to think Kraft is smarter than this but hey it's more entertaining than Jags-Bills.
    The Finest, resnor and aesop like this.
  7. aesop

    aesop Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2008
    Eh. Wake up..?
  8. gilv13

    gilv13 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    jdallen1222 and aesop like this.
  9. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    When I read this one thought came to mind immediately - Brady's health guru/coach being ousted from the Patriots' facility recently.

    So maybe that was BB's swat back at Brady. Likely coincidence but it at least makes you raise your eyebrows a bit.
    KeyFin likes this.
  10. aesop

    aesop Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2008
    Let me know when they dont have home field throughout the playoffs for once.
  11. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Only if you let me know when they don't win the AFC East.

    In other words tell my grandkids so they can go tell granpappy the good news at his grave. 2077 will be a great year. Fins up!
    eltos_lightfoot likes this.
  12. aesop

    aesop Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2008
    was this an attempt at a joke? Cause.. No laughs were had.
    eltos_lightfoot and sking29 like this.
  13. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    I apologize. I will do better next time.
    eltos_lightfoot, Puka-head and aesop like this.
  14. aesop

    aesop Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2008
    That's a can do attitude.
    sking29 likes this.
  15. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    I'm calling BS on this one. Much as I hate that little beach Marcia, he has renegotiated his salary and is getting paid WAY less than what he is worth to the Patsies. To win championships, for his team. Don't think he's got much to be all jellie about.
  16. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    And yet, all that makes it make more sense to me. If I were Brady, and I was taking paycuts to help my team, and I felt I could play another 5 years, I'd be livid if my replacement was on the team and my coach wanted to switch over to him AND had a history of trading veteran players who have value. This doesn't sound like as much BS to me as others seem to think.
  17. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    A parallel to Montana-Young really. Amusing seeing as how Brady idolized Montana and Jimmy G became a 49er.

    If you really want to go "Deep State", maybe that is why the Pats traded Jimmy to the 49ers. Mind = blown.
    resnor likes this.
  18. Phins_to_Win

    Phins_to_Win Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    I assume the meat of the story is true. Just not sure that this 1 event equals a "rift" between the three of them. Now if Brady takes a hit that makes him change his mind and give up football, then this becomes the kindling for an explosive event.
    eltos_lightfoot likes this.
  19. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    Honestly, i buy into this all the way. I think Kraft has made a huge mistake in this one. Belichick is thinking long term and knows he needs a real successor to Brady. He drafts Garrapolo and gets him ready, then Tom throws a hissy fit and starts talking how hes playing x amount more years. Kraft forces the trade siding with Brady. Now do any if you really believe that Brady is going to be able to play 5 more years at this level? I dont, no way no how. He is still putting up really good numbers but do any of you really think he looks the same this year? I think his ego is really starting to get the best of him, that and his goofy trainer. Now the Pats have an aging QB that will be falling off a cliff in a heartbeat and no successor at the position. Belichick will be retiring in a few years and he was always trying to set them up.

    They will find out as we did that its really hard to replace a HOF coach AND HOF qb and continue at a high level. We've been stuck for years in that very same scenario. Once those two are gone in New England, Belichick in particular, they are going to fall into the same mess we are in.
  20. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    And anyone doubting Garrapolos ability, didn't he just go 5-0 as the 9ers starter?
    The Finest likes this.
  21. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    Frankly, this really couldn't be going any better for us and the rest of the AFCE.
  22. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    I think there is at least some merit to this story.

    Does anyone here believe that BB isn't a narcissistic prick? BB wants to be thought of as the Creator. The creator of the greatest franchise in NFL history. Why else would he be willing to cheat so often?

    The biggest fault in this article is not mentioning Ernie Adams. He's BB's right hand man and some believe he's the brains behind the organization. If Adams were to leave the Pats would not be a lock to win the AFCE each year. If Ernie and the cheating stopped they'd be a middling team. If BB leaves, same thing. If just Brady leaves the team really wouldn't notice. And the article, if true, is evidence of that because BB thinks so too. I'd assume that it would take a few games to adjust, but they'd still be the favorites for the AFCE.
  23. Fame

    Fame Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
    Vero Beach
    Probably BS...but if there's any coach in the league who is evil enough to trade away Tom Brady, it's Bill Belichick.
  24. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    I don't think anyone is doubting him. I, for one, am just cautious not to proclaim him as the next great QB. Lot's of QB's have come in and had great games to start their career only to fade off into the sunset a short while later.
  25. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    The only problem I see in your post is that the Pats make all their QB's look like HoF'ers. They don't need Brady. Of course it's nice to have him, but they could win with me playing QB. Garop may be the real deal, but everyone thought Cassel was the real deal too.
    resnor likes this.
  26. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    I agree really. The Pats have been making Bradys backups look great when needed. I think Belichick is more the key here than Brady is. And i also think that Bradys hubris is going to be the downfall there more than anything.
    The Finest, resnor and danmarino like this.
  27. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Ontairo, CANADA
    True or not, either way, it's interesting. Hopefully it's the beginning of the downfall, and hopefully they never recover from it. :lol:
    Tin Indian and danmarino like this.
  28. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I think he's the real deal...which is what makes this story so mind boggling. It would be like Green Bay trading Rodgers because Favre wants to play a few more years; that's just not something you do. We saw the same thing with Manning and Luck as well.
  29. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014

  30. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    True, but that doesn't mean Garop will succeed in San Fran. I do believe that BB wanted to keep Garop and possibly tried to unload Brady. It's his MO and I doubt anyone is above the "Patriot Way". BB knows, even though it sounds like Brady doesn't, Brady will fall off a cliff soon.
  31. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    There is a story out there that says Brady has not won the Patriot of the Week award (belichick hands this award out himself) all season long and he takes offense to it.

    So petty from a five time champion. Let the others get those locker room awards to motivate them. You dont need more recognition.

    Makes you wonder if Brady talking up McDaniels recently has any link to this. Perhaps he wants to push Belichick out and get McDaniels to coach him. Brady seems to think he can do it withot Belichick, and he wants to prove to everyone that the Patriots success is because of him, not Bill.
  32. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    I am not on the Jimmy G bandwagon quite yet and feel his coronation is a bit premature.

    7TD to 5INT with wins against Chicago, Houston, Tennessee, Jacksonville, and the Rams (playing their backups in Week 17).

    TN and Jax did not play well down the stretch and Jimmy has turnover issues. Remember Beathard was showing some improvements before SF made the logical choice to see what Garropolo had.

    Shanahan's system was also 12 weeks in, which helps. Would Garropolo have done this well earlier in the season against tougher opponents and teammates learning the system? I don't know and don't claim to be a talent evaluator, just evaluating the scenario.

    He could be great and has shown signs but there are plenty of reasons to hold off. Time will tell.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    resnor and danmarino like this.
  33. bigballa2102

    bigballa2102 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    So CAL
    I think this is a ploy to just get Brady to finally retire, making a huge rift. The patriots are better at slight of hand than the government themselves.

    They start this story because Bradys banged up and realizing his 40 yr old body isn't as good as he thought at recovering despite his diet and all the other supermodel training he does. They know they might lose in the playoffs for they aren't playing really good football.

    So here's how I see the story playing out.....

    A: they start this bs story to make everyone believe its true just in case they get smacked in the playoff or lose another super bowl.

    B: they start this rift because Brady said something along the lines of wanting to be done, this way they can blame the rift and ultimately get Jimmy G back knowing it wasn't BB who traded him (no hard feelings) and get a pick as well as the same qb they wanted for the future.

    C: its all actually true and 3 of them are pricks!!!!! and I hope they implode...Brady returns has the worst year of his career next year and goes out on a tricycle into the abyss.......
    danmarino likes this.
  34. bigballa2102

    bigballa2102 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    So CAL
    a lot of superstars think this, BB leaves brady is done BB is the running force behind that you can replace brady but you cant replace belicheat. toms just way way to over the top if this is true.
  35. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    Here’s the best thing also that nobody has quite realized yet.

    Jon Gruden just signed a huge 100 million dollar contract to be a Head Coach....

    Terrible timing with everything going on in NE because you gotta figure BB is looking at Kraft saying “pay up”... and on Today of all days lmao the empire of the East may be crashing and burning as we speak.
  36. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I don't think Belichick is saying that at all- at this point he's thinking job security and if it's even worth it anymore. I think he's more likely saying "F&CK OFF!"
  37. shamegame13

    shamegame13 Madison & Surtain

    Dec 15, 2014
    I don’t think that at all either, with all due respect. The last thing BB ever has to wonder about is job security, he could have any HC job he wants in the NFL. So, if I’m BB... it’s time to pay up NE, because
    1) BB 100x better than Gruden
    2) if there was plans to get rid of BB, he could speed that process up with this (I highly doubt to the highest level that they are getting rid of BB lmao)
  38. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    If Kraft thinks Brady is the reason for their success, and BB tries to play hardball, maybe he's willing to offer McDaniels or Patricia the HC position and let BB go on his way?

    (IMO, that would be stupid)
  39. gilv13

    gilv13 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
  40. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007

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