Have I been typing in the wrong http for the past 5 months? I seemed to have been placed on a "heavenly site" (which I have been a member since Sept. 2005 and a VIP Member in '06-'07) not knowing that the best it had to offer made a pilgramage to another site. Well, here I am. I finally made the trail of cheers...a little late. Hello to my Gators i.e. Crunchtime, Motion. I will be back on that Gator thread...and you know this. Go Phins!
Now I see what has happened to the other place. I was wondering why so little traffic anymore. I see lots of familiar names here, and had wondered what happened ? I guess I don't wanna know, as all boards have their behind the scenes drama. I'm just glad I've gotten the word to come over here (and apparently I have been a member for a while -- I was already logged in LOL)
Welcome brother. This used to be Celtkin.com -- the temp site for FH. We just changed the name and tidied the place up a bit but the faces are all the same.
Bro, I was in the same boat you were in until a little birdie sent me the word. I myself would like to thank the family here for caring enough to take the time to get us all back together. Happy to see you here! Welcome home. PS GO CLEMSON!!!!!!