My mother told me when I was young, I couldnt get enough...lots of years passed, and now that I have kids of my own, and have tried them again....I am physically ADDICTED to Frosted Animal Crackers with the sprinkles on them...anybody else out there as I think I need to start a support group..
lol they are so i haven't had any in i want some. im gonna get some tomorrow, if i get addicted im blaming you
Okay the gig is up My wife whom is standing behind me...has reminded me that I should be addicted to HER...especially since it is our 6th wedding aniversary today..
6th? You're practically newlyweds... Gratz on making it six years, man!! Gotta agree with you on the frosted animal cookies, though... We buy them occasionally for the kids... Gratz on making it six years, man!!
Thanks brother. It goes by quickly (I am on the mobile right now. Will give you a "real" THANKS in the morning.)
Other than my near certainty that I'll be attacked by a mountain lion taking out the trash this late at night, good... How's it going for you, lucky?
Im addicted to Rice Crispies treats... I dont make'em I buy them made and now theyve come out with one that has chocolate on them...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Yeah man. I went through a phase where I couldnt get enough RKT's..the plain ones, not the chocolate.. BTW: WTF is it they put in the store bought ones anyways? I mean, they have had the recipe on the back of that box for like....oh 40 years I would imagine...but there is a smell and taste that is absolutely crazy sweet addiction...Whatever that ingredient is, I wish they hadve included that in the box-recipe a LONG time ago.
I go through phases too. Rice Krispy Treats are awesome! Cheez-its had me hooked for awhile. Now I'm on Gushers.
REALLY? No way bro... You have to try them. They'd be around the isle with the fruit snacks like Fruit Roleups or whatever... I think Walmart keeps it around the Pop Tarts... They are basically gummy bear fruit snacks but inside they have fruit juice. They are very sweet though so you'll get a hell of a sugar rush but they are addicting.