I'm Done

Discussion in 'Out of Bounds' started by Rickysabeast, Oct 27, 2017.

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  1. Rickysabeast

    Rickysabeast Royale With Cheese

    Jul 26, 2016
    That's it. Last night's horrific embarrassment was the last straw. Been a fan since I was 5 in '79. Now I'm 43 and not a single superbowl win to show for it. Every year I've followed them every day every move. Even remember before the internet going to book stores and going through each newspaper just to see what news I could get on my beloved Dolphins. The Dolphins are simply a hapless team with bad leadership and even shoddier decision making (Tannehill should have been made to have the surgery last season). I've enjoyed the sparring on here over topic points but at the end of the day this team doesn't care about winning. Gase the supposed offensive megamind and QB whisperer is a total sham and snake oil salesman. The Defense that was turning it all around has now allowed us to be outscored 60-0 in two national/international games that allowed us to show our colons to the entire country. I'm tired of being the butt of football jokes because I represent a team that clearly doesn't care about winning. I think there are a lot of individual players on the team that deeply care about winning but they cannot gel and are not given the right level of leadership to make it happen. I'll miss Landry, Stills, Kiko and Wake. The rest can take a long walk off a short pier.

    Good luck to you all.
    KeyFin, dolphin25 and danmarino like this.
  2. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    bigballa2102, danmarino and Fame like this.
  3. canesz06

    canesz06 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
    Don't listen to Fin D. He thinks hes the best fan ever. Every year he says "this is the year" he's always wrong.He's probably at this very moment, wearing a giant foam finger that says Dolphins #1. I'm just like you. I went to my first dolphins game in 1978, I was 7, we played the bills. I was also a season ticket holder for 3 years. Other than a few seasons, this team has brought nothing but heart ache. You need to learn to not let it get to you. When the dolphins used to lose, I wouldn't be able to sleep that night and I'd be miserable till about Wednesday. Not anymore. I don't let it affect me and I'm better for it. Just accept they are mediocre and are going to let you down and you'll be better off as well.
  4. Fame

    Fame Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
    Vero Beach
    Very easy to feel disgusted last night watching that dumpster fire. I tell myself all the time that I'm stupid for caring about a team that has been so bad for so long, but as much as I want to just be done with it I know I'll be planted on my couch next Sunday because I'm an idiot.
  5. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Being a fan means rooting for your team and being optimistic. A lot of other fans of other NFL teams have it worse than Dolphins fans.

    Saying that, yes, it's frustrating to be habitual losers. It's frustrating to think that we're so close only to get blown out. However, that's the part of being a fan.

    I understand Ricky's anger, I don't understand his ability to stop rooting for a team he says he loves. I'm the same age as him and I've been a fan for just as long. I would never be able to stop rooting for Miami nor would I be able to root for another team . Ever.
  6. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    It was really poor of them to feel sorry for themselves and check out for their bye before the game started..
  7. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    None of that is true about me. In fact quote right now anytime I have ever said that. Do it, don't ***** out and make up other lies, quote where I did any of that right now. Man up. Come on do it.
  8. bigballa2102

    bigballa2102 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    So CAL
    I been a fan for 20+ years, on the west coast its very very hard to explain why I like the dolphins to anyone out here. When the raiders 9ers sucked and the fans out here understand why your a fan being local and all. But watching these games year after year and always the same results no matter what changes happen is frustrating. Having to buy all my merchandise online for nothing is local its even harder for me. If I lived in Miami were it was readily available I wouldn't feel as bad as I do now when I sling my new era hat across the room after a bad play. I have tried many times to "not watch" games yet im on my couch weekly with my jersey on hoping.

    bad thing to do is have hope with this team and that's we seem to ever have.

    I made a bet with my wife last night that Miami would make it to the super bowl before her beloved broncos again. (DAMN YOU ALCOHOL) I win I get a trip to Miami she wins she gets a trip to Hawaii, and after I think about it looks like Im gonna be going to Hawaii before I get to Miami lol
    danmarino likes this.
  9. canesz06

    canesz06 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
    You're kidding right? Every year, before the season starts, you always say how good the dolphins are going to be that year, without any reason why. Just your blind homerism. Just like when they hire a new coach, you sing his praises before he coaches one game. Anyone that is skeptical or talks about how much the team sucks or vents like the original poster did in this thread, gets a cute little meme, like the one you just posted, or gets lambasted by you cause they're not a "real fan".
    Fin-O likes this.
  10. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    That is a lie. Quote anytime I did it. You are literally lying. It is real simple to back up your bs, just quote it. It should be simple because you say I do it all the time.

    You won't because you can't because I don't do that. All this stems from the one time I predicted we'd be an 8-8 team. Not good, just 8-8. You lost your **** called me every name I the book like you're doing now. You did that because you were predicting less than 5 wins. Well we went 7-9 that year. You think you had some kind of victory.

    The simple fact of the matter is that you only post when things are bad and you are liar.
    danmarino likes this.
  11. canesz06

    canesz06 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
    I'm not gonna waste time looking for the things you said, so I can quote them. Everyone on this forum knows I'm right. Why did you feel it wss necessary to post that meme in this thread, in regards to the original poster? No one is allowed to vent without you basically telling them to stop being a fan? Who are you exactly? Who gave you the power to decide who should be a fan or not? Btw, stop being dramatic, I've not called you "every name in the book"
  12. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    So you're too pathetic to back up the lies you're telling. Typical, I expected nothing less.

    I also didn't tell anyone how to be a fan. All I did was point out what you do.

    It is like you have this compulsion to just lie.

    I also don't tout every coach. I was one 3 people on the original version of this site very much against Parcells and Sparano. I was in favor of Philbin and made numerous threads/posts admitting I was wrong about him. I was neutral on Gase. These, unlike the utter crap and nonsense you spout about me, are the facts.

    I admit when I'm wrong, when you're wrong you double down and lie harder.
  13. canesz06

    canesz06 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
    Umm....you don't tell anyone how to be a fan? Didn't you, earlier in this post, tell the original poster, who was venting his frustrations, "Bye" with a meme? Again, who are you to tell someone to not be a fan anymore? Btw, you're always wrong.....about everything and 99% of this forum knows that I'm right
  14. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Yes, I did post a meme that said bye. Maybe the problem is you're not a reader. I didn't tell him to leave, he said he was leaving. Sooooooooo, yeah.....hooked on phonics or something might be handy, Sport.

    As for the rest of your drivel, more lies that you lack the sack to back up.
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