A prelude to the iPhone? Probably not. So, you can go into a Verizon store and buy an iPad, but you have to carry around a mobile router in order to use that iPad on Verizon’s network. But the fact that the iPad is being sold in Verizon stores in the first place hints that the companies are starting to sit down and work things out. The iPhone is still bogged down in negotiations over things like buying music and movies over V-Cast (Verizon wants to put V-Cast on every iPhone, Apple says no because they have the iTunes Store already) and retail scope (Verizon wants to sell the iPhone in outlets besides its stores, Apple says no, they want to keep control over where the iPhone is sold). I’m starting to think that the rumors of a CDMA capable iPhone means that the iPhone is coming to Sprint, not Verizon; instead, they’ll get a CDMA capable iPad.