I'd have to say yes. He's only gotten better with every game he has started. The guy rarely makes a bad decision (3 INTs all year). He's got much better than average accuracy, nice touch, alludes a pass rush almost as good as any other qb, and keeps a defense honest with his rushing abilities. I can honestly say that I wish he was our QB. Probably only 3 or 4 other guys in the NFL I'd rather have as our QB
as of now he is. i think if he can have two more years consistent or anything close to this year then possibly he could be up there.
who is he better then? I hope ur not just saying this based on this year. All of those guys have been pretty consistent.
I'd take him in Miami over all of those guys except Palmer. In fact, I'd go out on the limb and say that I'd take him over every quarterback in the league except: Manning Brady Palmer
Garrard really impressed me last night, that's for sure. IMO it goes first tiers - Brady, Manning, Farve. second tiers - Palmer, Brees, McNabb... Third tier would be Garrard, Romo, Bulger, Hassellback, Rivers. Garrard is a second/third tier guy IMO.
You have Rivers on the same plane as Hasselbeck and Bulger? I wouldn't put Rivers on the same level as Garrard or Romo either. Big Ben is better than Rivers and I would put Rivers alongside Eli.
Yeah I forgot some, I did it quick man, Big Ben is up there. Bulger, Romo, Eli, and Rivers have good games but they're VERY inconsistent. Garrard is on the verge of being a 2nd tier QB, I'm just not ready to put him up to that level yet. Big Ben would be a second tier QB with what he's showed this year IMO. I can't remember every QB, sorry bro :loL:
No worries . I think Rivers can be good but I'd put him on the average qb plateu. I don't think him or Eli are terrible, but I don't think they're anywhere near the level of Romo, Garrard, Bulger, etc.
Agreed. Garrard isn't playing in a pass-heavy offense so it's hard to judge. He has a high efficiency rating but also with less attempts and yardage.
Garrard is on his way to becoming an elite QB. Some of those throws were right on the recievers hands that they dropped. Part of the reason why they lost. I like Garrard... alot. Realize that this is his FIRST YEAR as a full-time starter and he did outstanding. He is an asset to the Jags. Del Rio made a great decision getting rid of Leftwich.
first tier brady manning favre second romo palmer brees garrard hasselback bulger third mcnabb rivers eli thats a little more thought out than my first list of second tier qb's
No, hes a workman QB. The Jags don't demand enough of the QB position (as compared to other NFL teams) to really elevate Garrard above the Trent Dilfer level.
I don't post often, but I remember posting a couple years ago that I really wish Miami was able to find a way to get him. The first time I had ever heard about him was after I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was doing some reading on it and found out he also has it. The disease really sucks and I definitely look up to him because of what he's able to do in spite of it. During his interview last before the game he talked about how he needed surgery to remove a a foot of his large intestine because of it. He is one of my favorite players in the NFL and I was glad that he got his chance to start tis year. Great character, great person. here's an article about him if anybody's interested http://ccfa.org/about/news/garrard
I'd put Garrard in the same category as Rothlesberger, Culpepper and Steve Young early in their careers. Big, strong, mobile. He has alot of potential. And the great thing...his team mates have the utmost faith in him. Hopefully they Jags will be able to get to the next level next year. Congrats to the Jags for a great year!
He's alright and fits the Jags nicely. They don't ask much of the Qb but he made plays when he had to. I don't know how much better he's going to get. Hes going to be 30 in Feb. Though I think Qb play in the NFL is at an all-time low so he's probably low 2nd or hi 3rd tier.