[ame=""]YouTube- BACK POCKETS ON THE FLOOR[/ame]
i can see where they're going, but the melody isn't the same and the last time I checked there's no copyright on song concepts. how many songs are written about jesus, or babes, or feelings?
I like both versions of the message...."Gold in your mouth....looking like a fool....." [ame=""]YouTube- Pants On The Ground - General Larry Platt - American Idol[/ame]
this song and the hype surrounding it just may be the most ridiculous and useless thing i have ever heard or seen
Well, I think maybe you don't get out enough.... I knew someone who used this as her ringtone. As to the OT different words; different sound. That's almost like Eddie Vedder, or whoever did it first accusing the rest of plagiarizing the whole yarling thing. [ame=""]YouTube- William Hung She Bangs LIVE PERFORMANCE[/ame]