And to think just a year ago I was really mad at JT. Can't get over how great it is to have him back and hating the Jets.
Thanks good read,it was funny to read that.Watching Taylor get a touchdown for the last time he will be in that stadium was awesome. They were talking trash for weeks and our Fins did the talking on the field. He is also right that even when we win,they still talk trash. No matter how many times we win they will still have some kind of excuse haha. Excellent article
Agree JT has class and is the leader of our defense. One day I hope to see him in the Hall of Fame and for sure in our Honor Roll at the stadium. I was so happy when we brought him back and it has already paid off.
This was the subject of a very entertaining 10 page thread on Jetnation. The guy says what we all think about that fanchise and (most of) it's fans.
I was at the game. When i saw JT toss the ball at the Jets logo.... i was completely freaking out. It brought back so many cool memories of JT, i loved that one time he tore down that Dallas fans banner on the sideline during the 2007 season especially. I just love when guys are as proud of their team like that!
But is it classy? Alot of folks around here acted as if they got their wiener caught in their zipper over comments made by Scott and Pace, how is this any different?
JT gets it. Sam Madison, for instance, would smile and laugh after losses. Not JT. ps- I'm not sure why you all think that the quote above is a good example of "class".
No one will ever convince me that JT really wanted to leave the team. I don't think Tony wanted him gone either. There is more to all that than we'll ever know. But, I don't care about all that, I'm just happy he's here and I truly hope he's here next year also. I'd love for him to get a SB win with us.
This thread title scared the **** out of me. I was on the page listing the different forums and all I saw was "Jason Taylor will miss..." All I could think to fill in was "the Patriots game" or "the remainder of the season"
The thread or Taylors comments? Because the thread sure as hell wasn't. I'd say it's different for a couple reasons; A) Taylor isn't disrespecting the Jets players, but moreso the FO and their fans and B) He's Jason Taylor. Bart Scott and Calvin Pace haven't done **** as far as I'm concerned. Not to mention Taylor is talking AFTER beating the Jets twice. Not crying about how they were the better team and should've won.
Sam Madison is a cornerback. They train themselves to smile and laugh after a negative thing. If they did not then he would be a horrible cornerback
[ame=""]YouTube - Jason Taylor Tribute[/ame] 17 seconds into the vid Bro...
It was so awesome when he threw the ball into the Jets logo. It really pumped me up because I love to see these players wear their hearts on their sleeves like fans do. Not many players get as involved in a rivalry as JT does with the Jets.
Taylor isn't the loud mouth bully that just can't shut up........he's the guy that knocks the bully down, puts his foot on his neck and asks if he's got anything else to say. The difference is night and day... Not to mention JT is the only one of the three mentioned, that will be remembered for his play, where as Scott and Pace's claim to fame will be that they were part of a no class bunch that ran their mouths and got ***** slapped for their efforts
Jason was the one who demanded a trade, after our rough '07 season he saw greener pastures and ended up crawling back to Miami. I'm talking about the tone and the quality of his comments in comparison to those made by players from the Jets. Slamming the FO, stadium or fans is going to insults the players whether he meant it to or not. Folks get upset when players talk trash about the Phins, yet it doesn't seem to be a big deal when our players do the exact same thing. Player accomplishment doesn't give anyone carte blanche to misbehave. If the rules are set for one group (opposing players) they should be applied consistently to our players as well.
And I think you, me and everyone else should be damn thankful that he wanted to come back home. For what he's given us so far......."bargain" doesn't even begin to describe what we got. Except that they deserved what was said.....the Jets on the other hand were just sounding like street bullies. If you're talking about Porter and his thug mouth ok.......JT isn't in any way similar to him, Pace or Scott. Then you have a different idea of "mis-behaving" than most of us. We didn't start this crap with the Jets, we finished it. You don't have a reason to just walk up and punch some one........however if someone just walks up and punches you, the rules change. Same situation here
And Jets fans think we deserve it. Separate the fandom and look at it objectively, trash is trash and Taylor was dishing it out. He doesn't have to be similar personality-wise, his comments were just as snarky and condescending. If it's not alright for the Jets to talk ****, why is it okay for Taylor? Because he's on our team? You don't justify bad behavior by giving more examples of bad behavior. If that's the case, then the Jets can point to Crowder talking crap and jawing back and forth with the Jets before the season even started, a pissing contest that he started when he said the Jets were OTA Champions. That led to Ryan responding with "I don't know who this Channing Crowder is...". So yes we did start it See above
Woo Hooo Huzzah for JT!!!! Huzzah for partisianship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a Dolphins board after all, consistency is not really an issue here is it?
Probably not first ballot, but he is the current active leader in Sacks with 128 or 127, he should end the year at least at 132. Scott and Pace whines after their losses and sounded not just like tools, but like mental midgets. JT only spoke after we beat them, we won we can talk all we want, if the Jets and their fans dont like it then try to beat us.
He doesn't have to be similar personality-wise, his comments were just as snarky and condescending. If it's not alright for the Jets to talk ****, why is it okay for Taylor? Because he's on our team? Yes, to me that makes all the difference. JT is ours.
If you want to have an honest and objective convo it is. It's okay to be a fan, but when that clouds a person's better judgment, it becomes an issue IMO. I love ya Debby, but that's what the Jets fans say about their players as well. Then we read their comments and argue all over again. At some point one of the sides needs to take the high road, I'd prefer that it was us.
If you are talking about all the crap that comes from Porter and Crowder, then yeah I agree...... But hearing JT rub it in on them and their fan base gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.............and if that's wrong, then I don't wanna be right. Can you dig it?
naah, there is a reason why pro football players and pro wrestlers talk a bunch of smack... Everything after "but" may be safely disregarded...
I love you to l2g. It's called prejudice. And I have a lot of it for my guys. I understand what you're saying, but I really think JT did atleast wait until after the game and a win before he said anything. Plus, I had more issue with their head coach trashing our guys. And their players saying they wanted to hurt Henne etc. I think the way it's said and the context it's said in is what matters the most. You know I can find no fault with JT. Well, mostly the whole team, I guess. I love all of them.
No he did not wait at all, in fact if one watches the Ted Ginn interview after the game, you can see JT streaking by him and heading to the end zone to make that face at the Jets fans and taunt them... Never seen that before L2G, I think it is hillarious.