I read this article with glee: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/27/sports/football/27araton.html?_r=1&ref=sports&oref=slogin My favorite quote: In the best of recent times, the Jets have been tenants with permission to use the backyard when the Giants aren’t home. Now, as they prepare to be real estate partners in the stadium rising next door, as they try to hold up their end of the fan-gouging practice of selling personal seat licenses, is no time for Mangini and Tannenbaum to reprise a 4-12 season, with the Giants basking in and banking on the greatest Super Bowl upset since the Jets won one, their only one, on Jan. 12, 1969.
here is a follow up from PFT. mods forgive me, but the whole damn thing is just so wonderful. http://www.profootballtalk.com/category/rumor-mill/
Only difference, the Pats were coming off an AFC Championship loss. The Jets...well they're pretty damn far away from that, but went on the irresponsible spending spree regardless.
I saw that and wanted to post it. I think its great lol. EDIT: I'm not trying to start an argument or anything but I wonder if Mangini just follows everything Bellicheck does and then does the same.
And when the team has a winning record this season all these "journalist experts" will be sitting on their hands only to remove their foots from their mouths and talk up about the team. Yes, the Jets are "desperate" to bring in Faneca, Pace & Jenkins and trade away Vilma. Sure. What these idiots fair to write in their oh so great articles is that Woody Johnson, the Jets owner, has said that Eric & Mike's jobs are safe through AT LEAST 2009. That means that they have two years to get a winning team on the field and in todays NFL, thats not a hard thing to do, seeing as Parcells should have Miami winning by 2010 at the latest.
How so? The Jets aquired three current/former Pro Bowl performers and an up and coming Outside Linebacker. How are the Jets being irresponsible for trying to upgrade through both Free Agency and the Draft?
this s from sportsyenta.com and it basically says it all. you guys made a 32 year old the highest paid lineman...a guard mind you...in the NFL. why when you had pete kendall? that will prove to be a costly blunder. and the rest speaks for itself. you know how people make fun of the Redskins, for crazy trades, no cap consciousness, and over spending for old vets? Well this off-season by your 4-12 franchise eclipsed all of their bone headed, old star F'er antics. but you're all too naive to see it.
From Boozer76 of JetNation. I just liked his way of evaluating the article. Bold parts are from the article.
BTW, Nobody here reads the NY Times when they want Sports. Thats a great paper for everything except freakin' Sports. This article is a crystal clear examination of why.
I lived in New York for 5 years. Their sports section may be deficient in stats, but their sportswriters are the best I've ever encountered. Its a total cop-out to say, "who cares what they NYTimes says, their sportswriters suck."
honestly you would have to over-pay to get any free agent now-a-days (good ones that is).....its the price of the market.... i dont see it as desperation, i see it as doing what you need to do in todays day-and-age of the nfl to get better.....
I diagree with the whole "Adalius Thomas was last year's Calvin Pace". Thomas was a 2-Time Pro-Bowler before hitting the FA market. What has Pace done?
Thomas was made better because of the players around him. He didn't exactly turn too many heads in New England last season. Just another Rosevelt Colvin situation, who was made better in Chicago due to the players around him. Sure they're good, but they're nothing special.
1. Ray Lewis 2. Bart Scott 3. Terrell Suggs 4. Adalius Thomas Thomas was made better because of those around him. He isn't worth what New England paid him (but is anyone nowadays worth what they get on the Free Agent market? Mostly, no). He is over-rated. I'm glad the Jets didn't get him.
An unkown. We'll see how he fairs with worthy NFL starting Linebackers (he only had one in Arizona with Dansby) next to him.