June 11th. F This day!

Discussion in 'Outreach Forum' started by SICK, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    So it's been 2 years today since one of my best friends JJ Hernandez "Meatball" passed away at 22 years young. So I am already eaten up and stressed today.

    Now my mom calls and shes on her way to Boone NC to sign a DO Not Resisitate for my grandfather who is being kept alive by machines.

    I am feeling pretty ****ty today, and trying to work is almost impossible, especially in a customer service/sales position.

    I just needed to vent, and say I love all my friends here. I lost a good friend so young, a couple years after we were playing high school football together. You never know, so please love your friends, and tell em. I challenge you all to reach out to one person, just one, on facebook, AIM, text, whatever, that you havent spoken to in awhile, say hey, see how they are doing, tell them how much they mean to you.....just take the few minutes out of your day. I would give anything to be able to say hi to my buddy today.

    RIP JJ....and god speed to my grandfather.....he did it to himself with his ridiculous drinking. But regardless, he was a great man, loved us dearly, loved life, never took anything serious, and always was there to make us laugh if we needed it.

    This was not a shock to us for my grandfather, he almost (shouldve) passed almost a year ago, he has been almost slowly killing himself with the amount of drinking hes done. But no matter how much you prepare for it, its never easy.

    I am just waiting for the call from my mom to tell me hes gone.....

    Thanks for letting me vent guys.
  2. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    When you get home today put extra effort into being with your wife and kid today...like go do something fun. Someplace where your kid can laugh and you and the wife can enjoy him having fun.
    Boik14 and SICK like this.
  3. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    I give u permission to slap fin-d around if it will make you feel better.
    SICK and DrAstroZoom like this.
  4. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    You traded me for shoe lifts a couple of months ago....you don't own me anymore....*****.
  5. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Cripple fight!!!!!! :)

    In all seriousness, that sucks Sick. Im sorry to hear the bad news. I can relate as I lost my best friend when I was 20 in a waverunner accident. The article actually says July 7th but it happened on July 4th. So July 4th is never fun for me. http://articles.nydailynews.com/199...watercraft-watercraft-crash-boating-accidents
    SICK likes this.
  6. DrAstroZoom

    DrAstroZoom Canary in a Coal Mine Luxury Box

    Jan 8, 2008
    Springfield, Ill.
    Ain't nobody has no cripple fight without they speaks to me first.
  7. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
  8. DrAstroZoom

    DrAstroZoom Canary in a Coal Mine Luxury Box

    Jan 8, 2008
    Springfield, Ill.
    Oh puhleeeeaze. It's pretty difficult to offend me.
    Colorado Dolfan and Boik14 like this.
  9. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Hey Sick,

    I understand the power anniversary dates have to affect our moods especially when tied to a current tragedy. You have my prayers and my best wishes. Fin D's right (there are words I doubted I would ever type!) give your family an extra hug and indulge yourself in some family/life affirming activity! We love ya bro!
    Boik14, SICK and Fin D like this.
  10. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    Sorry to hear about your friend and grandfather. I have a similar experience every November. It will be nine years ago this November since cancer killed my mother. This past April we found out that my dad has stage four lung cancer. He had been smoking since he was a teenager. He's 52 now and the odds are very low that he'll see 53. I live a thousand miles away [he lives in Florida with most of the rest of my extended family] and guilt over my inability to visit as regularly as I'd like during this time is something I've been wrestling with a lot. Fin D gave great advice. Times like this are when you lean on family.
    Fin D, SICK and Boik14 like this.

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