This is a huge story in my neighborhood as she simply walked into the local police station after 18 years. Incredible story.
I can't believe that she wouldn't try to escape after 18 years. Gain the trust of this guy, and when he least expects it, murder him and bail. Those poor kids. Never been to school, have no clue what the real world is like, and all of a sudden everything they know is completely changed. I hope they don't have too hard a time adjusting to "real" life...
Stockholm Syndrome. The fact that she was taken at age 11 compounds it. Article tells us he was crazy too. So who knows what other kinds of mind control he exerted over her. She's ****ed up mentally, for sure. The kids probably even more so. Awful. Hopefully in a few years they'll reach some semblance of normalcy.
We can hope... After so many years of living like that, I don't know that ANYBODY would be able to get back to "normal". The only good that will come of this is that this Garrido guy's *** hole will be completely destroyed after a few months in the pen.
any home with a series of fences, sheds, and tents should be randomly searched by police rather often.
in california, not hardly. those liberal pansies would have to see her bloodied by her abductor before they would even consider justified homicide.
I don't think homicide is warranted here. However, I wouldn't have a problem with a little eye-for-an eye... We could lock him up for 18 years, rape him repeatedly, and impregnate him. That should satisfy liberal pansies and backwoods conservatives alike
I'll never understand how liberals got the "pansies" moniker when conservatives are the ones who hide behind their guns and are scared of everything from brown people to homosexuals....
please... liberals had NOTHING to do with this.. it is not fair to paint all liberals with this broad horrific brush. If you wish to discuss "liberals", start your own thread. Any further discussion here will be treated as an attack.
Good show, Marty. Politics doesn't even enter into this scenario; what does is the recurring theme of untreated mental disease and how easy and easily accepted it is for whackos to latch onto religion as an umbrella for their madness. This guy claimed that God spoke to him through a box!
can't justify child abuse & can't comprehend being locked up in a backyard shed, having two children and never being discovered most unpleasant & very strange wonder what the real story is on this one
this guy stole a families daughter. ruined her life. ruined their life. i think we should put this sick dog down for that.
He's been in prison before for kidnapping, and I believe rape... I am in favor of castrating anyone that is convicted of rape. It's bad enough that he kidnapped this child, but to have two kids with the poor girl... reprehensible. Chop off the nuts! Wichika...
After reading the story, it would appear many people could've helped end this situation sooner. Police, the courts, parole officers, the neighbors, all could've been more proactive and more due diligent in their civic responsibilities. How this went on for 18 years is simply beyond my comprehension. Very sad. And, very disturbing. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victim and her children.