What an absolute knob. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good give away with the best of them but I have no problem if they are for kids, women etc... Still have my Oakland Athletics oven mitts that I slap on when I head out to the Weber to do some BBQ but this type of person can never leave things alone. Have to pick and prod and needle at the core of decency until we are bleeding as a society. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/story?columnist=reilly_rick&id=4247723&sportCat=mlb
I saw this a few days ago and have been avoiding talking about it like the plague. Burns me to no end. The real knob job here is our legal system that continues to entertain frivolous cases like these and to yet another jackarse judge in this case that actually ruled in favor of the suit. Pathetic, disheartening and a whoring of our legal system. Modern Lawyers and Judges have turned our legal system into a circus for financial gain and as a platform to gain notoriety.
Maybe he should have sued Marty Schottenheimer for all of those disappointing playoff losses down there in San Diego.
That's a good point. You can be the point person in making sure that gets rectified sometime between now and 2075.