bad religion - suffer, is also rumored to be on there, perhaps as an unlockable...
ok, I have to buy it if that is the real set list. Anything with What's the Frequency Kenneth I have to own.
Ghost Riders in the Sky- the most KICK-A$$ cowboy song EVAR!!! *And thankfully there are some good bass songs on there-finally...not that it will actually make you a better musician or anything, but it does make it more fun when you're playing with drunk non-musicians
Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne If this is true.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111
Not a bad list. Will you have to get a new instrument set, or just a new CD with this new setlist? If the latter, I wonder if we will be paying $60 for just a bunch of new songs.
I agree with Dan. Challenging isn't too bad either imo, but aside from a few good songs here and there the other difficulties don't blow me away.