oh well, i guess only 14% of us all are going to be happy when the heat starts winning multiple championships. F everybody else and their sissy feelings.
Was Big "rape" Ben on that list? Gotta think that a two-time rapist would be more hated than even Kobe.
The Heat are the Jets of the NBA. Lots of big names, egos and bragging while not having accomplished anything yet. Not saying they won't, but they haven't yet.
That is not fair. NOT even close. The JETS PLAYERS are the ONES doing all the talking. The FANS can TALK all they want. HEAT PLAYERS have not said a THING. In fact, all they have said is that the Lakers are the champs and the team to beat. You can be aggrieved all you want..but leave your hurt feelings and bull in Cleveland. There was no need to insult us like that. Anyway...how the heck can you look at the Jets talent and the heat talent and even begin to make a comparison? The Jets are not even the most talented team in the Division if you think of it.
Good luck with that. You know it's over. That is the fun part really. The even better part is that we (heat fans) know that YOU know it is "over" and just can't come to grips with it yet.
fans can talk all they want but just an fyi thats partially why I despise the jets lol As for lebron being so high thats stupid, as well as ocho cinco and even to. Why isn't big ben up there or that jack *** te who raped that girl in college. Lebron from what I can see is a positive guy who works charities, etc. He doesn't deserve the hate IMO.
Agree, other than the presigning ESPN Special (that raised millions for the Boys and Girls clubs as well as expounding the virtues of online colleges) and the celebration night when LJ and Bosch signed in Miami, there has not been a peep out of the Heat. And Spoelstra or Riley have not said a word of smack, in a way that was disappointing as they should be a good team, and false modesty is nonsense.
He was saying the TEAM isnt.....right now all they have are hopes, just like ALL the other teams in September. Even Da Knicks!
Ocho Cinco hated? I still don't get how anyone hates him. I just don't get it. As for LeBron...he's disliked because his decision to come to Miami just closed the window of opportunity for opposing fans' teams for a long time.
Just shows you how dumb Sports fans are. One guy rapes a chick, another cheats on his wife, another went to jail for dog fighting, and one guy who...went to another team as a Free Agent..WHAT A MONSTER.
the jets have washed up big names whose home team didnt want them anymore. the heat has 2 of the top 3 players in the world right now, in their prime, in a sport where you only field 5 players at a time. that is completely different then the jets picking up LT, JT and Holmes. its not like miami or clevland was looking to get rid of wade or james. they were the two most sought after free agents this year, and would be every year if they only did 1 year contracts. unless a few other teams make some moves in order to get some great talent to play together, the heat will win it all for the next few years. we all KNOW Wade can not be stopped. Lebron can not be stopped. what team has the personell to stop BOTH of them at once and not leave the other 3 players completely open? we shall see next year. i heard rumors about chris paul and carmello anthony possibly joining amare in new york next year. but that wont stop the heat this year.
Aslong as Kobe/Gasol/Artest and Co stay together its not over for me. Plus Come Playoffs i dont have to worry about the Heat since theyre in the East.
Wow, seriously bro, when did he insult you? You are way too sensitive when he comes to people criticizing the Heat.
So you want the worst song on Nas' worst cd? Got to agree. I hate that lebron didnt come to the Knicks but he has no place on that list. That should be reserved for criminals and idiots like 85.
Sorry but I can't agree with this. Also I'd say a larger percentage of athletes are African American/Black, especially in the most well known sports in our country.
Problem is that the poll doesn't say "We asked 10,000 white people" you dont know what colors liked what color athletes. Also on the disliked list, most of the bottom ones are felons or have been tried for serious crimes.
he called us jets fans!! And you don't think that is insulting? For me it is: 1. Jets fans 2. Pedophiles 3. Al quada On the scum of the earth list.
Haha hey man I didn't mean anything personal. You said it wasn't the players it was the fans and then said don't insult US that way. Saying US referring to the team means you are including the fans in that. I don't think you can deny that Heat fans have been pretty cocky thus far. In your post right under the one blasting me you said it was "over" for all other teams. And I am sure my opinion is skewed because I am not a Heat fan but spend a lot of time on a Miami team's message board. All team's fans are like that. You guys won. You stacked the deck in a completely fair and honest way and have a superstar team. Not denying that. But acting like the fans haven't been incredibly cocky about it just isn't true.
BUT We HAVE a reason to be cocky. The Jets fans DO NOT. WE WON a title in 2006..the Jets fans have one in the Jurrassic period. we are NOTHING like Jet fans.
As for LeBron's ranking - I think it is a mixture of overexposure and his own doing. ESPN over-did their LeBron coverage to the point everyone was sick of him, and his holding a one-hour special to announce what two other guys had simply gone on SportsCenter in the middle of the afternoon to announce seemed overboard. When a guy is convicted of rape or assault - his PR team normally does everything they can to keep his name out of people's minds. LeBron has done the opposite and tried to stay top of mind (GQ cover, ESPN article, quotes about Chris Paul, quotes about making a "list"). So while what LeBron has done isn't really bad compared to the other guys - those other guys have done everything they can to not be top-of-mind, while LeBron has been trying to expand his brand and be the first athlete anyone thinks of for any topic.
I don't know that winning a title four years ago and being cocky about this year's team (which has what - 2 players from that team?) are the same thing. That is like the Seahawks coming out and saying it is all "over" for all other NFC teams because they went to the Super Bowl in '06.
A reminder, signing with a team in free agency is not rape or assault. You should take your complaint up with Kobe Bryant.
LMFAO!!! Are you seriously going to compare a league that has proven, over and over again that multiple superstars in their prime is the equivalent to the NFL? Please - everyone knows that the Jets method has failed miserably in the past... Look at the Phins team towards the latter Shula years, the Redskins and all the other franchises that have failed using the Jets approach.. Horrible argument. You are arguing simply to argue. Deep down inside, if you know anything about the NFL or the NBA, you know that this argument is unfounded. In fact, you KNOW that the HEAT will win multiple championships with this roster.. If you don't know this, you are simply in denial.
I think he was referring to signing two of the top-5 players in the sport. While the Jets signed some FAs, none of them were near the level of Wade/LeBron. For an NFL team to be comparable to the Heat, they'd have to sign Peyton Manning, Andre Johnson, Jake Long, and Troy Polamalu in one offseason.
Did you read what I wrote at all? it wasn't about WHAT he did - it was about the exposure around it. If a guy does something WRONG he tries to shrink back and not have his name in the media at all. If I were asked who the most hated athlete was - I wouldn't even think of Donte Stallworth or someone because he has done everything he can to keep his name OUT of the media. LeBron has done everything he can to have his name IN the media. So his name is going to be one of the first that comes up in these kinds of articles just because he keeps himself top of mind.
It’s been clear since about three days before The Decision aired that, no, the fact that LeBron went on TV is not the root cause of the hate. People hate LeBron James because he didn’t choose their team. That’s all.