i dont know how long the time frame is from tryin out and gettin a contract offered, but just thinking its almost 3 days ago that the rookie camp ended, its time to start to worry
the article was written today.. don't know if that means anything or not. and holy ****. a 6'6 linebacker??
Juan Huron? THE Juan Huron? I'm not certain when they make contract offers to players, last year Torobio was offered one pretty quickly, and he did make our practice squad.
http://www.orlandosentinel.com/spor...phins-michael-hancock-s050509,0,1539417.story Wow! Poor man's Michael Johnson?
http://www.orlandosentinel.com/spor...phins-michael-hancock-s050509,0,1539417.story Wow! Poor man's Michael Johnson?
I wish him luck, I doubt he makes it on the team but hey at least he could say he was a Fin for a few months.