Hopefully Merling gets ticked off in games and just goes wild (not by fighting but by dominating). I just hope he doesn't get ticked off because he's getting his arse kicked by the opponent.
I like how he understands and does not let it become a big deal. Who won? I got my money on Jake Long
Over Jake? Hmm, I can't quite see that happening, because if he could, he would between the whistles!
Yea I hope he does that to in games using all his competitive spirt and anger torward the oppent. But I do hope he gets in a fight with Tom Brady and the Phillip Merling will woop Tom Bradys @$$ and it will be on sprtcenters top 10 plays as number 1
clearly you havent seen Jake Long and how massive he is. Im not a big fan of this report though. Sure its great they are fired up. But if the report is true that merling was getting his butt handed to him and he got upset, Merling has to be in control of himself. Things like this, may be ok in practice. But in a game its 15 yards. That goes for Jake too... Intensity is great, but you need to be in control at all times or you take stupid penalties.
I think they are saying that he is putting out all his effort in the runs that he is making. In the beginning, he may have been running lightly in the beginning but now is blowing past people by showing his all-out speed.
Screw the highlight and the fight, I want him to sack him and for us to win the game. I don't want no stupid penalties or suspensions/fines because of a silly fight. Their grown men, there shouldn't be fighting. This game is played competitively for the win. If you want to fight, go be a boxer.
I now I ment to say Jake Long. Put if they dp that stuff in the game they ont have to worry about the 15 yards becaue they will just beat up the ref. No but really if they do that stuff in a game Bill Parcells and Tony Sparno will be after them
Dude, It's a violent game. Fights will happen and being a "grown man" has nothing to do with it. It shows competitiveness and it's pretty common in camps as coaches are challenging players to a higher level than they will be challenged in games. Players are called out directly and have to do things over and over again when they get beat. They kind of get broken down a little and these skirmishes happen.
No Philli[ Mering will make the game winning sack and then he will get in a fight with Tom Brady because Tom Brady will say some stuped thing like about Phillip Merlings Mom and then all the ref's and comisoner will understand and He wont get suspened for wooping Tom Bradys @$$
Yeah I understand that but you don't want it go in physical terms. We need all the players on this roster to contribute in the games and they need to have control over themselves. Stupid penalties by physical action will not help the team out. Get the opposing player riled up verbally. And to clarify, I am specifically talking about on gameday, not practice or camp. .
I hear you bro. I agree that you can't have poortly disciplined players that will fly off the handle in games. I was just pointing out that things are a little different in camps. Most players will realize a need to hold back during season knowing that they are going to hurt their team with penalty yards. Even so, sometimes other players can cross a line with dirty play and even a well disciplined player will feel the need to fight back.
I agree with your original post on the subject. We have to have discipline on Sundays. As for the skirmish in camp, I have no problems with it as I think its a good build up for competition the following day. Merling will likely look to get back at Long by displaying his talents. I like it.
If you've every gotten fired up competing, this should not be a surprise. Heck, I've gotten fired up in meetings, nothing physical...at any rate, it's a good sign that the attitude is changing on this team...It's a welcome change, IMHO....
Iam sure the comment about ginn is that hes not reacting or thinking hes just Ruuunnninggg. {forrest gump reference}