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Lorenzo Booker loving life in Philly

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by ATVZ400, May 22, 2008.

  1. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Ontairo, CANADA
    Good for him... I hope he does well there. Too bad we coudlnt keep him around, although I understand why we couldnt.
  2. WharfRat

    WharfRat Malignant Lunatic

    Good for him... he'll probably thrive alongside Westbrook in that offense...that makes a pretty potent backfield for the Eagles.
    too bad he didn't fit in Miami, I liked the kid.
  3. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    We can only wish him good luck in Philly, he's a good kid with loads of talent. Shame Cam didn't have the smarts to realize what he had in this kid until too late in the season.
  4. jdang307

    jdang307 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    San Diego
    Good kid. I think he'll excel in Philly for sure.

    Oh yeah, every story that comes out ... Cam was a bad head coach :D
  5. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Get ready seeing him on sportscenter every sunday, iam still pissed at the move just like iam still pissed at the welker move.

    Lorenzo booker belongs on this football team.
  6. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    As much as I would love to bash Cam for whatever reason, Booker getting traded has nothing to do with him. Sparano and company knew full well what we had in Booker (the glowing reports and speaking highly of him after watching him play). They knew he was a skilled guy, but that doesnt change the fact that they didnt think he would fit in their system. More ground and pound with a few long bombs is probably what we'll be seeing and Booker wouldnt have a huge roll in that so he was shipped out. Thats all it was.
    phinfanuk likes this.
  7. texasPHINSfan

    texasPHINSfan New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Bellevue, WA
    yeah anyone that has any ire towards Booker or Cam b/c of how things went down might be misguided.... its all Parcells/Sparano why Booker is not here anymore.


    i liked the guy. i wish him the best in Philly, and will be rooting for him when i see him on the field. :up:
  8. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    LoBook belongs on a team that will properly utilize his skills. That team is not the Miami Dolphins. Booker is perfectly suited to the Coryell offense; we don't run that system anymore.
  9. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    bro, noone can convince that an NFL cordinator is not intelligent enough to modify the system just enough to incorporate the skills of what this kid is capable of.

    Split him out, use him together in the backfield with ronnie or ricky, when you go five wide, hes one of your wide, in the slot, The bottom line is hes a weapon and will be a very dangerous one at that.

    All he neededd to do is bulk up over the next couple years and he would of been explosive for us.

    Its the only mistake imo this regime has made.
    MelbournePhin likes this.
  10. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    It's not about intelligence, it's about willingness. If we were willing to use LoBook to get some yards and maybe get some excitement and entertainment back in this offense, we wouldn't have traded him. As it is, we're going to have an offense that features a committee at RB. Think Wannyball with a coordinator who may throw on 2nd instead of 3rd down.
  11. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    desides, that doesnt make any sense to me, i'am just as happy as anyone that we are going to become a smashmouth team, but iam also smart enough to realize that you must attack from different angles at different times. Lobook has a spot on any team regardless of what type of system they run.
  12. late again

    late again Senior Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    I think so, too. Theirs gives alot more opportunity for catching passes out of the back field, right? In any event I hope it works for him out there.
  13. Georgia Fin

    Georgia Fin Fin For Life

    Nov 25, 2007
    West Georgia
    Of course he is "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia."
  14. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Booker's going to the perfect offense for his skills. Good luck to him.

    Just another indictment of Cam.
  15. phineas64

    phineas64 Season Ticket Holder

    Best wishes, Lorenzo. Wish we could have seen you in a Fins uni this year.

    I thought that the Trifecta would have used him like BP used Dave Meggett in NY way back when. That would have been fun to watch. He is talented enough he could have slid right into Wes Welker's spot and been our slot receiver regularly. Sigh....
  16. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    That show is funny, My boy Rob maccalheny, wrote and stars in it.
  17. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Booker will be perfect in Philly's dink and dunk west caost offense. We saw his receiving skills last year and some people felt he was like Westbrook's long lost brother as a receiving back. I think he will excel in that offense but I also think that offense could excel with him. Since Philly has no one who makes plays downfield with any kind of consistency they need guys like Booker who can make plays after the catch. Its a good match there.
  18. FanMarino

    FanMarino Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 24, 2007
    All well and good having big tackle, power busting RB's but when we need a Lorenzo Booker type player where is he? Oops weve traded him to Philly.
  19. MelbournePhin

    MelbournePhin New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    what if murphy turns out to be a pro bowl type?
    alen1 likes this.
  20. LDaniel7

    LDaniel7 New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
    Don't blame Cam for Parcells letting Booker go for a song.

    Parcells didn't give him a sniff of a chance here -- and this is just one of the arrogant 'not my guy' moves that will likely come back to bite the Phins in the butt. I didn't like the move and I didn't like the value received for the dumb move. Really dumb. Period. There's no other way to spin this move rationally. People can try and blow smoke on this and defend Parcells here, but it's just an exercise in futility.

    The trade and the value received in return are really a *beautiful* Wanny-moment returned to Phin land: Call it the revenge of Wanny, the ghost of ineptitude past filling Parcells cavernous body. Hopefully the ghost got lost in one of the caverns and will only surface periodically...

  21. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Not following here. Cameron is to blame for bringing a talented player to the team?
    LDaniel7 likes this.
  22. LDaniel7

    LDaniel7 New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
    Exactly! You can't have it both ways: Either Booker is talent or he isn't. If he IS talented, then the onus isn't on Cam for drafting him. The onus is on Fat Butt Billy P for packing him off for way under value: pure arrogance at work.

    This was a colossally dumb move by Parcells, and attempts to pin it on Cam are head-scratchingly misguided.

    Point: the talent was HERE, drafted and HERE. If Parcells is such a great talent evaluator he doesn't need an entire season to see and keep a guy. Parcells didn't let him go b.c he didn't see enough: Booker showed plenty in his time on the field. The reason Parcells let him for a song is that he wasn't a "Parcells guy" and there was no vision for using him. None. Zip. Nada.

    Which sets an ominous note for the kind of offense they intend... imo.

    This is a classic Wanny move and smells of a Wanny offense on the way...

    Desides likes this.
  23. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    I've been saying this for a while. I don't get why people are suddenly excited about the offense considering we just ditched the best offensive system in football for a committee running game.
  24. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    i dissagree, The committment to a power running game done right is the best thing that has happened to this franchise since 72'.

    The heat is condusive to a power running game, This town needs a power running game, This team needs the mentality that a power running game brings, This defense needs a power running game, our best players need a power running game. Whether you know it or not DESIDES needs a power running game.
    cnc66 likes this.
  25. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    We had power running with Cameron's implementation of the Coryell system. Have you forgotten the platooning of Ronnie and Jesse Chatman last year, or The Ronnie Brown Show from Week 3 onwards?

    Let's take a look at the number of carries LaDainian Tomlinson got from 2001 to 2006, when Cameron was his offensive coordinator.

    2001: 339
    2002: 372
    2003: 313
    2004: 339
    2005: 339
    2006: 348

    That doesn't include the number of receptions LT had (but who cares, the screen pass is dead in Miami) nor does it include the carries from LT's backups, Michael Turner most notable among them. Those numbers are power running in every sense of the phrase.

    What we're going to get in 2008 is not power running--we ditched a power running offensive system--or smashmouth football, as even the Steelers throw to Hines Ward and Santonio Holmes once in a while. What we're going to get in 2008 is a running back committee and the return of Wannyball. I'm expecting something like a 70-30 run-pass ratio this year. You don't re-sign Ricky Williams and draft two running backs and not have a plan to run the ball like it's going out of style. (Which it is; the top NFL teams feature prolific passing.)
  26. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    I think you are reading this wrong Desides.. we won't be neglecting other aspects of the offense, we are simply applying a priority to the fix.. wanna have time for the qb.. show them they can't stop the run. NOTHING but great things happens if you can run at will.. and "that" is where I think we are headed. The new staff addressed BOTH lines first thing. THEY understand, even if the past regimes didn't, that the trenches decide who wins and who does not.

    Barring injuries, about mid season we will be putting so much pressure on the defense to stop the run, other things will open up. FORCE them to put 8 in the box and Ginn will show them why they can't do that. With the power running game demanding 8 in the box, Ginn forcing the secondary to rotate his way the entire middle opens up for a crossing pattern, or a dump off to Ronnie or Ricky.. which we already know can be a VERY exciting thing to see.
    Until all the pieces are in place, "I" feel (just my opinion now) that we are absolutely going about this in the correct manner. You have to start "somewhere" and "this" regime seems (again my opinion)to understand that meat eaters and running backs who dominate. control the game.

    We've seen John Beck's history.. if he has time, he looks long.. THAT won't be forgotten. Second down and two.. we go for six, if it fails, our better than five yards a carry we get the first down anyway... remember Sparano saying we will NOT be looking to use all three downs to achieve a first, we will be ATTACKING them on ALL downs. "That" implies a little more excitement that Wannyball.
    Georgia Fin likes this.
  27. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I agree wholeheartedly, but i think trading lorenzo booker was a mistake. This kid has talent and escapability...bigtime, Lets have our power running game and smash it down their throats, but lets also keep them off balance with screens and draws and traps and an occassional 4 or 5 wide which lorenzo would be perfect in all phases.

    Iam tellin ya, lobook is gonna be the next wes welker scenario.
    Last edited: May 24, 2008
  28. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    This is going to come off like a rant. I don't intend it to be one, but I've been heavily misinterpreted in the recent past, so I guess I need the disclaimer here.

    I understand the benefit to establishing a running game. But it disturbs me to see people advocating for a return of the 1972 offense. The 1972 offense worked in the 1972 NFL. We're coming up on the 2008 season and nearing the end of a decade where the best offenses featured a single talented runner--not a platoon of lesser-talented runners--and a prolific passing game that spreads out an opposing defense. The Colts have contended for a decade because of Peyton Manning and his receivers; the Patriots just won 18 games on the backs of Tom Brady and Randy Moss; the Bengals went from a joke to a threat with Carson Palmer and his receivers; New Orleans became an offensive juggernaut with the pass, not the run; Brett Favre's revitalized passing game brought the Packers to the NFC Championship Game; the Cowboys became a top-tier team again because of Tony Romo's ability and the reliability of his receivers; Jacksonville finally became a Super Bowl contender because of the rise of David Garrard; Derek Anderson woke up and the Browns are now a Super Bowl dark horse... I can keep going, and I can also make a list of teams that have failed spectacularly because of their inability to pass the football. (Like the Vikings...)

    I cannot believe that the fans of a team that had Ray Lucas and AJ Feeley at QB would reject the idea that a strong passing game is important to winning, opting to believe that we can platoon-run our way to long-term victory. Ain't happening. You need balance on offense. "Run left" is going to get very old very quickly. Our runners averaged over 5 YPC in 2007, with a higher YPC number running left instead of running right. It led to a 1-15 record. Why are people excited over the prospect of running left again?
  29. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I think that parcells is smarter then you may be giving him credit for, the identity will be smashmouth, but imo hes building from the inside out, beck is a beautiul thrower of the football, the receivers will come, the passing game will come. Have faith in the tuna, hes smarter then everyone else in the league.
  30. LDaniel7

    LDaniel7 New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
    I AGREE if you mean that a. he's going to do well, and b. we are gonna miss him.

    However, it's FAR worse than the Welker situation: We actually got a 2nd round draft pick for Welker, and a 5th rounder! In other words, we got value.

    We got squat for Booker. PLUS he's far more talented physically than Welker.

    It was a dumb ego move by Parcells. We'll rue it, mark it down.

    And start a count on the ego cuts/stupid trades by Parcells: what are we up to now? Three?

    Incredible. It just makes me mad. Ego kills. I can see Parcells point on a lot of things, but his Achilles heel is his arrogance and ego.

  31. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    2nd and a 7th, not a 2nd and a 5th. We used the picks on Samson Satele and Abe Wright.

    Agreed. Though I wouldn't say a 4th round pick in this year's draft is squat--and it made up for the 4th we traded away to get Fasano and Ayodele. Basically, we traded a better Wes Welker for a tight end and an ILB. If that doesn't telegraph the coming offense...

    I was told to have faith in CamMul, Saban, Bates, Wannstache, and Johnson. I'm tired of blindly following the latest Dolphins regimes. (Though I will say I think Cameron got the shaft undeservedly, while Mueller had to go.) Parcells has too checkered a history as a front office guy--look at the Jets--for me to blindly follow him.

    I'm also still sore over ditching the Coryell offense and hybrid defense, arguably the two best schemes in football right now.
  32. Straz

    Straz Me and my girl :)

    Mar 23, 2008
    I really liked what Booker did at FSU when he was there, and I liked him here last year. It's a shame Cameron didn't give him more playing time last year, and that he doesn't fit into our offensive scheme this year. Well, I wish him the best of luck in Philly.

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