**Updated** Lottery winner loses his $500,000 ticket http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localn...s/epaper/2009/08/01/0801otteryloss.html?imw=Y Unlikely someone will turn it over to him, I feel horrible for the guy, I can't imagine how pissed I would be at myself if I lost my meal ticket like that.
Sucks for him. In an unrealted story, there was a huge party on Lake Worth Road today. Crack cocaine and 40 oz. Malt Liquors as far as the eye could see. Crazy.
The one thing that keeps coming to mind the more I think about it: "Tyrone Biggums $500,000 Crack Party"
Lottery Commission Opens Investigation into Retiree's Lost $500,000 Ticket http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32277662/ns/local_news-w_palm_beach_fl/ Interesting development. Fingers crossed for the poor guy.
Can't they confirm by cameras and the scanning of the ticket itself that he is the one who purchased it? You'd think they would and would also know if anyone else tried to redeem said ticket.
Nahh, sign the back of the thing that makes it "yours" and non negotiatable. 500k...I'd take -0- chances...
Man, the more I think about this..... 1) Bad enough you lost the winning ticket 2) Horrific since you know Sandra aint letting you ever forget about it. 3) If this doesnt end with $$$ in their hands....I would off myself and not spend the balance of my life with her in my ear chirpping about that ticket!
Seriously, Louis is forever toast..... He could save an Elderly woman, a Baby, and 3 puppies from a burning building while suffering 2nd degree burns over 2/3rds of his body, and the next day, Sandra will be quoted in the paper saying "yes, Louis is in pain from the burns, but its not as painful as the time he lost that 1/2 Million dollar lottery ticket!"
Lost lottery ticket: No money for Wellington man, report says http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/local_news/epaper/2009/08/06/0806_no_tickey.html That sucks.