Damn right! I got a suspicious looking envelope in the mail from my grandma. Inside was a check for $10 and a Christmas card. I called the cops immediately.
Why $72? I guess it must have sounded like a good number to him. Personally I think 72 is the best number of all time.
I don't know why he had the cops called on him it seems like a generous donation haha. The man must really love his tacos but that taco better be the best taco he ever had.
i work at a bank.....they had to call the cops because whether you are over or short on your cash box at the end of the day....it doesnt matter....you get in trouble. if that cashier tried to "balance" at the end of the night and she/he was 71 dollars over......they would have to pay serious concequences, including maybe losing their job.... CYA......cover your ***.....they had to call the police, get papers filed, and do their due deligence. what did you want the cashier to do? pocket the money on camera?
for the record, that wasnt directed at you specifically.....just everyone in the thread questioning why the cops were called