wellll, he behaved while he was here.. but I swear, you could almost hear the tick-tock until the next bad descision, all the while hoping he had learned.
I still remember follks sticking up for him and excited when that piece of excrement was on our team. "He is a changed person, the money he will make in the NFL will straighten his path"..... His parents must be very very proud people at this point..
All is good my dear. Believe it or not, I have a bit of a head-cold...and its supposed to get to 106 today- Go figure. Don't see you on here very much my dear. All is good with you? FTR: Although I dont see you much, I "Feel your presence" much..
Things are okay, thank you sir. I'm hardly ever "off" of here - funny you don't "see" me, but glad you feel my presence. The past couple days though, we've had a severe heat wave here in Jersey and our power has been going off and on. I hope it's over. Maybe that's why you haven't seen me on. Wish we had somewhere to chat like we used to. Take care of that cold kiddo. Enough off-topic stuff. Back to your regularly scheduled thread.
What's that old saying...."A tiger doesn't change his stripes." It's true. You grow up a certain way and hang out with a certain crowd and nothing is going to change, UNLESS you get away from that environment and decide it is time to grow up.