Mariota > Winston..

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Forum' started by djphinfan, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Jesus. That does scare the hell out of me. God damn why you have to say that?
  2. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    I think Rex can get 5 wins out of that team. TB at best probably finishes 4-12. They would love the idea of drafting a star from a Florida college. JAX already drafted Bortles.
  3. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

  4. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    That's true the Buccaneers would pick Jameis if they could, I think.

    Jaguars, Jets, Bucs and Raiders fighting for the #1 pick right now. But Atlanta or Washington could factor as well. They're very bad.
  5. FinSane

    FinSane Cynical Dolphins Fan

    Dec 1, 2007
    Melbourne, Fl
    I'd love to see Winston on the Bucs. Keeps him in Florida and I won't have to worry about him killing us with the Jets.
    ckparrothead likes this.
  6. byroan

    byroan Giggity Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    Don't rule out the Titans for Jameis either.
  7. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Yeah that's true. Just lost to Colt McCoy for crying out loud. That's got to be a low moment.
  8. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    The brain still not being fully developed at 19 or 20 is irrelevant in this discussion. My 18 month old granddaughter literally knows the difference between right and wrong better than Jameis. She knows it so well that she'll intentionally do something wrong just so that she can turn around and correct it in order to get positively reinforced for correcting it. For instance, she'll open a drawer she knows she's not supposed to open, take out an XBOX controller she knows she's not supposed to be playing with, look at me to make sure I'm watching her, and then she'll put the controller back, shut the drawer, and then turn to me and clap & smile to show me that she's doing the right thing. We came in from playing in the leaves earlier and I took off her shoes, handed them to her, and asked her, "Here, go put them away please". It's the first time I've ever done this. At 18 months old she then walked into her bedroom and put them back exactly on her shelf where I took them from. She likes to play in front of a mirror we put down for her, and at 18 months old she already knows to look for a nearby napkin to wipe off the mirror if she dirties it, not because I trained her to clean mirrors, but because she's watched me clean the mirror when it's dirty, and she knows that if she does something good or right that she'll get positively reinforced for it. If there's a wrapper or piece of trash on the floor or side table, at 18 months old she's already instinctively learned to pick it up, take it to the kitchen, open a cabinet door, throw it in the trash, close the cabinet door, walk back to me, and proudly clap for throwing it out because she knows it's what we're supposed to do with trash. Again, I didn't teach her; she did it on her own because I established rules and boundaries to teach her the difference between right & wrong and positively reinforce her every time she does something good or right. At 18 months she knows not to play with remotes, phones, or anything else that isn't hers. Instead, if a phone or remote for instance is laying on the other side of the living room, she'll pick it up and bring it to me without me even saying anything to her; then she'll clap and smile after handing it to me. At 18 months she already knows to wash her hands and mouth after eating and will look for a napkin to do so, then she'll put the napkin down and clap & smile because she knows the difference between right & wrong and knows she did the right thing.

    So, respectfully, you'll have to excuse me if I have an issue with Jameis either not knowing the difference between right and wrong as a junior in college or knowing the difference but not caring. Jameis is nearing 21, not 15. The childish stuff he's doing now is stuff that's expected from middle schoolers, not 21 year old college kids. In 5.5 years at Clemson [go ahead, start the snickers now lol], I never heard a single student scream something incredibly offensive and derogatory in the middle of campus. That's not normal behavior for a college student or any well-behaved 21 year old. The overwhelming majority of college students don't run around stealing high-dollar surf or turf items from grocery stores. This is something delinquents do. Getting caught up in rape isn't normal for college kids, and I genuinely believe he did it based on all the evidence involved. He verbally trashes other colleges like a punk and needs his coach to tell him to keep his mouth shut after wins because he has no concept of the meaning of respect.

    Regarding the "pressure" he's under, how is it any different than the pressure all the other NFL QB prospects before him were under? Furthermore, why would we assume he isn't cracking. After all, his behavior off the field has been highly suspect to say the least. How do you know the pressure isn't manifesting itself in his behavior?
    Personally, I don't think it's the NFL's job to decide whether or not he should be punished for this BS thing or that. I think it's each team's job to decide whether or not they believe Jameis, the person, can be trusted as the face of their organization, can be trusted with such a valuable draft pick on the line, can be trusted with $15+ million, and will display the level of responsibility required to become a top, respected professional within the stricter NFL and among a group of adult teammates, many of whom won't tolerate the type of bull**** Winston has been doing, just as Herschel & Bo openly don't tolerate. With this much on the line, teams will think hard about whether or not they should "assume" his behavior will reform or level out to where he becomes a responsible, well-acting adult. If he's not drafted in the top 5, then that likely means at least 1 team will have passed on him due to lack of trust, and from there, every QB-needy team that passes on him will have done so because they don't trust him, and this will inevitably happen come draft day. He could very well end up reforming in the NFL, but the potential of him doing so won't be enough to prevent many teams drafting in the top 10 from being put off. For me personally, I only trust these situations when the poor-behaving player has had a serious dose of life-awakening reality dropped on him and thus given a major reason to change, neither of which has Jameis been subjected to. He hasn't yet learned how to behave properly, responsibly, and respectfully on his own thus far despite many coaches, adults, former players and so forth being in his ear trying to give him advice, so why should that change in the NFL on his own? I wouldn't use a high draft pick on him in good faith that he will change on his own. If he's refusing to change now even though others are advising him to and he knows it's required of him, I feel it'll take Jameis getting into trouble in the NFL to change. I would put more trust in him becoming another Rolando McClain [who needs to see his career in shambles before realizing drastic change is needed] than another mature, professional, well-behaved guy like Luck, Wilson, Dalton, or Tannehill. In college, Rolando was a stud on the field and a heavy student of the game off it, but that didn't prevent his personal behavior and demons from nearly ruining his career. It took 5 years into McClain's career to reach that eye-awakening moment that punched him in the face and told him to wake up. Far too many people with Jameis's behavioral issues have needed that punch in the face to wake up for me to just trust he's gonna wake up on his own, absent the punch.... which means I think it could take him 3, 4, or 5 years until he actually wakes up and the light comes on. But hey, that's just me. Personally, I would have to be picking in the 20's and beyond to take him in round 1, if I would even do so. My risk would certainly have to be minimized.
  9. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    First, having gone to FSU, the student union was a pretty raucous place and you saw and heard all kinds of things. It didn't appear that anyone was actually offended by what Jameis did, and the only reason anybody even knew about it is because every self important douche with a smart phone felt the need to tweet about it.

    As for the rape allegation, I have no idea. There was no physical evidence. The rape kit and toxicology screen were done before the police screwed up the rest of the investigation and the kit showed no usual signs of forcible rape, she wasn't drunk, and hadn't taken any drugs. It's possible she was a complete lightweight who got knocked out by one drink, but medically, that's unlikely. I hesitate to say she's lying, since she did go for the rape kit immediately, but I also understand why there was no charge, and a perfect police investigation probably wouldn't have changed that.

    This was a far different scenario than both the Kobe and Roethlisberger cases, as both of those featured physical evidence, especially in Kobe's case. The Mamba is quite lucky he had enough money to pay off his accuser so that she stopped cooperating, because he was going down.

    As to everything else, it is so minor that it doesn't really concern me. I highly doubt that Jameis is a threat to consistently steal crab legs (which isn't really what happened) or soda.

    The guy is a tremendous talent. He is beloved by his teammates and coaches. I don't give a fig what Bo Jackson has to say. He's completely irrelevant.
  10. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Well that makes one person who has supposedly seen the evidence reports and police reports and come to the conclusion that Jameis Winston did it.

    I suppose SOMEONE had to come to that conclusion, because when is life ever unanimous? People will disagree that the sun is hot.

    I also suppose it's just a coincidence that the person that came to that conclusion after a careful examination of the evidence had already decided that he did it even before he had ever looked into it.
  11. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Are you kidding? What police reports? What evidence? The police made sure there was none..... and the police reports couldn't be more bogus or skewed to exonerate Winston of any wrong doing. Everything was clearly a massive cover-up attempt, and there wouldn't have needed to be one if Winston didn't do anything.

    What about you coming to your unanimous conclusion that he didn't do it? What about the girl who sought counseling because of an encounter with Winston BEFORE the rape stuff happened?

    That's not true. I came to the conclusion that I thought he probably did it based on his track record terrible poor behavior. Now after fully delving into the case to see if I was being too harsh, I've come away feeling even stronger that he did it.
  12. 305

    305 Brawndo Club Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Get off my lawn.
    Jesus christ Todd... all you had to say is that he's immature.

    While I'm biased given the fact that I've had 17 year olds serve under me in a war zone, and I think Winston is immature as **** with no real excuse someone can make up for him.... the NFL is a business of risk vs reward and someone will see dollar signs. I myself wouldn't risk it, but hey, I dont own a billion dollar business.
    ToddPhin likes this.
  13. 305

    305 Brawndo Club Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Get off my lawn.
    Another entry into the Todd Testament
  14. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Winston was a redshirt nobody at the time of the alleged rape. There would have been no reason for a massive cover up.

    And there was evidence. The most important evidence, that was collected long before the police screwed anything up, was the rape kit and toxicology screen which showed no visible sign of forcible rape and the victim was clean of both alcohol and date rape drugs.

    I suppose it's possible that if the police had done a better job, they might have found something else, I don't know. Maybe they wouldn't have. As critical as Willie Meggs was of the police investigation, he also admitted that even a perfect investigation might have not made any difference.

    This is a he said/she said matter with no real evidence one way or another. Winston certainly may have raped her. Maybe she just got embarrassed by her behavior (not that having a one night stand is wrong or that she shouldn't be able to do whatever she wants).

    At the end of the day, he wasn't charged. So I think you kind of have to let it go. There's nothing else you can do with the accusation.
  15. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Not to mention her constantly changing story. She said that Jameis Winston's roommate came into the room and tried to save her but that Winston brought her to the bathroom so that he couldn't interfere. This knight in shining armor roommate on the other hand said he came in with a video camera and tried to tape them having sex and tried to join in for a three-way.

    She also had semen on her shorts from an unidentified third guy that very night, who was not Jameis Winston nor the roommate. And nothing in her original story or the several versions thereafter explained that, until the results came back.

    Oh and then there's her lawyer trying to extort a highly esteemed and reputable defense attorney for $7 million to make it all go away.

    Bottom line, it doesn't surprise me if someone who had already decided Jameis was guilty before he'd seen one single police report or heard any details about the case whatsoever, suddenly claims they looked into it and are super convinced he's guilty.

    I for one entered into reading about the case skeptical toward Jameis because the police and university had handled it suspiciously and there was an FSU fan arguing hard that it was all a hoax. My personal opinion is that too many guys assume rape charges are just some girl deciding she made a mistake afterwards. I get tired of hearing that, because in most cases there's zero motivation for a girl to lie like that and I think the reality is that rape DOES happen as often as we hear. It's just irrational guy fear that women hold some power over us because they can turn around and claim rape, causes a bunch of men to circle the wagons in favor of the perpetrator every time a woman claims rape. I'm pretty certain Big Ben ****ing did it. But then I read the evidence and reports on the Jameis case. Sorry. There's no reason to believe he did it.
  16. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    She also said Jameis was 5'7 155 pounds.
    ckparrothead likes this.
  17. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    It's still highly inappropriate coming from someone who has already gotten in trouble, was most likely lectured numerous times, and well knew the expectations placed on him. Not to mention it happened not to long after disrespecting another school's program on Twitter that he was also lectured for.

    That's not correct. Bruising began to emerge while she gave her report to the police. That's clearly a sign of potential assault. The players said she was "on her knees performing oral". How does a woman get bruised from giving plain ole' traditional oral while kneeling at the edge of a bed? IT. DOESN'T. HAPPEN. If she were sober, like the players professed and like the tampered urinalysis suggested, then the bruising would've had to occur from something other than falling down or banging into stuff. If she got bruised by being intoxicated or "influenced", which is quite likely the cause, then it would indicate the players and tox results were lying and falsified.

    Secondly, you can't say she "hadn't" been given any drugs, and it's not accurate to say the rape kit and toxicology screens were done "before the police screwed up". The samples were only collected, but it took nearly 6 weeks before they were sent for analysis. Those toxicology tests for drugs were performed using urine, not blood, even though a blood tox was requested by the victim's attorney. Then the samples weren't sent off immediately. There's a very good reason for a corrupt officer to do so. Firstly, DNA doesn't show up in most healthy individuals' urine, and any DNA that might be there has likely eroded by the time it took TPD to send it. Considering Officer Angelo's concerted attempt to kill this case from the beginning and aid the Seminole Boosters he did private security work for, it's painfully obvious but unfortunately unprovable that Angulo denied the request for the blood tox and waited so long to send off the urine sample so that he could either switch it for a clean sample with no traces of drugs or use that time to tamper with the sample to make any traces of DNA impossible. To be clear, Angulo was aware Winston was the suspect BEFORE the sample was sent off.

    Officer Angulo went to FSU and was a member of an online group supporting FSU Football [until it was mysteriously taken down after the Winston incident], and Officer Assjello's mother was as a member of both a "Jameis Winston Fan Page" [before she mysteriously took it down] and an FSU Athletic support group on Facebook. This doesn't include the numerous other connections on Angulo's social media accounts between Tallahassee PD and Florida State University. Tallahassee PD doesn't work for Winston, Winston's attorney, FSU, or FSU's football program. They work for the state of Florida, have a responsibility to the state, have no place acting on their own as an arm of the judicial system, and have a responsibility to be fair and unbiased to BOTH SIDES- prosecution and defense. It's their job to investigate and collect information, then pass that off to those on the judicial side of things so that that side can then do its job. It's part of the whole checks and balances, and it sure as heck isn't their job to abuse the authority and power their titles provide them. YET FROM THE START, TALLAHASSEE PD acted as if they were employed by Winston and the program. They informed Winston's attorney as far back as February 2013 which allowed him gobs of time to create his case, meanwhile not notifying the State Attorney's office and thus preventing them from conducting theirs. They even omitted Winston from the police report as a suspect even though he was identified well before then. Why did TPD give a copy of the report to FSU's PD even after it was determined they had no jurisdiction, especially given the fact Winston's attorney also represents FSU's football team which creates a clear conflict of interest?

    Yes, it WAS quite different. Officer Angulo ensured it would be different by making CERTAIN there would be NO evidence. The reason there isn't evidence isn't because evidence didn't exist; there's no evidence because it either was allowed to be destroyed or it flat out wasn't collected! The urinalysis was either corrupted or faked. Angulo allowed Casher enough time to destroy the video evidence of the assault [and likely even warned him of it or advised him to do so]. Angulo intentionally allowed enough time to pass for the 30 surveillance camera footages at Potbelly's to be erased. Angulo made no effort to track down the cabbie who took them home even though it could've easily been tracked if it were done promptly, as Casher swiped his identification card to get a discount.

    Within HOURS of the rape occuring, Angulo already had 3 solid leads
    - a black freshman named Chris who plays football for FSU, the abundantly available video footage from Potbelly's, and a cab that Casher's ID was swiped in. None of it was followed up on. That's because it doesn't take a seasoned sleuth to realize "Chris" is Chris Casher, FSU's 5-star defensive end recruit. Angulo KNEW EXACTLY who Casher was and KNEW EXACTLY who Casher hangs out with, as a week prior to the assault, Tallahassee PD questioned Casher & Winston about their BB gun war that caused $4,000 in damages to their apartment complex. So 2 things from this: 1. Occifer Analglow knows Casher is already on thin ice for the property destruction and that a sexual assault added to the list a week later would likely mean the end of Casher and a blow to FSU's program both on and off the field. 2. Angulo knows Casher is buds with Winston, so he already knows there's a chance Winston is involved. FSU losing Casher would be bad enough, but losing their QB of the future, their prized recruit, would be devastating. So Officer Angulo KNOWS Casher has knowledge of or involvement in the assault but waits 342 days to interview him, at which time Casher disclosed he videotaped the act, and even this wasn't looked into by Angelo despite the illegal nature of the act.

    Officer Angulo might be a POS but he's not an idiot, and he realizes there's girl with fresh bruising on her claiming to be raped by a friend of Chris "Casher's". Not even the bruising was investigated. Are you kidding me?!!! A girl shows up with physical signs of assault and claims to have been raped but it's not even looked into, especially when the identify of one of the witnesses is known? GTHO here. The reason it wasn't looked into is because TPD and Officer Angelo took all but 5 seconds to realize "Chris the black football player" is Chris Casher!! A distraught, physically bruised, female student is claiming she was just raped, but the police station refuses to immediately question one of the known parties?! Who the f*** does that?!!! Any Marsha, Miranda, or Moliqua could pick up the phone right now and call the police to say their boyfriend/husband/roommate has just pushed them into a wall and fears he might become more violent, and an officer will arrive within 20 minutes to investigate it, take down stories, look for signs of the alleged abuse [like bruising or cuts], question anyone who may have witnessed it, and might even arrest the man on the spot and leave it up to the judicial system to determine what really happened and what punishment should or shouldn't be dished out. But no, NOT Tallahassee PD, NOT officer Assjello. Instead, he did everything in his power to MAKE SURE the judicial system wouldn't be able to do its job.

    Within a day of the rape being reported, any honest, diligent, professional officer would've already had Casher in for questioning, would've already called Potbelly's to request their video footage, would've already tracked Casher's ID swipe back to the cab he rode in and questioned the cabbie, would've collected Casher's phone right then and there before the video evidence could be destroyed, would've quickly found out from Casher that Winston & Darby were the other 2 players involved, and would've immediately questioned each of them independently FACE TO FACE to find out their stories and to look for inconsistencies before they'd have time to corroborate, and would've questioned them about the victim's bruises. The victim would've been called back in that day to identify Winston or Darby, and upon fingering Winston, he might've been arrested and a DNA test would've been issued immediately, and because the location of the assault would've been immediately known, officers would've retraced those steps and interviewed neighbors to see if they noticed a disoriented female accompanying the players or a distraught female either leaving their residence or being accompanied by one of the players. All of this would've happened so fast that Winston's attorney would've been stuck unawares with his thumb up his ***.

    That "342 day period" + the players' knowledge of the rape being reported allowed Casher time to destroy the video evidence, time to conveniently "get a new phone" [which unprofessionally wasn't questioned about by Officer Assjello, nor was Casher asked to provide his original phone that took the footage], and time for Winston's attorney to orchestrate a story for the trio to follow. At no point during these 342 days did Assjello and TPD subpoena the players' phone records even though they were investigating all electronic communications to and from the victim. WHUT?! I'm guessing Officer Assjello's name would've been found in some of those phone records as he unofficially aided their case. Winston apologists try to write this off as a lying girl with an agenda? GTHO here. Even amidst her communications being monitored, TPD couldn't find a shred of evidence to falsify her claim and support the asinine notion that she's some sort of conniving girl up to no good. Yup, she had a boyfriend she loved and even slept with that day but for some reason she thought it would be a great ole' time to let herself go home with some freshman football players who were relatively unknown to the general public, sluttily blow one of them with the others nearby, then motivelessly knock herself around until she's bruised and file a rape claim against one of them, all while knowing that bringing this to light might ruin her relationship with her BF and cause a ton a stress and chaos to reign down on her just like is typical of many girls coming forward about rape, regardless of the accuse's status as an athlete.

    Now on the other hand, if Winston, Casher, and/or Darby didn't do anything wrong, then why didn't they roll up their sleeves, open their hands, and show the world they had nothing to hide?!! If the video supported what they "said" happened, it would've been evidence on THEIR BEHALF, so why then was it destroyed when it would've immediately exonerated them?!!!! Why did Assjello refuse to monitor the players' communications, and why did Assjello allow Casher time to destroy the video and get a new phone? It's because he knew the original phone and communication records contained incriminating evidence, and, like I said, most likely would show his own involvement in the cover up because he IS such a supporter of FSU football and because he IS privately paid by FSU boosters who's best interest he has to look after. I've witnessed firsthand an 8 dollar an hour Walmart employee blatantly lie about a patron's multiple-surgery-requiring accident inside Walmart just to look after Walmart's best interest and keep her s***ty job. Do you seriously think Assjello isn't gonna do whatever he can within his power to help Seminole Boosters, to assist the FSU program, and to look after the football-loving town of Tallahassee's interest? Puhlease. He's licking his chops knowing his job title allows him the opportunity to be the savior in the program's, booster's, team's, fellow PD's, and his mother's eyes.

    Once Jameis was identified as the assailant, it took 2 weeks for Angulo's BACKUP INVESTIGATOR to notify him... by f***ing telephone no less, allowing Jameis opportunity to blow them off, contact his attorney, and sync up with Casher & Darby. Assjello intentionally chose NOT to collect Winston's DNA even though he was the primary suspect in an assault of a visibly bruised girl and despite the fact the victim had semen in her panties [which turned out to be Winston's]. He refused the victim's attorney's demand for a DNA sample because he said it would "generate publicity". I don't recall those types of decisions being in his job description- that "publicity" is an acceptable reason for him to not follow protocol. Assjello then got to work on the victim by trying to scare her and dissuade her and her attorney from pursuing the case, telling her attorney, "Tallahassee was a big football town and the victim needs to think long and hard before proceeding against Winston because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable." It took Assjello 2 months to file the report, and he closed the case on the same day and did so without informing the victim or her attorney. Amidst it all you had Casher & Darby's story displaying inconsistencies. FSU assisted matters further by breaking federal rules by not immediately investing the incident when made aware to them, instead choosing to wait until the football season was over.

    As far as the victim is concerned, she had a boyfriend at the time who she loved and had sex with that day, and she didn't even know who the hell Winston was at the time, yet the foundation for most of the Winston apologists' argument is that she somehow "wanted to get laid by a famous football player". She was initially quite open and cooperative with TPD before realizing who Winston was, but then once it was known WHO her assailant is, she got scared..... as she should be with TPD applying the full court press and FSU fans throwing tons of hate and threats at her. The VP of Student Affairs said she was "bombarded with messages of hate for the alleged victim all day every day", and she said she's “sad and ashamed to be part of a student body that is quick to support a man who is accused of sexual assault, simply because he is a good football player, and even quicker to condemn the alleged victim of the crime as a liar.” Of course the victim will feel pressure to change her story after the fact under all this hate, pressure, and knowledge that the city's Police Department that exists to protect its residents has no interest in her well-being and would rather see her vanish off the earth than help her.

    Behavioral problems aren't minor.

    Winston's Head Coach has a vested interest to win games. I put credence in what he has to say on the matter, and some of the stuff he has said just sounds ridiculous. Winston's teammates loving him means nothing to me. They're on a high after winning a Nat'l Championship on Winston's back, so of course they're gonna love him. They love him so much they're willing to tape him "having sex" and engage in pellet gun wars with Winston that do 4 grand in damages. Bo Jackson, an impartial, mature, honest 3rd party who has directly spoken to Winston and unbiasedly decided he isn't worthy of his Heisman vote because of his off the field stuff. That's significantly more relevant to me.
  18. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    I just created another one just for you. Feel free to proceed with your expected "didn't read" gif or meme.
  19. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    i think its pretty funny you think he wants to stay in school...its just one more year of him cheating the academic system..cant risk that..go pro, or go play baseball.
  20. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Are you seriously trying to get someone to buy this? Winston was FSU's shiny new 5-star, #1-rated QB recruit who every big fan of the program salivated over, and Tallahassee PD is a HUGE FAN of FSU football. TPD knew EXACTLY who Winston was because they questioned him about his pellet gun war that caused $4,000 in damages that FSU worked hard to take care of. Officer Angulo, in charge of the rape case, was an online member of an FSU Football fan board. Angulo worked privately for Seminole's Boosters. Angulo's mother was a member of "Jameis Winston's Fan Page" on Facebook. They knew EXACTLY who the hell Winston was. Assjello denied the plaintiff's DNA request on the grounds it would "publicize" Winston and for heck's sake. He told the victim's attorney, "Tallahassee is a big football town and the victim needs to think long and hard before proceeding against Winston because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable."

    If Winston and Casher were "freshman nobodies" like you suggest, then TPD would've had no reason to NOT do their jobs, to NOT follow proper protocol, to NOT comply with the victim's attorney's requests, to NOT notify the State Attorney's office at the time they notified the defendant's attorney, to NOT play favorites for the defendant's side, etc, etc, etc.

    I already addressed this above. The victim became visibly bruised while giving her statement to the police. That's certainly a sign of possible assault, and anyone who's received a BJ knows she didn't get bruised by soberly kneeling down at the end of the bed to felate him.

    The "most important evidence" took nearly 6 weeks to be sent for analysis, and it was only a urinalysis for the drug stuff despite the demand by the vicitim's attorney for blood, too, which does contain DNA. What you're speaking of is far from means to say Winston was unequivocally innocent like you seem to be attempting. Urine couldn't be any more tamperable. An officer with an agenda like Assjello sitting on it for 6 weeks is more than enough time for nature to contaminate the sample all by itself. But what mega FSU fan assigned to the case wouldn't take it a step further by immediately swapping out the victim's urine for a drug-free sample from a healthy individual who can't be traced by DNA? Hell, a drop of bacteria in the fresh urine sample and 5 weeks later there's guaranteed to be no DNA left, just in case the individual did happen to secrete epithelial cells in their urine [which does contain DNA].

    Better job? They did NO job. They did the opposite of a job. They looked after Winston's best interest from the beginning, even notifying his attorney about what's going on but not passing anything along to the State Attorney's office so that prosecution can also do their jobs. I agree, a perfect investigation might not have made any difference, because it's common for rapes to go unproven in general, but that doesn't make the perpetrator any less guilty of their crime.

    If he didn't rape her, then why such a concerted effort to cover it all up when his innocence should do that all by itself? If he's innocent, why destroy the video of the incident if it would immediately exonerate Winston and put everything to bed? If Angulo believed Winston was innocent and thought he shouldn't have anything to worry about, then why did he go to such lengths to NOT prove Winston's innocence since tracking down the cab driver would've attested to the girl being sober and obliging?... since obtaining blood analysis [rather than urine] for a presence of drugs in her system would hold up even stronger in court and would contain the victim's DNA to show it's actually hers?... since obtaining the players' phone record would show he has nothing to hide?... since getting video footage from the bar would show no funny business?... and so on?

    I seriously doubt she got so embarrassed by "giving head" that she decided to do something even worse and flip her life upside down by reporting a rape.

    I don't have to let it go. Enough has transpired with Winston and this case that will never allow me to believe he's 100% not guilty. As long as his draft status and future in the NFL are being discussed, nobody will let anything go that they feel should affect his draft stock. I guarantee you there are NFL teams who wont let it go regardless of verdict.
    MrClean and djphinfan like this.
  21. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    thats a hell of a call on rg3..hell, if stringer was in charge he would of went before luck, because you know, draft picks are all random and luck.
  22. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    hes a self entitled punk..thats what he is..

    i got something/red flag on him that I'm close to saying but not quite yet, need to study him this offseason.
    ToddPhin likes this.
  23. ToddPhin

    ToddPhin Premium Member Luxury Box Club Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    And? How is this atypical from other rape victims who commonly either have problems recollecting the events or will change their story under pressure? The poor girl had half of FSU's fan base hating her, with some of them threatening her, just for coming forward as if she's the one who committed the crime. On top of that she had the OPPOSITE of support from the city's Police Department that she thought was supposed to be protecting her and helping her. No, instead they made sure she had NO case and even tried to scare her into dropping everything. I think it's a little naive to believe a rape victim, who feels the entire world is against her, couldn't feel pressured to change her story to alleviate some of that pressure. You act like the truth is what "came out" after the fact and the lie is what was initially told, but under these circumstances, it's significantly more likely that the truth is what was told first and lies came out after due to all the pressure.

    It was known early on that the other semen was her boyfriend's who was quite cooperative IIRC.

    Highly esteemed and reputable? You might wanna look into him more because some of the stuff he says is flat out ridiculous. It's not extortion when you're raped. The Tallahassee PD made damn sure she wouldn't see judicial justice but that doesn't mean she can't seek justice other ways. But I guess OJ's victims "extorted" him after a perfectly honest and hunky-dory investigation and trial.

    Lulz. Firstly, I was already aware of ALLLLL this other crap with Winston that shed light on the type of irresponsible POS he really is off the field before saying anything about the rape. In case you haven't noticed, the rape thing occurred a while ago, so, if you will, please direct me to my nearest post from that time that immediately jumps to a belief that he did it? That's right, you can't.... because it doesn't exist. When I said I believed the VICTIM over this POS, it's because I already knew about the incident with the other girl; the theft; the police being called for using a pellet gun on campus; the police being called for causing $4000 in damages just hours after the police were ALREADY called; the vulgar, obscene, derogatory comment toward women for all to hear; and the obnoxious, disrespectful trash-talking of another school's program.

    He's not a choir boy that I just irrationally up and called a rapist. He's now displayed a history of poor judgment, bad behavior, little regard for the law, little regard for females, and a problem controlling his actions, which now in hindsight has led me to believe he probably did what the girl accused him of.

    A girl convicted Winston of rape. Now either she's lying or he is. You've clearly made up your mind that she's the liar despite having a cleaner track record than he does, yet for some reason you want to condemn me for refusing to call her a liar along with you. If I'm calling someone a liar, it's the side with the track record of bad behavior, run ins with the law, and another incident with a different girl. Winston hasn't wholesomely acted in any way fit to deserve any benefit of the doubt, especially not more than the girl, and I hadn't found anything on the girl to suggest she's even a worse apple than he is.

    you had me nodding my head yes over everything until you got the part about the "evidence" and the "reports" on Jameis's case. I just don't see how anyone can read the case and come away thinking the officer and TPD had the "victim's" best interest in mind, or the integrity of the case's best interest. In fact, the manner with which the case was so terribly done and their involvement with FSU Football and Fan Forums and such makes me wanna convict Winston on the spot.
    MrClean likes this.
  24. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    It's amazing how you've completely blurred the lines between Jameis Winston's guilt and the Tallahassee PD's thoroughness in their investigation. To you, an inadequate investigation = guilt.

    To a rational person, an inadequate investigation = an inadequate investigation. It has nothing to do with guilt or innocence.

    You assume that all of these cops have their accounts ready and when they hear an FSU athlete is being accused of something they jump on and see how he was rated as a recruit before deciding whether to pursue it.

    Sure. That or they heard her changing her story several times and found no corroborating evidence and so they dismissed it without being thorough in the investigation simply because they had no reason to believe there was anything to it.
  25. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    there are some dumb athletes in the nfl, some questioning whether russell wilson is black enough..maybe the same dumb ones will think winston is, whatever that is..maybe some nfl players like their leaders to be punks.

    unfu::in real.
  26. schmolioot

    schmolioot Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    The notion that some grand conspiracy swept into action as soon as there was a hint that an FSU football player was involved in this matter is laughable.

    I'm sure most Tally cops are FSU fans. That didn't help Peter Warrick, Randy Moss and others. Plus Meggs had been tough on football players in the past as well.

    I have no idea what happened that night, and there isn't enough evidence to lead me to make any conclusions. I don't presume that the girl is lying, she certainly thinks she was assaulted, but that doesn't always make it so. Date rape is notoriously tough to prove and I doubt even a perfect police investigation would have made a difference.

    Anyone who is interested in this topic should watch Raw Deal, a documentary that was directed by Billy Corben (he also directed "The U" and "Broke" for ESPN) and it's about an alleged rape of a stripper who was working at a UF frat party by one of the guys. The sex is on video. The prosecutor chose not to press charges.

    In response to the outrage, the prosecutor released the tape into the public file, even though it was essentially a porn film. When you watch it, it is not easy to tell whether there was consent or not. At first it seems like there isn't, then it appears that there is. It's disturbing to watch, but very well done.
    ckparrothead likes this.
  27. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Anyway. Let's get back on track here. The rape allegation is all but in Jameis Winston's rearview mirror at this point. Nothing more will come of it, unless you believe he's going to commit rape while in the NFL.

    Getting back to THE most important factor in the debate about Jameis Winston:

    CaribPhin and ssmiami like this.
  28. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    i think its a bad link CK, I'm on a strong network, and its not working properly, however his play on the field is not just the only thing.
  29. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    its working now
  30. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    you also better take a detailed evaluation of this dudes gym habits and nutritional education, cause from what I'm seeing, and coming from a completely non bias perspective, he's a dough boy..

    its no secret that I think he's a self entitled punk, but I wouldn't say that unless i felt is was worth noting from what i see, and its not just recently, its something I've been looking at for a while..

    like to see that combine shot..
  31. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Not as important for a QB as you make it out to be.
  32. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    You ever see Peyton Manning on SNL?
    dolfan32323 and ckparrothead like this.
  33. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    i didn't say it was a big deal, just pointing out my thoughts on the prospect..theres no question he's a talented qb..
  34. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    peyton manning has a bizarre abdominal region, it pertudes in an outward fashion..
  35. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    You said it right there. He's a talented QUARTERBACK. He's not just a talented thrower of the football or a physically dynamic player like Cam Newton or some such. If that's all you want, I've got a Bridge in Alabama you can buy.

    Jameis Winston's talent lies in his ability to play QUARTERBACK; to consistently distribute the ball efficiently into areas where the defense is weakest, to consistently attack defenses down the field to make big plays, and to consistently keep the chains moving on the most important downs. He understands defense and offense perfectly, he reads them consistently, he makes good decisions consistently, and he fits the football into tight windows accurately with pace.

    Everyone can get distracted if they wish by rape allegations that have no real standing and will not result in any damage to Winston's NFL career, or they can get distracted by a literally harmless and common prank shouted at a raucous student center...but smart football men will keep their eye on the simple question of what kind of football asset he projects as at the next level.
  36. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Well, when you eat that much Papa John's Pizza...:shifty:
  37. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    FWIW I don't like Winston on film. He strikes me as another perfect COLLEGE QB with limited NFL upside. Personally I feel this is an absolutely miserable year for QBs.
  38. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    How so?
  39. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Jameis Winston is still 50.0% on 3rd down.

    That means he has converted 25 of 50 of his 3rd downs into 1st downs. Since I've been running a lot of those numbers, I happen to know how crazy high that number really is.

    Oh and I know you might be tempted to say yeah but what if he has a bunch of 3rd & Short throws. Except he's converted 7 of 20 (35%) on 3rd & 10+. What's the norm for that? About 25%.

    And none of this is a fluke because in 2013 he converted 50 of 95 (absurd...purely absurd) on 3rd down and also converted 19 of 32 (literally unheard of) on 3rd & 10+.
    dolfan32323 and ssmiami like this.
  40. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Honestly I don't have strong conviction either way. I could be wrong and he could be great. I've only seen limited action from hI'm this season I admit.

    Last season though I didnt like his ball placement very much. He threw a lot of balls Benjamin bailed him out on as well as other WRs. Now maybe that is just him knowing his teammates.

    I've also noticed he has a tendency this year to almost play down to his competition. I'm not sure if he's almost....bored...maybe? Or if he's just not as good as advertised. In his defense he always shows up when it counts.

    As far as arm talent goes....I'd say he's good not great. I'm not sure if he does or doesn't have NFL arm talent, I need to watch more.

    He does make great decisions sometimes and if that continues into the NFL he will be just fine. I am interested in how he reads NFL defenses.

    One thing that makes him elite in college is his ability to break sacks, break the pocket, extend plays. Again I'm just not quite sure if that will translate against NFL defenses.

    Its not so much that I don't like him or think he's terrible. Its more that for everything I think he does really well at the college level....I just have questions about it translating the same to the NFL.

    I think in a strong year for the position he's a mid first rounder. I just think he will go early and be thrust into a bad situation. I'm not sure how he responds to that.

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