Robinson and Kirkus released Looks like it is Hagan, Ginn, Bess, Wilford and Camarillo/Armstrong? Ooops I meant Roberson.
I figured we would go with camarillo over Kircus. He has had a better camp and is more valuable on Special Teams. Versatility probably made the difference here.
I really hope we hold onto Bess and I'm starting to like Armstrong. Wilford shouldnt make it just on potential. Hes been riding that for his entire NFL career.
Was Kircus not doing well on Special Teams? I thought he looked good in all phases and was having a solid camp. I know that Armstrong and Bess provide a little more speed and quickness. Both are small guys. Maybe they're thought of as Slot WR's? I haven't seen or heard much of them on ST's. I think Armstrong has been a gunner for us.
I remember last year when Willie Randolph was talking about how sweet the champagne was going to taste when they won the NL East, and they were printing up NL East champ t-shirts, and printing playoff tickets. We all know how that turned out.
IMO, Bess has nothing to be worried about. He gives us a type of WR that the others do not. The final spot will go to Armstrong/Camarillo. Bess will likely be ahead of Wilford on the depth chart.
Oh, and count me as shocked that Kircus wasn't in the top 6 WRs. I thought he was having a great camp.
if we cut armstrong, bess, or camarillo over the next two weeks in order to keep wilford i will smack someone. don't keep him just b/c of his contract. if he is not going to contribute, eff him. Kircus was performing better than Wilford, FYI. Wilford had problems getting separation from Jacksonville's 2nd stringers.
It will be interesting to see what happens with both McCown and Wilford. I can't imagine them both being released, although that is what should happen (at this point anyway).
little surprised to see kircus let go this early. I guess if sparano and co. has decided theyve seen enough of him, and want to see more of armstrong, camarillo and bess. Not a bad idea at all.