No, he was only the Ole Miss offensive coordinator for like a week. lol. He just coached in the Cotton Bowl for Arkansas and was leaving to go to Ole Miss before Parcells swooped in.
eli tore it up in college so if so thats cool, it was in the big leagues where eli stunk it up that had nothing to do with Lee
Sparano: "well bill, if i were to become a head coach for say, i dont know, the dolphins, I'd most likely hire this David Lee chap from Ole Miss as my quarterbacks coach. Just my 2 cents though. How's the head coaching search coming along?"
I hope we have a small staff compared to previous years. I don't think we need like 17 assistants as we did under Saban and Cameron. For example, we don't need a safeties coach and a cornerbacks coach. Just a secondary coach. We don't need a defensive line coach and an assistant defensive line coach.
i think we need another henchman, er quality control assistant, like saban had, walking around and making everybody's life miserable for no good reason.
I agree, Miami had to many people guiding the players but no direction. They always say that if you have more than a couple of people deciding on what direction to go no body can make a decision. With 17 asst. coaches this may be way Miami sucked so bad this year. With this many people there is no accountability.
Great news, that just verified another rumor that was out there. I really look for the other "rumors" to come true very soon.
Exactly. I'm pretty sure the rumor was that Sparano was already lining up his staff, and Lee was right at the top of the list. I hope the Fins don't get busted for breaking the Rooney Rule or the rule about taking coaches from a team in the hunt for the Superbowl. The Fins are treading on thin ice and this move is out in the open for everyone to see. Don't get us in trouble Bill!
I think making this move now is very prudent. Worth getting into a little trouble. What is our only real question mark but QB (nothing else is really a question...we're just bad....)? Does Beck have it? Not?Now? Later? Should we bring another QB in etc. Mr Lee needs to get to work asap with Mr. Beck. I'm betting that the Dallas Mafia doesn't really want to draft a QB #1 but will if there is no other choice. Go Beck, we need Dorsey.
Worst kept secret in football. Good to see that someone other than Belichick is capable of bending the rules. Feel sorry for Frazier, though.
SPARANO LINING UP HIS STAFF? As Fins football poobah Bill Parcells insists that he hasn't offered the team's vacant head-coaching position to Cowboys assistant Tony Sparano, given that to do so before the Cowboys' season ends would be a clear violation of league rules, we've gotten an anonymous tip indicating that Sparano might already be lining up his staff in Miami. Though we're not reporting this as hard news, we've been advised to keep a close eye on a man named David Lee. Lee is slated to be the next offensive coordinator at Mississippi under Houston Nutt. Lee served as offensive coordinator in 2007 under Nutt in Arkansas. And Lee spent the prior four years working with Sparano and Parcells in Dallas. There's a rumor that Lee has told Nutt that he won't be coming to Mississippi, and that Lee instead will be on Sparano's staff in Miami. As the rumor goes, Nutt already is looking for another offensive coordinator. We'll let the "real" media do the rest on this -- with full knowledge that they'll take full credit for the scoop if they can corroborate our rumor, and that some of them will gripe about the fact that they've been assigned the task of chasing a story that showed up as a mere rumor on some Internet hack's blog. Regardless, we suspect that Nutt will be getting a few calls tomorrow. He might even get a few tonight. This was posted a few days ago by LjMcbean Sj I believe and was first reported by, ...........all rather interesting. It's obvious what is going on here, and anyone with 2 brain cells knows what is happening. I have no doubt as to who our next coach will be, and as long as we interview some people then on we go. And honestly I'm gonna say it. To hell with the rules! I lkinda like the attitude of "yeah I'm doing it, and what are you gonna do about it. Fine me, HA! Mr. Huizenga - the guy who just ate 7.5 mil on his previous HC will pay it." The F' you attitude we need, and please understand I am in no way diminshing the spirit of the Rooney Rule, but my point is we need the "do anything for a win" attitude here. We have been soft, and that attitude from on high - along with a sense of purpose will do more for us than anything.
This is where the difference between the conceptual and the practical becomes painfully apparent. No matter what "rule" you have in place it is hard to tell someone who they can hire. Rarely do people put their personal feelings aside when looking at rules and regulations - often times it is the other way around. Morally, it is a shame, practically well do I really need ot say it?
Just as Bill kept two assistants from the previous coaching staff he can hire other assistant coaches as well regardless of who the HC will be.
Hey dude, has anyone figured out yet that you're really the Count of Monte Cristo? No, you don't need to say it. I tried to google the actual text of the Rooney Rule but came up empty.
Another great thing about this hiring is for this year's draft. Why? Last year, Lee was Arkansas's OC. He will have the inside information on McFadden an whether McFadden is worth the 1st pick overall or if he could be used as trade bait.