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[Merged] The Sky Is Falling... | Think Positive

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by GreysonWinfield, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. GreysonWinfield

    GreysonWinfield Release The Hounds

    Nov 1, 2009
    At least that's all I keep reading about on this board. How soon we forget Sham Cameron, Nick Fakin and Naive Wanstadt. While the 09 draft looks to be questionable the FO has managed to pick up some nice UDFA's and has no qualms cutting ties with their mistakes. They also took nearly a decades worth of a mess and brought the franchise to respectability. So while there should be accountability some of you need to keep your pretty lace panties from getting bunched up.
    RickyBobby likes this.
  2. Da-PhinZ

    Da-PhinZ New Member

    May 9, 2010
    Think Positive!

    Too many of us are being negative and depressing. Negativity only breads more negativity. We are one week away from football and all anyone can talk about is how unprepared or incompetent the dolphins are. Are you guys secretly jets fans. The bills have had it rougher than us yet all I here from them is good things, positive things. I'm not trying to start a war or be rude/insensitive but we are one week from MIAMI DOLPHINS FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTBALL :party:, so be happy!

    After all we have a lot of good things going for us and I want to hear what your excited about and/or looking forward to. I like the Game preview videos on NFL.com, they really get me excited.

    Mods if you think this is a rant, I understand you deleting it.
    RickyBobby likes this.
  3. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    You need to read a little further, because I'd say there are more people countering that opinion that offering it.

    Personally I think it's valid to be at least concerned with the current state of the team. You can disagree, criticize, etc. the team without being negative or unreasonable.
  4. Garryowen

    Garryowen New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    So you are saying that at no time should we say anything negative about the
    present leadership? What have they accomplished as they stand right now that
    is so much better than Dumbstache?

    Is every post supposed to be sunshine and lollipops, or are we, as fans allowed to use critical thinking, or just simply vent our hopes and fears in a forum of supporters of the same team?
  5. Phinatic19

    Phinatic19 New Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    inb4 all the cry babies take over this thread with their whining.
  6. TheAnswer385

    TheAnswer385 Stay Low Run Free

    Jan 7, 2008
    RickyBobby and Stitches like this.
  7. Garryowen

    Garryowen New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I think that's absolutely fair, Muck.

    To buy into the absolute positive in anything and to disregard the negative in same is folly in any sense. I see no issue in saying the king has no clothes on, and I see no issue in praising the king's rich finery.

    Everyone has a different, and valid opinion on any situation.
    Muck likes this.
  8. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Well they did take on the worst team in franchise history, completely void of talent and win a division title in their first season. And they seem to do pretty well in trades. Not Pat Riley good, but certainly not Wanny/Spielman bad.

    Wanny inherited a playoff team, won a division title and saw the team decline each season.

    Whether this regime follows suit, only time will tell. But the fact that players respect this head coach and feel he shoots them straight....that's a change from the Wanny era.
  9. GreysonWinfield

    GreysonWinfield Release The Hounds

    Nov 1, 2009

    No every post should not positive but I'm waiting until Sunday before possibly crying in my whiskey. I think its insane that I see posts about a possible new coach and a large consensus that the FO is clueless.

    Wannstadt was handed a talented team and managed to make it less than average every year. This regime was handed a pile of **** and has brought it up at least a notch, maybe 2.
  10. Mcduffie81

    Mcduffie81 Wildcat Club Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    Lake Worth, Fl.
    I see the same things you do Muck. The Oline (our bread and butter) being tinkered with a little too much for our tastes. Our running game has been terrible so far, and the pass protection wasnt much better.

    We have 1 freaking tightend worth mentioning, Will Allen going on IR kills me, and Clemons scares the hell out of me.

    All said... I think alot of our starters were uninspired during the preseason more than anything.

    Jets arent gonna be what everyone makes them into, and the Pats have SERIOUS problems right now (other then miracle worker Brady).

    10-6 and we win the division baby!
    Muck likes this.
  11. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Again, I think you're overstating it.

    Sure you get the 'left field' opinion from time to time. But don't confuse disagreement with a move (or series moves), or a particular coach, playcall, etc. with an overall negative attitude or a lack of confidence in the regime.

    Peaks and valleys, my man. Peaks and valleys. ;)
  12. huck1974

    huck1974 FU Gene Steratore

    Mar 22, 2008
    Mike Nolan better be a serious guru and the O line was pretending that they suck or we are in serious sh!t.

    I'm as pumped as anyone for football, but I'm reasonable.
    Muck likes this.
  13. Garryowen

    Garryowen New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Happy to grant you that. I'd say overall they do trade pretty well, but
    as far as drafting.....mmm....Not so much. I think we got pantsed by
    Bellicheck on White just like we panced Snyder on Taylor.

    I'm not going to derail this thread with a tired fight any more than I have.

    I'll just say that all our voices are as valid as any other, I think. Isn't
    a Dolphins forum the place to make your voice heards regarding your
    opinion on the team for the yea or for the nea? I think it is.
  14. Garryowen

    Garryowen New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    But what's the harm in sharing one's opinion for the good or for the bad?

    If you see a negative post, don't read it....Or refute it. We're here to
    drink talk, bro. Talk is dull when everyone has exactly the same opinion.
  15. danloc04

    danloc04 New Member

    May 29, 2008
    I'm just happy I'm not a Jets fan.
    Clark Kent likes this.
  16. Lane1974

    Lane1974 New Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    I'm tired of the endless knee jerk reactions and half-assed opinion myself, good and bad, from media, posters, etc. I've stopped religiously reading message boards because of it.
  17. Garryowen

    Garryowen New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    You're too emotionally invested. Understand that no ammount of
    negative posts or press coverage will influence the Dolphins, or any other team
    one way or the other. The games will be played., the season will be done...
    Then we sate our football hunger talking about football with sportswriters who
    have realized they have to become entertainers rather than analyists.

    You take opinions too personally bro. Thicken up your skin. The reality is that
    most "experts" know very little more than most of the joes on a messageboard
    in terms of how players are going to work out with a particular team.
  18. Lane1974

    Lane1974 New Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    Quite the opposite, I am not thin skinned or emotional. That's why I can't stand shallow knee jerk opinions (like your psychoanalysis of me, for instance ;) )

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