I've said it before, and I'll say it again. As long as it doesn't affect the product on the field, I don't really care. I'd much rather have a competent GM, coach and advisor, with a group of celebrity owners, than a hands on owner who thinks he's the team's best talent evaluator. But this is beginning to get a little ridiculous.
I wana know what Bill Parcells has to say about our team whoring out small shares to celebrities. I can't imagine that he's enthusiastic to be a part of that kind of image.
What is with the "manly" crack? I happen to think both of them are pretty damn pretty myself. As for selling off parts of the team to celebrities, I almost think it is a marketing plan put forth by Ross and Co. Trying to make it cool to be a Dolphins fan in the world of celebrity. Like it or not, but seeing these girls, J-Lo, Buffet and others, sporting Miami Dolphins colors and most of all, openly rooting for something they have a financial interest in, will do nothing but raise the awareness level of the Dolphins organization, which leads to new fans and revenue. Of course, winning a ****ing Super Bowl would do that as well...
Hmm...one is pretty but rarely plays tennis anymore, the other one is thick and can play tennis and win Wimbledon..I get the two mixed up sometimes. As for Ross, to me this is sort of half baked, but he did drop 1.2 billion and has not went cheap on the team, so if he wants to sell a small share to Mel Brooks and Dodi Fayhad I could care less.
anyone know what kind of dough we are talking here for them to buy in.. has anyone in modern history ever lost money invested in an NFL team..
Hope and pray all of these weird moves work out!! http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/...fbn-dolphins-williams-sisters,0,3744066.story
I wouldn't call it whoring out. Not when millions are being shelled out for the privilege. And I wouldn't say they don't play much anymore. They just faced off in the Wimbledon final last month. Injuries have kept them out more than anything. Again, I like it as long as Ross keeps his eye on the ball and lets the football people run the show. Keep the focus on football when the teams are on the field and I'm happy.
If Mel Brooks bought a share, I could see it now..On kickoffs, they could play that bit from Blazing Saddles 'Ok, here we go...hold your ears folks...Its SHOWTIME!"
I get em mixed up to but i think i like the thicker one shes more of a women, but hey these days im not picky bring on the toothpick. ON A SERIOUS NOTE THESE WOMEN CAN PLAY SOME SERIOUS TENNIS BUT I NEVER KNEW THEY WERE PHINS FANS, MAYBE THEY'LL PLAY THE NEXT MAJOR WITH DOLPHIN COLORED BEADS IN THERE HAIR
I'm still waiting for Jenna Jameson to buy a piece of the Dolphins so I can find her email on the official website and send her a letter blaming her for giving my computer a virus. Twice.
Previous Dolphins mgmt has ignored the changing demographics in South Florida. While it seems in influx of minority holders, they've chosen those who are of good character, non controversial. If it makes you feel better to joke about the Williams sisters as men, have at it. It says more aboiut you than them IMO. We all here love the Dolphins, but the bottom line is business, and most of the forum live away. I can't count the number of people I know who gave up on the living expenses/property taxes who moved to Georgia or the Carolinas to have a comparative salary, less taxes, not to mention a huge house and land. It's all cyclical, and while we may judge the marketing efforts from afar, they are relevant and working.
I have no problem with the Williams sisters as part owners. However... and this is just my own opinion...Chris Evert might have been better since she was born in Lauderdale. I know the Williams sisters live in Florida now but I believe they were born in California.
I love this. These girls are a role model for everyone, especially African Americans IMHWPO. It could also attract the tennis crowd which is an upper class crowd which could buy club seats. This is yet another great move by Ross, attracting people from all angles, and in this case, multiple important angles all at once.
For those that oppose this new strategy, I ask you: 1. Would you rather be paying for this team with your tax dollars like were doing for the Marlins now? OR would you rather have a super rich owner invite all his super rich "friends" and celebrities to buy into the team to help financially support the team, as well as help market it and fill the seats? 2. Would you rather have half empty stadiums and blackouts on playoff games(when we actually made it) that we have had to suffer with in recent years? I dont know about you, but im tired of teams coming in here and playing in dead silence while other teams enjoy the roar of the home crowd confusing the opposing team. I dont care, as long as Parcells and Co. can do their thing without interference, have at it. Just please, get rid the that T-Pain song.
lol this is all true, but i must say theres no tennis crowd in football come on man. Man up lol Too Quote FinSane "get rid of the t-pain song" i'm already sic of it and barney needs his own fight song
Are You Frigging Kidding? Venus and Serena own part of the team!?!? What a ****ing joke this is becoming we are becoming the green bay packers of the celebrity world. Hell maybe one of them can line up next to Crowder. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/9958952/Report:-Venus,-Serena-own-part-of-Miami-Dolphins
Tennis-playing Williams sisters to be part owners of Dolphins MIAMI -- Venus and Serena Williams have found a new sport: professional football. The tennis-playing sisters will become the latest celebrities to own a stake in the Miami Dolphins, a person familiar with the deal said Wednesday. The person didn't want to be identified because the team plans an announcement Tuesday. Kirsty Wigglesworth / Associated Press Venus (left) and Serena Williams are among a handful of celebrities who have purchased a minority stake in the Dolphins in the last few months. Another person close to the negotiations said an agreement was near but not yet final. That person also didn't want to be identified because the announcement hasn't be made. "There have been preliminary talks, and hopefully it'll work out," Serena Williams said Wednesday night after a 6-3, 6-2 win over Yaroslava Shvedova in Toronto. "That would be a great opportunity for both of us. You never know. We'll see what happens." The Williamses live in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., about an hour's drive from the Dolphins' stadium. Their new role is significant in part because the NFL has no African-American majority team owners. Musicians Gloria Estefan, Emilio Estefan and Marc Anthony recently bought small shares of the team. New Dolphins owner Stephen Ross also forged a partnership with singer Jimmy Buffett. The Dolphins have said the involvement of the celebrities reflects the diversity of South Florida and shows that the franchise is connected with the community. "There's always so many opportunities out there, and Venus and I are always trying to expand our brand and do the best that we can do, and if an opportunity presents itself, we would love to see where it can take us," Serena Williams said. "Who knows what's going to happen, but hopefully we'll be able to hopefully continue to expand our brand." A Dolphins spokesman said the team had no comment regarding next week's announcement. The Williams sisters have combined to win 18 Grand Slam titles, and they staged their latest sibling showdown last month at Wimbledon, where Serena beat Venus in the final. Serena has won 11 major titles and Venus seven. Ross, a New York real estate billionaire, completed his purchase of the Dolphins from Wayne Huizenga in January. Ross began a partnership in May with Buffett, and the agreement with the Estefans was announced in June, followed by the deal with Anthony last month. Buffett and the Estefans are longtime Dolphins fans, but the Williams sisters aren't known to closely follow the team or the NFL. Ross has said the minority owners are strategic partners and aren't being brought aboard because of a financial need. He has pledged to improve the fan experience at games, and the celebrities will help -- although it's unlikely the sisters will be staging tennis exhibitions at halftime. Buffett has yet to accept Ross' invitation to become a minority owner, but the Dolphins' stadium has been renamed Land Shark Stadium for this season in a marketing deal with him. Buffett has written a song for the Dolphins, and the team has introduced a new version of its fight song by rapper T-Pain. Anthony will perform the national anthem when the Dolphins host the New York Jets on ESPN's Monday Night Football on Oct. 12.
Better make those seats a little bigger if J-Lo and Serena's butts are going in them. C'mon, someone had to.
theyre about Akin's size so its not a bad idea. So now we have the hottest owner (J-Lo) and the two most butch.
I hate our new owner!!! And I knew I was going to hate this guy when it first came out that he was thinking about buying the team. He is a part owner of the NY Islanders, under whose management went from being one of the great teams in the NHL to a joke. A joke they have still not yet been able to undo, even with new ownership. At some point this guy is GOING to stick his nose into football operations, after Parcells leaves and ruin this franchise again. Mark my words about this. He is some swarmy real estate guy. I fear whatever success we may enjoy in the very near future, it will be short lived!
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. But, I can definitely see where he viewsthe team as just another piece of real estate that he can sell off in pieces and make profits on.
Ross never stuck his nose in the Isles team. They were a joke long before he got there. Additionally he was a minority owner in the team. His only contention was he didnt want to lose money on the team, something I cant really fault him for. They were a joke long before he got there because of the previous ownerships; two which were cheap and one which was an outright lie (which he's still in prison for)
sooo, another try, does anyone know how much dough it took for these folks to become "minority" owners?
Leave Parcells & Co. alone, then bring in Tiger Woods, Lebron James, Duayne Wade, and any top person with a SE FL residence (whether they actually live there full time or not) that is the top in Hockey, Baseball, Nascar, and any other sport. Just so long as they help put Dolphin fans in the seats so we outnumber the NY & New England fans for a change. I wouldn't mind Danica Patrick from the Indy Racing League, she can drive me home any day! I mean, who really cares, just as long as Ross leaves Parcells & Co. alone?