Hopefully Merling will not hold out. It would be great for the team if all the rookies sign before camp and start to compete.
i get that impression too. i think they really want and are going to to do every thing possible to get everyone in by camp. it will be nice to have every one in for a change.
I can imagine Sexton pleading with Merling to take whatever deal Parcells gives him even if it's the min contract for 10 years. Bill has a way with people.
interesting about merlings agent.... really though... come one.. you're a 2nd round pick. I don't care if you were first in the 2nd or 5th. I dont care if you were projected int he 2nd round by some people... what matters is you were drafted in round 2. you have the chance to play, possibly start in the NFL... sign the damn contract for whatever its worth... if you prove yourself to be worthy.. lets deal with it then. god i hate the NFL rookie deals..
Then the little baby should have been more careful and not hurt his hernia.. Now get the fing contract signed and get on the field and start showing my SON what your made of!!! Dammit! Now you see where my boy get's it from!
Hopefully the relationship between the agent and the FO will help make negotiations easier, but agents are agents. There is a pretty big difference between getting payed like the last pick in the 1st round and the first pick in the 2nd. I'm sure they might argue that the Pats loss of a draft pick makes him a 1st round player. Hopefully they get him signed and in camp on time. btw Sweet sig Hulk
Actually I think he should get a contract more similar to that of the 32nd pick. He was the 32nd player picked - just because it happened to be in the 2nd round instead of the 1st round this year shouldn't change that. I don't think he would be whining or anything to hold out for what Gonzalez got last year - it only makes sense. If it were me I would sure as hell say I was the 32nd pick - not the 33rd - so pay me as such. There seems to be a huge difference between the two deals.
Whether his agent likes it or not his client will be slotted in between the 31st and 33rd pick.Thats how it works. Any holdout will work against the player and will get him in the Dolphins doghouse very quickly.
It's a very tricky situation. I don't know how they are going to sort that out but I'm sure Ireland and the agents will get it done somehow....hopefully.