,0,7598687.story It better be, unless he gets cut Uh oh!. That prima donna better buckle his chin strap and get to work. I hope JT straightens him out and tells him to forget that s--- and stick to where his bread is buttered. What a great guy to teach him that lesson.
I do not care if he has a body of a geek god he has a good attitude and likes to play football. Just because someone is pretty enough to make money off his looks shouldn't be something you use against him. The guy gots to eat.
I happen to know a little something about this stuff {without getting into detail}, first of all, if he could'nt play football, he would'nt have a chance at being just a professional model. I hope he understands that thoroughly. I would bet money that he was the one who searched it out and not the reverse. His biggest weakness right now as a player is his strength and lack of bulk on his body, i surely hope that hes not avoiding power lifting exercises to avoid getting bigger. His workout video in the offseason was pretty weak. Bottom line, without football, he aint no model, so he better understand the difference.
I hear ya' bro. That's why I hope JT can give him some words of wisdom on this matter. He knows from experience and London isn't a millionth of the football player JT was and hopefully still is, so hopefully he learns the lesson, but we shall see...
I doubt he'd be on the team if he shied away from lifting. And his workout video from what I remember was more agility based training.. Something those big receivers gotta do.
Thats why i think hes the one who searched this venture out, this Yami Johnson from moreno ent., never heard of him, and without researching, good chance that hes pretty much 2nd rate, maybe 3rd. Lets put it this way, imo, if he doesnt make an impact as a football player he doesnt have a snowballs chance in hell to become a legitimate professional model..maybe some music video stuff, or doing some amatuer stuff for friends that he's made livin and goin out in new york. I dont like that he has even inquired about it {if that was the case} without making an impact on the field, little shady imo. there some ego there i recon. focus on your craft, which should be 100 percent football. Whatever though right,who really cares.
thats a good point, but not everyone does what their supposed to do to get better. We'll see ya know. maybe he was working on his blue steel too much. The video i watched from beginning to end, less then impressive, and a little to planned imo.
That brandon..."he's so hot right now".. The dude better be working on his game and not his zoolander.
I do. But only because one day, when he scores, I wish he busts one of these in front of the CB. [ame=""]YouTube - John Morrison Slow Motion Entrance[/ame]
All football players have things that is not football that they are interested in. I do not think this is much different than taking up drums or playing Madden for hours.
you probably right bro, let him think he can become a star, its not gonna hurt anybody else but him...i hope he improves on his game from last year