Miami Dolphins: Offseason Champs

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Piston Honda, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Not So Fast

    Not So Fast Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    Lake Worth, FL
    As long as it translates to playoff wins, I am happy.
  2. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    I think we've done really well so far. Not just Suh, but getting rid of underperforming players and adding possibly better ones or cheaper alternatives.

    But the draft is important. If we don't get good value out of the draft (at least two bona-fide starters and a few good backups), we'll be hurting the future of this team immensely because there are too many starters on a football team to build a perennial playoff contender through good FA moves alone.
    Aquafin likes this.
  3. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Until we fix the guard position, our off season will not be very good. As far as I am concerned, we need at least one starting guard. one starting LB. one quality back up Free Safety. One quality back up running back. For us to have had a great off season.
  4. TheMageGandalf

    TheMageGandalf Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    O-Line is an issue...can't have RT on his backside all the time and expect success beyond whatever we've had so far.

    The Guards on this team are either unproven (Turner) or BAD (Thomas). They are remaking other areas, which is fine because there where many holes on this team, but still, I hope they have an ace up their sleeve concerning this Offensive line.
  5. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    I agree that we need to bring in another quality starting guard, but don’t agree with the rest of what you said. I think our LB corps is good enough, IMO, especially now that we seem to have a pretty good DL with the addition of Suh. If McCain or Jordan can play the SLB role this season (a strong possibility), I don’t think LB will be a priority.
    I think a quality backup free safety is already on the roster in Michael Thomas and a quality backup RB can be had easily in this draft.

    So all in all, we seem to be going in the right direction… the offseason is far from over and we already addressed most of our glaring needs, so I’m pretty confident that we’ll fix the rest of them by the start of the season
  6. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    dolfan32323 and Piston Honda like this.
  7. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    I thought there were interesting passages:

    "During Stills’s two years in the league, no receiver has caught a higher percentage of that type of throw than he has, hauling in 63.2 percent. Compare that to Mike Wallace at 17.5 percent, good for 51st among the 57 receivers with at least 10 targets. It’s no surprise, then, that Wallace was quickly traded after the Stills deal went through.Stills gives the Dolphins a chance to separate Ryan Tannehill’s deep-ball struggles from those of his receivers — Miami is building a passing game synchronized with what Tannehill does well. His strength is his ability to accurately place the ball on short and intermediate throws, and the Dolphins have spent the past two offseasons collecting receivers who thrive in that area of the field. Jarvis Landry has the chance to develop into an underneath nightmare out of the slot, and to go with him, Miami has put together maybe the best tight end duo in the league."

    Scratch that part about the duo. Clay is gone.

    "A big question for Cameron as he entered free agency was his health. He missed six games last year because of concussion-related symptoms, and his deal with Miami includes up to $2.5 million in bonuses that depend on his game-day availability. If Cameron2 can stay healthy, the Dolphins will have a tight end capable of lining up both inline and out wide. Along with Landry, it would make for a pair of receiving options who win in the intermediate areas of the field."

    Billy Turner and Dallas Thomas are recent third-round picks who could certainly mature into worthwhile starters, but there might be a more aggressive option out there. As part of their own whirlwind offseason, the Eagles are reportedly trying to trade guard Evan Mathis. Mathis, 33, is slated to make $6.5 million this season and $7 million next year. Thanks to the cost-cutting moves they’ve made elsewhere, the Dolphins would be able to absorb Mathis’s cap figure this year and give their running game a significant boost. Offensive coordinator Bill Lazor was the quarterbacks coach in Philadelphia when Mathis transformed into a force on the line, and he’s a perfect fit for the scheme that Miami runs. It would be a bold move, but no more bold than the moves for Suh or Stills or Cameron. The Dolphins have done a lot of work — and spent a lot of money — to upgrade their offense, and Mathis would be the ideal final piece. Why get shy now?"
  8. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    I'm higher on the OL than many. Thomas is decent and can play either spot, his struggles came at OT. Hopefully Turner can fill the other spot. The key will be keeping them al healthy, Albert especially.

    MLB and CB are concerns, depth at DT and WR. A good draft should be able to address those.
    mlb1399 likes this.
  9. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    What you think about the draft class at those positions? (Honest question)
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Can't be off season champs when you let Hartline walk.
  11. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Misi is constantly hurt. Even when he is not missing games, hes constantly hampered or having to come out of drives because of injury. I am not sure what in our LB corp you have seen, to make you confident we are good there. But I am the exact opposite. I think LB and Guard are massive holes in our team, and we will not excel until those are fixed. Albeit we dont have to have world beaters at LB with our DL. But we still have to have good LB play.

    You may be right about Michael Thomas. But we better hope you are. Delmas is decent. You can win with him at FS. But the question is, will he be there? I think his injury history is not good to say the least.

    I can agree RB can be fixed in the draft. I agree, a long ways to go yet on the off season.

    I have no clue about guard to be honest. But I do like this draft for LB and RB.
    Silverphin likes this.
  12. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    Mathis sounds like a godsend. Hope we get him.

    Why the NFL doesn't expand the roster and the draft are beyond me. The talent pool is deep enough and the injuries keep mounting.

    Every year you hear about the guy who was working at the mall last week making a start in the NFL. What's up with that?!?

    You could take a lot of pressure off the entire league, from the players to the coaches to the doctors, if they just made a 90 man roster.
  13. Phins Up Wins Up

    Phins Up Wins Up Banned

    Nov 27, 2014
    They aren't offseason champions. They haven't done enough. The Suh signing and Cameron signing are good. Brice McCain will be good for the nickel and dime. But they have other holes to fill. WR, MLB, CB, FS, and G. In the draft I'm hoping for MLB and WR. So free agency that leaves FS, CB, and G. But all the best options are gone. If they had signed good players out of at least 2 of those 3 positions that would have been a great offseason. As for the holes still left I guess at FS they will have to go with Delmas and CB Taylor again. Which isn't too bad honestly. Delmas was playing good before his injury and Taylor had shown stints of playing like a starting CB before he went down. The pass defense the 1st half of the season was 2nd best in the NFL if I recall correctly before some of the injuries. With the addition of Suh it will make things easier for Wake and Vernon and in turn will help out this pass defense to hopefully return to among the best in the league. But they still need a guard. Wish they could sign someone even if it is some veteran to play here for a year or two. Then WR and MLB first 2 rounds. BPA 1st round and then the other position in round 2. Offseason could have been better but I still think this team can do something special this next season.
    77FinFan likes this.
  14. Phins Up Wins Up

    Phins Up Wins Up Banned

    Nov 27, 2014
    Who you got playing MLB? I hope not Misi.
  15. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
  16. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    I am not saying we have a great LB corps by any means, I just think that with the addition of Suh and possible development of McCain or Jordan, they will be adequate enough to get the job done this upcoming season. I would put guard, cornerback, and wide receiver ahead of linebacker in a scale of importance right now... it's very hard to upgrade every position in one offseason, so you have to pick and choose which you would rather invest in. If we can upgrade it, great, if not, I wouldn't stress over it.
  17. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Saw the term "fish" in the headline link, and decided to skip this one.

    Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 4
  18. DevilFin13

    DevilFin13 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Exactly. Insanely rich owners are penny penchers who want to spend as little on players as possible.
  19. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    The reason the Dolphins have been a mediocre team for the past six years is because they have had a below average offensive line and a defense which falls apart late in the season when the playoffs are on the line.

    Right now with questions regarding when Albert will be ready and if he will be as effective when he does return, the OL still remains a huge question mark at this time. Hopefully they will add a talented starting guard in the draft and one of the young offensive linemen will step up to be a solid starter at the other guard position.

    The LB position still needs to be addressed. You have one solid starter in Jenkins and an often injured Misi as the only LB's on the roster who have much experience. The Dolphins need a play making MLB and that player is not on the roster at this time.

    While the signing of Delmas is nice. With his injury history, it is unlikely he is going to make it through the entire season without missing more games. I also don't know if they actually have a reliable CB to start opposite Grimes.

    If some of the young players step up and show they can be effective as starters, the Dolphins should improve this coming season. If not, I suspect we will see another season of mediocrity in Miami.

    Of course the biggest problem I see with this franchise is at the head coaching position and until a change is made at that position, I just don't see this team making the playoffs.
  20. Killer Bees

    Killer Bees Bringin' the Ruckus

    Aug 14, 2011
    I agree 100% but I think we need a starting RB opposed to a back up. Miller is capable but he's not a true starter IMO, we need a game changer back there. I know we have bigger needs i.e. G, LB and CB but I wouldn't be opposed to drafting a RB in the first round either.
  21. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    The only back we've had in 20+ years that could change the game as much as Miller was Ricky. Millers a game changer, he just needs a banger/receiver behind him.
  22. 77FinFan

    77FinFan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Buckeye Land
    I don't think Miller is a game changer. Game one, Moreno was a game changer. He brought the whole team up w/ him that day, had attitude to spare.
  23. Aquafin

    Aquafin New Member

    Jun 16, 2011
    the poor house
    that is the dumbest post in a long time Hartline was not a good receiver he falls down too easy and good receivers know how to score touchdowns Hartline couldn't find the end zone if you glued a map to his face . come on now He was overrated .
  24. muskrat21

    muskrat21 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2014
    hasn't miami been offseason champs the 2 previous years as well? Where has that gotten us?
  25. Califin

    Califin Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Tough to say, but I'll still take it over offseason loser.
  26. LBsFinest

    LBsFinest Banned

    Jul 24, 2012
    Lol Anonymous is taking the loss of his boy pretty hard....reminiscent of GMJohnson when Ireland was fired...wonder if he'll need some time away from the boards to mourn as well.
  27. Killer Bees

    Killer Bees Bringin' the Ruckus

    Aug 14, 2011
    Ehh, he has the potential but never seems to take advantage. I would take Ronnie Brown over Miller all day.
  28. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Lmao, weren't you the guy who said he had his own board for last years draft? Shouldn't you be working on it now?
  29. muskrat21

    muskrat21 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2014
    longest play from scrimmage in last years nfl season belongs to who?
  30. 77FinFan

    77FinFan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Buckeye Land
    I hate to be a douche, but yawn.
  31. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    I don't think we were offseason champs the previous 2 years...that's a real stretch. Wallace was meh...Albert was great...but I don't see calling that a champ offseason.

    This year's acquisitions, to this point, blow away the past 2 combined IMHO.
  32. LBsFinest

    LBsFinest Banned

    Jul 24, 2012
    It's okay my's time to move on. I know you probably called Ireland's office when his number leaked to thank him for all he'd done, Hartline's on social media so hopefully he saw your goodbye tweet.
  33. muskrat21

    muskrat21 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2014
    No one was saying wallace was a chump the offseason we brought him in... I'm pretty sure people were making posts about how awesome and good miami was gunna be. And they signed ellerbe and wheeler in that offseason too. They were supposedly going to be world beaters on defense, according to the forums those years... You can say in hindsight that we didn't win the offseason. But last year and the year before, without hindsight, people said miami won the offseason.

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