[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ-VjUKAsao"]YouTube - Pattie Maes: Unveiling game-changing wearable tech[/ame] Long video, but worth a watch.
Wow. I'm impressed!! Gotta love continuous global R&D and the brain childs of today. This is all pre-programmed though, in regards to the book reviews, newspaper and what not. Still, anxious to see what comes of this.
Incredible. Very raw so far but the applications can be mind boggling. The guy was literally dialling phone numbers on the palm of his own hand. It's like using touch screen but the screen can be of any surface. That looks like the future. It'll have to b developed more practically of cause but ...amazing.
As she says at the end of the video, it's still very much a work in progress and could be ten years before the finished product is ready to market, but just to know that this is something that is being developed is kind of exciting. Though at some point we're going to have to step back and re-assess the merits and/or flaws of becoming a society so reliant on technology.
Pretty awesome. I'm glad that at least some people are thinking "out of the box" in terms of the advances we could see from technology. Trowa, I don't see reliance on technology as a problem in and of itself; from a practical standpoint the big limitation to that today is power - if we were to lose the national grid for an extended period, say by an act of terrorism - how would you power everything? But that could be addressed via increased storage capacity and shorter recharge times for portable power sources. The bigger issue is over-commercialization. It doesn't do you a whole lot of good, for instance, to have the amazing capability to draw a wriswatch on your arm to find the time, only to be forced to sit through 30 seconds of commercials first. If a firm grasp could be held on service sourcing - or, rather, a firm stiff-arm to keep corporations from exploiting the technology to the nth degree - then all of it could be a real boon. Otherwise, it just becomes another marketing medium. And that's not to say that I think all marketing or commerce is a bad thing - just that if it encumbers the intended action by placing an undue burden on the end user, it does nullify a lot of the intended benefit.
But, on the plus side this is another step towards real life becoming just like Shadowrun. Wait...is that really a good thing?