My Aunt Joyce has been in the hospitail for almost two weeks now, the doctors have found two blood clots in her legs, and they found another in her lungs. The clot in her lungs seperated into two pieces which they were happy about becuase the pieces are easier to dissolve when there small. She's been on a tube to help her breathe (i forget what its called i think a ventallizer?) but she is an amazing woman and is also my Godmother. Please pray for her and her health.
Your Aunt and indeed your whole family have my prayers as well as the others. What she is on is called a ventalator. What is happening to her is very serious but also treatable. She will be on "blood thinning" agents for some time even after she is out of the hospital and will have to watch her diet and be careful of bruises but she should be fine. Has she recently had surgery or taken a very long trip in an airplane? Those two things are the most common causes for this uncommon ailment. As a parish pastor for 25 years I have seen a number of parishoners with the condition and they ended up doing fine. Keep us in the loop and again know you have a lot of new folks praying for her and you! By the way and off topic, you and your girl friend look great in that avatar picture. She is very cute and you look very happy! Best wishes!