I just got off the phone with my dad. Yes, he is doing better, and is going to the Cleveland Clinic on June 22nd. Here it is: DAD: Here's a good joke for you. ME: Ok. What is it? DAD: What has a one inch ***** and hangs down? ME: I don't know? DAD: A bat. ME: LOL DAD: What has a ten inch ***** and hangs up? ME: I don't know? DAD: ........***CLICK***.........***DIAL TONE*** I can't stop laughing.
I'd thank this post but my GF and son are on our way to go camping for the weekend and I can't thank on Tapatalk. LOL Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Has anyone else got somebody with this joke already? I got 3 of my friends and my ex now. Even my ex LOL'd. (and she's a freakin' b**ch)
Ok so I have this one driver that is a funny smart @$$ all the time. I just called him on his cell and say. Him: Hello Me: What has a one inch ***** and hangs down? Him: Click. Shortly after he comes across the company radio: Ha Ha Ha your not gunna get me. Sh**&^&%$%&^*(*^$