My Response To A Vegetarian

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by maynard, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    i was talking to a co-worker who was explaining why she is a vegetarian. she said its more healthy, which i think may be true. but mostly it is the treatment of animals.

    i mentioned how i dont eat red meat that i mostly eat chicken breast and raw tuna. she didnt like that lol. she went on about the dolphins, which i can respect i think

    i just sort of blurted out a rebuttal that i didnt plan but i think is pretty good:

    i said, you think human life is more valuable than the life of an animal, right? she said yes

    so i said: well tens of thousands of innocent people die in automobile accidents every year, but you still drive a car and dont want them banned do you?

    she just mumbled something and walked away. i think that was pretty good for off the cuff

    your thoughts on the issue?
  2. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    people have a right to choose what they eat and whether or not they drive.

    i do eat meat and don't drive.

    yet it doesn't mean i value animal meat over humans or vice versa.
  3. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    Good response, maynard...

    I usually just point out that I have canine teeth...

    Then, if that fails, I pity them for the inevitable day when scientists discover that plants have feelings. :wink2:
    finsgirlie, calphin, Pagan and 4 others like this.
  4. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    I think your crazy not to eat meat. We have Canines for a reason to tear into meat not lettuce.
  5. King Felix

    King Felix Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    i have no problem with someone being a vegetarian, and i dont see any reason to talk about them.
    late again and Fin D like this.
  6. Lt Dan

    Lt Dan Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 23, 2008
    Eglin AFB, Fl
    Do people think God made animals to prance around and look cute?? NO!! They were made to be eaten!
    calphin, Soundwave, like2god and 2 others like this.
  7. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    some treatment of the animals is despicable. as weird as it may sound, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about killing animals for food. my wife doesn't eat meat, except fish, and its cool. she isnt, never was a big meat eater, but certain foods she has a point about cruelty, like fois gras and veal, is sort of cruel and unusual. i dont eat that anymore. but i crave meat and have to have it.

    though if i knew for a fact that if i quit meat, the world would too, then i'd give it up.
    but thats not the case, so i'll see you at Morton's next tuesday!
    Fin D and BuckeyeKing like this.
  8. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    i dont either
  9. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    i agree, except i value humans over animals. god and my brain tells me so lol
  10. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    Couple of things.

    I agree 100% with you on treatment of animals

    But Hunting I have 1 issue with Hunting and thats if you kill a Animal you better eat it and not just for the joy of killing something.
    Boik14 likes this.
  11. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    NJ issue isnt so much with hunting, as it is with crappy hunters who suck and just maim these poor animals into slow excruciating deaths.
  12. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    I don't get vegetarians... I side with Vincent in the pulp fiction discussion.

    I also don't get why people think it's bad animals die. It's a natural cycle of the food chain. You never hear people ***** about the cheetah who snags the slow gazelle. It's just nature taking it's course.
  13. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    you mean the pork discussion?

    i have to agree there, bacon does taste gooood.
    Clark Kent likes this.
  14. Jaydog57

    Jaydog57 Canes/Fins/Magic fan

    Jun 25, 2008
    Daytona Beach, FL
    I hate when people do that ****. Next time throw a rock at him and when he gets pissed just tell him you wanted to see what he would do.:shifty:
    Boik14, Pagan, Fin D and 4 others like this.
  15. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    My only problem with vegetarians is that so many of them seem to feel the need to try and push vegetarianism on others.

    I have never once told someone to put down the carrot they're chewing on and eat a steak, yet I have been told on a few occasions that I should stop eating meat for various reasons.
  16. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Did she close her eyes when she talked about it?

  17. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    I see it this way:

    There's plenty of animals that would like to make a 3 course meal out of me. So why should I feel bad about eating another animal?

    My gf is/was recently on a not eating chicken kick bc one of her teachers showed her some disgusting slaughter house video. Doing stuff like that is another example of why these "activists" or as I like to call them, "attempted intellectuals", need to keep their opinions to themselves and stop having a parade/sit in for every issue that pops up in their newspaper.

    I hate people who are only interested in causes just so they can chime in their opinion and piss the rest of us off. Like little kids who need attention...
  18. UCF FINatic

    UCF FINatic The Miami Dolphins select

    Apr 17, 2008
    I gave up meat for everyday except Saturdays for Lent.

    I am finding it extremely difficult and am eating more junk food now than when I was eating meat daily, nightly and ever so rightly. I have mad props for Vegetarians, but I miss eating meat.
    Rocky Raccoon likes this.
  19. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    So when a bear has a choice between eating a fish or cracking open a bee hive for honey, what is it doing?

    Your saying animals don't factor in how something tastes when they choose what they want to eat? Completely untrue. The human body doesn't need protein and other nutrients found in meat to grow? Oook. There's a lot more that goes into eating meat then just, "because I think it tastes good."

    And there's no, "knowing better." That statement makes it sound like anyone who eats meat is choosing a vice.
  20. Hellion

    Hellion Crash Club Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Here and there
    Without getting into a long drawn out discussion about it, i'd like to say anyone who calls something stupid better have reaserched it and understand the need or needlessness for something like hunting.
    Everything has an upside and down side to it. Yes there are bad hunters thats give good hunters a bad name and the media and Peta love to highlight the bad things that go on. As long as the human species continues to populate the Earth without any control, and continue to intrude on animals natural habitat then it is up to us to manage the population of the wildlife for our protection and theirs.
    How many people that live in growing cities have seen land developed that was once a large field or small forest? Where do you think those animals go? That means less food, more consintration of the wildlife population and starvation, ever see a whitetail deer starving to death? or a Coytote? Ever see the results of a deer car acident? When winter rolls around and deer wander to the roadside to eat grass where snow melted away from the shoulders and then run infront of a car, smashing through the windshield and killing somone. Or causing someone to panic and swerve and hit another vehical doing 60 MPH head on. If the population wasn't controlled it would be even worse. It also hits none hunters in the pocket as well. It drives up the cost of auto insurance.

    And for those that think meat goes to waste, hunters donate meat to low income families every year.

    450,000+ out of 1.8 million whitetail deer were harvested last season in Michigan. Imagine if we stopped hunting for one year. You'd have deseased and starving deer migrating into other states. Spreading CWD (Chronic waste disease) and TB (Bovine Tuberculosis). Not to mention intrusions in to towns and peoples yards were the animals waste can cause disease in humans.

    And I didn't even get into Bear hunting or small game.

    I'll say this about hunting that i truely hate, poachers and game farms. Game farms should be illegal because they raise animals for the sole purpose of hunting and it's not even really hunting, and are generally run by clubs. It serves no purpose for wildlife control and is a breading ground for TB and CWD. And poaching laws need to be even more strict.

    But I just love it when people who live in cities that haven't seen a wild animal since their last trip to the zoo make judgements on something they have no clue of it's importance. Like I said before, lets stop hunting for a few years and see just how quickly those people are complaining about wild animals over running their lovely suburban homes. Deer ,Bear coyotes, Pinemartins, Racoons, Fox ect... They are not loveble Disney characters.
    Cosmic, Pagan, like2god and 4 others like this.
  21. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007

    maybe you missed the part where the vegan started the conversation?

    I have pointy meat eating teeth.. I use them... omnivore I am.

    It has been supposed that it was the extra protein aquired when we began learning to eat and digest meat.. likely as scavengers that allowed our brain to increase in size and complexity. There was no equivelent in the plant world available to our knuckle dragging ancestors. It is also supposed that fish and shell fish may have been the start because early man, like modern man, covets the coast, and exploits the bounty of the sea. It is sad that all of this is now covered by ocean and we have no way to really examine these earliest of settlements.
  22. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    I don't think your comeback is very good at all.

    People drive cars of their own free will knowing the risk. Animals don't offer themselves up to be killed and cooked. In fact I'd say your comeback makes no sense at all man.

    And LOL at the animal population thing. We breed our food, sure the animal population would probably be larger if we didn't but it wouldn't get out of controll. It's not like we're eating the extras.

    I USED to be vegetarian, and honestly I still think it's the right thing. However society is hard to live in when you're very different from other people.
    #1 fan and Fin D like this.
  23. Miamian

    Miamian Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2007
    Jerusalem, Israel
    People are often hypocrites. I'll never forget a text I read once in college that stated "I have an Earth First! bumper sticker on my car that leaks oil wherever it goes."

    I used to work at a fast-food Chinese place and we used styrofoam takeout containers. Once a couple of barely-20 girls decided to direct their criticism at me. I would've gotten reprimanded if I had asked them where they live, betting that it was probably Kendall since Miami was until very recently a doughnut-shaped city. They wouldn't have a problem with using a car to get around, pushing development further into the Everglades, etc. Only their battles are important.

    Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very weak around animals. Coincidentally, I happened to mention to one of my housemates last night that I had a lesson with the arsehole and he said "oh, the one that laughed about your cat?" When I said "yeah" he said "you know Michael, it is kind of funny." I wasn't happy afterwards and later that night he apologized for belittling my grief. Does that mean that I don't eat meat? I do eat meat. Like many I eat mostly chicken and sometimes tuna (and yes, I make sure it's dolphin-safe). I don't criticize vegetarians and the ones that are my friends don't criticize me either.
  24. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    thats true. dont get me started on that lunatic octuplet mom. she should be tarred and feathered.

    countries need to consider a less extreme method similar to China's birth restrictions. maybe start imposing heavy taxes for people who have more than 3 children. forced vasectomy for dads fathering more than 3 kids. i mean, that is whats pandemic. all these unsuitable parents, birthing more kids than they can handle, polluting the population and planet...making everyone else pay for their carelessness.
  25. Hellion

    Hellion Crash Club Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Here and there

    What education or experiance do you have? I have been hunting basically all my life i was raised that way, my entire family and friends hunt, I have a brother in law who is a game warden I have a cousin who works for the fish and game department of Michigan. I have two friends that are DNR officers for the state of Michigan. I live in one of the most populated area's for wildlife in Michigan. There are more deer in the State of Michigan than any other. I was born and raised in an area that lifestyle IS hunting. So in otherwards you are bringing a plastic spork to a gun fight.

    The "we breed our own food" comment. Spoken like a guy that has never been outside of his backyard. The animal population would "probably be larger"? Maybe? Where did you get your fantastic wildlife management degree from? The deer population would at the very least increase 50% in size depending on the severity of the winter. More like 65%. Thats just the deer. It's not an opinion it's a fact.

    Again i am not talking about animals on a farm. LOL funny how you think a cow is wildlife though. Not Chickens, not pigs not stray dogs and cats.

    Ask the Florida wildlife management what would happen if they decided to let the gator population manage itself.

    I have know idea what you are trying to say here.
    If we didn't hunt and manage the wildlife population then how would it stay in control? Would they manage themselves? LOL. Explain please how that is possible?

    eating the extra what?
    NaboCane, calphin, Cosmic and 4 others like this.
  26. opfinistic

    opfinistic Braaaaains!

    Dec 7, 2007
    Peeking in Nabo's Basement
    I rue the day when they discover pasta has feelings.

    I like vegetarians. More Ribeyes for me!
  27. femalefinfan

    femalefinfan Phillies fan Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    I have no problems with people being vegetarians, as long as they don't try to "convert" me. You eat what you want, I'll eat what I want and leave it at that.

    But there's one thing I've always wondered, do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
    Boik14, NaboCane, BuckeyeKing and 6 others like this.
  28. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    its a weird situation really.....i was watching "no country for old men" months ago with my wife and was the scene down in the pit area where they are walking through after the drug deal went bad.....and all these dead bodies are everywhere....

    the camera is panning shows a dead dog....and my sister and wife at the same time blurt out "awwwwwww"

    i pause the movie. I am like...."you see all these dead human beings...laying on the ground, with families, with kids, with babies, with wives.....silence. you see a dog....and tears start flowing."

    i dont get it really....why is a animals life held in higher regard as a humans? i understand those men chose to be there, they are druggies blah blah....but the human mind see's a dead see a dead dog.....tears....

    my family cried the most in "i am legend" when he had to kill samantha (the dog) more then when his daughter and wife died....WTF.....

    its odd.

    i love meat. /end of my post

  29. opfinistic

    opfinistic Braaaaains!

    Dec 7, 2007
    Peeking in Nabo's Basement
    Guilty. I cried like a baby when that poor dog died.
    Pagan and SICK like this.
  30. PMZQ

    PMZQ Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Miami, FL
    I have no problem if the hunter only hunts to obtain food, but if its just to slaughter for the fun of it, that is sick and I have a problem with that.
  31. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    My wife is Vegan. FTR, that means she doesn't eat anything from animals. She doesn't wear anything from animals. She doesn't use products that are tested on animals or products that come from places that test on animals. That is a different thing then being a Vegetarian. I am still a meat eater.

    There are 2 kinds of "animal" people: Pro Animal Rights & Pro Animal Welfare.

    Animal Rights people are Vegans first. You can't be AR without being a Vegan. Animal Welfare can be anything else. My wife is for animal rights I am for animal welfare. Many AR people don't like Animal Welfare people. Those are the ones that are idiots. They throw paint on fur coats, dress like chickens, support ALF, and do any number of asinine things. There are AR people, like my wife, you like welfarists, and think the best way to get through to someone is through a non confrontational and rational way. Here whole agenda is compassion, and you can't preach it without exercising it yourself. I feel the same way.

    I say all that, so people understand that people who want better lives for animals aren't all the same. I've tried to promote some welfare things on here, and I've been responded too as if I'm a crazy AR nut job. I'm sure that happens everywhere else. So I just wanted to set the record straight.

    Having said all that, it is time we took a look at how we get our meat. I challenge anyone out there who hates the ideas of animal rights or welfare to watch this movie: Earthlings. Here is a[ame=""] link to see it for free[/ame].

    Also understand that when a Vegetarian who is that way because of animals not because its healthier, feel like they are trying to save lives and suffering. Now whether you agree or not, at least understand the motivation. If the are veg because of health reasons only and are trying to push that on you, then they are just annoying as people who ***** about smoking. Do any of you who feel put upon by vegetarians do the same thing to smokers?
    Soundwave and Sethdaddy8 like this.
  32. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Well, no one is holding animals to a higher importance than humans, many are holding them to the same importance.

    As far as crying or having more reaction to dead dogs than dead people, that is more attributed to the fact that most of our entertainment shows dead people, very little shows dead dogs. If your family saw real dead people and real dead dogs, I'm sure their reactions would be quite different than from the movie. Not too mention, there's the whole dogs' only goal in life is please us, while we take care of them. That certainly sparks the nurturing parental reflex in a lot of people. Grown men drug dealers, don't generally have that effect.
    Rocky Raccoon, SICK and opfinistic like this.
  33. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC

    im only asking to get educated.....but does she wear clothes that are made in sweat shops by humans making no money? or by kids? does she research that? i only want to know if vegans are as strong about human rights as well......just asking cause you have "inside" knowledge on it ahah

    ive always wondered that
    calphin likes this.
  34. #1 fan

    #1 fan Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    dated a vegan for years, who was an extremist, and she tried to "convert" my friends. it was absolutely annoying.

    having said that, i've been a vegetarian for 11 years, and people always want to convert me to the "meat" side. it's annoying both ways.
    femalefinfan and Fin D like this.
  35. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Yes, actually. The only reason she has a diamond engagement ring from me is because it was purchased decades ago, by my grandfather for my grandmother. No one was subjected to the horrible conditions that diamond miners are subjected to.

    But none of that is the point. We all have our causes, negating one because someone isn't for one you feel is more important doesn't negate the other one. If it is so much more important, how do you do with your human causes? How careful are you with what you buy in regards to sweatshops? Do you go to the local shelter and feed homeless people?
  36. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    why did you get so defensive??? i never mocked your or your wifes choices....i asked a question....

    but it seems most people (that i have experience) that lean so far one way vegan etc.....dont put as much thought and work into other causes....just my experience....

    and no, i dont feed homeless, i dont ask where clothes have been made and how.....not that important to me. if i hear a brand does those things, i try not to purchase them.....but i get paid too little, and have too many bills to spend money on other issues, when i have my own.....
  37. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I don't have any problems with either side. I eat meat and I absolutely love animals for the most part. Like some have already said, the only problem I would have is when others try to push their beliefs on other people. We all have different visions, just let it be.
  38. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    The "comeback" Alex was referring to in his post was about the original poster's comeback in his conversation with the vegetarian.
    SICK likes this.
  39. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    No, no, no, I didn't mean to come off that way at all. I promise I wasn't being defensive. I was merely asking a question back. Seriously, i'm sorry that was not what I wanted to come across.

    The point I'm trying to make is you can't judge other people's causes by what you think is important.
    SICK likes this.
  40. dolphan117

    dolphan117 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Like most people in this thread I dont have a problem with someone choosing to be a Vegan.... I dont think its as healthy as a well balanced diet though and as has been pointed out by Helion if we stopped hunting it would cause the animal population to spike which would result in a depleted food supply for them which would then lead to a lot of animal starvation so I think people who criticise hunting need to gain a little more knowledge on the subject before they start bashing it.

    My biggest problem with the vegetarian movement is that it tends to be lead by organizations like PETA who are overly emotional and basically just nuts. It also kinda bugs me that some people get so bent out of shape about the welfare of animals while not caring nearly as much about the plight of our fellow humans suffering around the globe. I would much rather spend my energy/money supporting the education/feeding of disadvantaged children in a poverty stricken county they trying to save an obscure species of snail in some bay.

    And at the risk of taking this topic WAY off course I have always found it odd that most those who are passionately in support of animal rights and feel these tiny animals who have done nothing wrong are innocent and deserve to live also support the abortion of unborn fetuses/babies/whatever you want to call them who are innocent and have done nothing wrong. Even given the fact that most of them would say that human life is more important then animal life.

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