Specifically, it's about having attractive young ladies influence these teenagers into coming to UT. And some of them say it's worked!
Well I'll have to see what comes of this before passing judgment but I will say for a guy who worked on Pete Carroll's staff that Kiffin does some awful stupid things.
I agree and that's why I am waiting too see what the NCAA says but still Kiffin acts like he's never coached in college before.
If you read the article, some of the players interviewed are quoted as saying that only UT has sent the girls to their HS games. That is probably where the violation occurs. You add this to all his other 'violations' I think the NCAA is taking a hard line on him. Probably more so than some other teams.
There's a little more to it than sending a hot chick out of state. Check out this from Deadpsin: http://deadspin.com/5422400/tennessees-hostess-program-catches-recruits-and-ncaas-eyes-updated
Never heard anything about any football program sending girls to promote recruitment. I hope there's something messed up with this story, the Vols football team need to go into next year totally positive. They've had enough problems this season rebuilding their program.
Anyone else thinking that Kiffin learned this from his buddy Pete Carrol? Something tells me he did and USC is just better at hiding it.
I know some people associated with NCAA (not directly with the NCAA) and while I know nothing of this situation I can say these people are regular people that have regular everyday issues.......bottom line....IMHO...Kiffin pissed on somebody's Wheaties and pissed someone off and will have a target on his back until the end of time or until whomever he pissed off moves on...if you think that this does not happen almost everywhere then well.....happy hallucinations and feliz navidad..........UT was probably just more blatant about it and Kiffin is nothing if not arrogant arrogant enough to think he can do something like this and get away with it...come to think of it, Kiffin does not seem real up to date on rules anyway.......................maybe he really is that dumb.
All makes sense to me. IF you do hear anything about it, I'd be interested to hear the details. Thanks Ray.